Events open to the public from the University of Cambridge

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William Blake etching named Head of a Damned Soul.

William Blake’s Universe

Discover William Blake’s universe and a constellation of European artists seeking spirituality in their lives and art in response to war, revolution and political turbulence.

Museums at Night

Fri 15 May 2015

Fitzwilliam Museum

Come and explore the world class collections of the Fitzwilliam Museum and its exhibitions after hours.

There will be a variety of special events to choose from throughout the evening (listed below) and the Courtyard Café and Shop will be open late, with refreshments and cakes available from the Café until 20.30.

16.00, 17.00, 19.00 & 20.00
The Imagination Museum
Allow us to introduce you to Mildred, Henry and Harriet, three eccentric tour-guides who will bring to life a series of Museum artefacts through words and movement. The Imagination Museum has been created with choreography by Katie Green, in collaboration with writer Anna Selby, with original music by Max Perryment. It will awaken everyone’s curiosity and desire to explore the nooks and crannies of the Museum space.
Admission is by timed ticket released on the day, in batches, from the Museum’s Courtyard Entrance.

18.00 (Seminar Room)
David Kindersley - Alphabetician
The Hidden Face of Lettering
An illustrated talk by Lida Kindersley, to complement the Museum display.

18.30 (Gallery 3)
A dedicated follower of fashion: Fashion aficionados from the seventeenth-century and today
A talk with Ulinka Rublack, Maisie Broadhead and Isabella Newell, to complement the display A Young Man’s Progress.

New oysters, fresh oysters! (Gallery 3)
A performance of sung street cries from the seventeenth and eighteenth-centuries by Caius Consort, to complement the Treasured Possessions exhibition.

For information about other after-hours events for Museums at Night, visit: https://www.cam.ac.uk/museums-and-collections/whats-on/museums-at-night-14-15-may-2015

Cost: Free

Enquiries and booking

No need to book.


All times

Fri 15 May 2015 4:00PM - 9:00PM


Address: Fitzwilliam Museum
Trumpington Street
Email: fitzmuseum-enquiries@lists.cam.ac.uk
Telephone: +44 1223 332900
Fax: +44 1223 332923