Events open to the public from the University of Cambridge

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The Betty Behrens Seminar on Classics of Historiography

Paul Seaward on "The History of the Rebellion" by Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon

Shakespeare for Dummies or When Actors Work with Puppets

Thu 20 November 2014

Lucy Cavendish College

Carol Chillington Rutter is Professor of Shakespeare and Performance Studies at the University of Warwick and a National Teaching Fellow. A historian of the early modern stage, she also writes contemporary theatre history, using theatre archives and the material remains of performance.

Her books include Enter the Body: Women and Representation on Shakespeare's Stage and Shakespeare and Child's Play: Performing Lost Boys on Stage and Screen.

Her current project concerns Henry Wotton in Venice 1604-1610 ; with the help of archives she is writing a biography of this English ambassador — who took up his appointment to Venice just as King James I, who sent him, was settling down to watch a play called The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice.

These events are free of charge and available to the general public. Book early to avoid disappointment.

Cost: Free

Enquiries and booking

Please note that booking is required for this event.

Enquiries: Jeanette Ariano Website


All times

Thu 20 November 2014 6:00PM - 7:00PM


Address: Lucy Cavendish College
Lady Margaret Road
Email: lcc-admin@lists.cam.ac.uk
Telephone: 01223 332190
Fax: 01223 332178