Statutes and Ordinances of the University of Cambridge
pp. 69–70

University bodies; miscellaneous provisions; delegation
(Special Ordinance under Statute A X 8)

1. Whenever in any Statute or Ordinance provision is made for the election or appointment of members of any Board, Syndicate, or other body, in such case unless it is otherwise expressly provided by Statute or Ordinance as the case may be

  1. (a)a retiring member shall, if in all respects qualified, be able to be re-elected or reappointed;
  2. (b)any casual vacancy shall be filled by the election or appointment of a member to serve for the unexpired portion of the period of service of his or her predecessor; such an election or appointment shall be made in accordance with the provisions of any Statute or Ordinance prescribing arrangements for elections or appointments to the body concerned, provided that the University or the General Board, as appropriate, may make Ordinances, or regulations, respectively, permitting the filling of a casual vacancy by co-optation.

2. The University may make Ordinances in pursuance of which a member of the Council, of any Board, Syndicate, or Committee, or of the Council of a School, shall, if not a member ex officio, vacate his or her membership on account of failure to attend meetings.

3. The University may by Ordinance make regulations as to the number of members which shall constitute a quorum, as to the majority necessary for the decision of certain questions, and for the procedure of every University body generally, and subject thereto the body may itself make such regulations. Subject to any Ordinance and to any regulation made by the body, elections or decisions shall be made by a majority of the members present and voting, but only if there is a quorum; provided that the Chair of a meeting shall be entitled when there is an equality of votes to give a second or casting vote. When there is not present at a meeting the Chair of the body, or any person otherwise entitled to preside, the members present shall appoint a chair of the meeting.

4. A University body may appoint committees for any such general or special business as in the opinion of the body may be better regulated or managed by means of a committee, and may delegate to any committee so appointed, or to any University officer, with or without restrictions or conditions, the exercise of any functions proper to the body, provided that

  1. (a)such delegation shall not relieve the delegating body of responsibility for the matter delegated;
  2. (b)members of the delegating body shall have the right of access to all papers considered by such committees or persons;
  3. (c)subject to any contrary provision of Statutes or Ordinances, such delegation shall not extend
  4. (i)to any election or appointment to a University office,
  5. (ii)to any decision of a University court or disciplinary panel established by Statute D II;
  6. (iii)to any resolution concerning the award of a degree, diploma, certificate, or other qualification; or
  7. (iv)to any other matter specified by Ordinance; and
  8. (d)such delegation may be withdrawn (either generally or in respect of a specific matter) at any time.

5. No person in statu pupillari shall be present, whether as a member or otherwise, at a meeting of any body constituted in the University by Statute, or of any other body appointed by such a statutory body, for the discussion of, or decision on, any matter which the Chair of the meeting declares to be reserved. The following matters shall be reserved:

  1. (i)the employment or promotion, or any matter relating to the employment or promotion, of individuals by the University;
  2. (ii)the admission and academic assessment of individuals;
  3. (iii)such other matters as may be specified by Statute or Ordinance in respect of any particular body or class of bodies; and
  4. (iv)any other matter at the discretion of the Chair;

provided that none of the provisions of this section shall apply to meetings of the Regent House for discussion, to Congregations of the Regent House, or to meetings of any court or disciplinary panel constituted by or under Statute D.

Service as a member of a Board, Syndicate, or other body shall be deemed not to be employment for the purpose of (i) above; nevertheless, appointments, nominations for appointment, or co-optations of persons to serve as members of Boards, Syndicates, or other bodies may be reserved under (iii) or (iv) above.

In any case of doubt, the Chair shall decide whether an item of business is reserved and the Chair’s decision shall be final. No person in statu pupillari shall receive papers relating to any item of reserved business, except that members of any body constituted by Statute, or of any body appointed by such a statutory body, who are in statu pupillari may, if the statutory body so decides, receive minutes of the decisions taken on reserved business.

6. In any Ordinance or Regulation the term ‘external member’ shall mean any person who at the time of appointment is not qualified to be a member of the Regent House except under Statute A III 10 (a)(ii) nor is an employee of the University or a College.