Events open to the public from the University of Cambridge

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The Betty Behrens Seminar on Classics of Historiography

Paul Seaward on "The History of the Rebellion" by Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon

Professor John Hutton’s retirement party with members of the faculty of archaeology and anthropology dressed in museum artefacts, 1950,

 “The Anthropology and Archaeology Department was far more interesting than any primitive tribe,” M Summers (m.1949)

The anthropology and archaeology department was far more interesting than any primitive tribe,” former student Mary Conn 1949

Wed 25 February 2015

Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology

In 1915, Miles Burkitt offered to lecture on prehistoric archaeology as part of the first undergraduate degree in archaeology and anthropology in the UK. This seminal degree went on to become well-known and honoured worldwide for its graduates over 100 years, with an impact that makes it one of the most successful subjects of all time . This year, 2015, is our Centennial.

You are invited to a photographic history of the archaeology and anthropology at the University of Cambridge over the last 100 years. In honour of the centennial celebration. Based on hundreds of interviews with former undergraduates, this illustrated talk reveals how 1920s students hoped to create world peace by studying the deep past. The story of how women were first admitted to Cambridge in 1948 will also be told..

Cost: free

Enquiries and booking

No need to book.

Enquiries: Pamela Jane Smith Website Email: pjs1011@cam.ac.uk Telephone: 07976 919083


All times

Wed 25 February 2015 4:00PM - 6:00PM


Address: Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
first floor, Division of Archaeology
Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3DZ
Email: pjs1011@cam.ac.uk
Telephone: 07976 919083