Statutes and Ordinances of the University of Cambridge
pp. 1001–1026

In this section


Amended by Grace 5 of 15 February 2012

Finance Committee.

1. The Finance Committee of the Council shall consist of:

  1. (a)the Vice-Chancellor, or a duly appointed deputy, who shall be Chairman;
  2. (b)three members of the Regent House elected by representatives of the Colleges;
  3. (c)four persons appointed by the Council, at least two of whom shall be members of the Regent House;
  4. (d)one member of the General Board appointed by the General Board;
  5. (e)three members of the Regent House appointed by Grace of the Regent House;
  6. (f)not more than two persons co-opted by the Committee, provided that it shall not be obligatory for the Committee to co-opt any person or persons;

subject always to the requirement that not less than three members of the Committee (including the Vice-Chancellor) shall be members of the Council. The Registrary or a University officer designated from time to time by the Council shall act as Secretary of the Committee.

Appointment and tenure.

2. Members in classes (b)–(e) shall be appointed or elected in the Michaelmas Term, and shall serve from 1 January next following. Members in classes (b) and (e) shall serve for three years, and members in classes (c) and (d) for four years. Co-opted members shall serve until 31 December of the year in which they are co-opted, or of the year next following, as the Committee shall determine at the time of their co-optation. If a member in class (b) or class (e) ceases to be a member of the Regent House, or if the member in class (d) ceases to be a member of the General Board, such a member's seat shall thereupon become vacant.

College representatives.

3. For the purpose of the election of members of the Committee in class (b), each College shall appoint one representative, whose name shall be communicated to the Registrary. The election shall be conducted in accordance with the Single Transferable Vote regulations; voting shall be by postal ballot. The arrangements for the election shall be determined by the Registrary.


4. No business shall be conducted at a meeting of the Finance Committee unless five members at least are present.


5. It shall be the duty of the Council, acting through the Finance Committee:

  1. (a)to collect the contributions for University purposes due from the several Colleges under the provisions of Statute G, II;
  2. (b)to publish the accounts of the several Colleges;
Property and securities.

6. The Finance Committee shall have authority under the Council to exercise the powers of the University under Statute F, III, 1–3, subject to Regulations 9 and 10 below and subject to the following restrictions:

  1. (a)approval by Grace of the Regent House shall be required for the sale or transfer of any real or leasehold property belonging to the University, or for the grant of a lease on behalf of the University for a period of sixty years or more, if in the judgement of the Council such a sale or lease would deprive the University of the use of lands or buildings which are of present or prospective use to the University;
  2. (b)all investments capable of registration shall be registered in the name of the Chancellor, Masters, and Scholars of the University of Cambridge or of nominees appointed by resolution of the Finance Committee;
  3. (c)all certificates for securities shall be deposited for safe custody at a bank or other recognized financial institution, which shall be approved by resolution of the Finance Committee;
  4. (d)all purchases and sales of bearer bonds or securities transferable by mere delivery or by delivery and endorsement shall be conducted through bankers approved for the purpose by resolution of the Finance Committee;
  5. (e)approval by Grace of the Regent House shall be required for the grant of security for any loan, and the terms of any loan so secured shall provide for the repayment of the loan within fifty years or less either by annual instalment or otherwise.

7. Barclays Bank plc shall be Bankers to the University until further order.

Financial year.

8. The financial year of the University shall end on 31 July.

9. Regulations 6–8 shall not apply to the finance and property of the University Press, which shall be governed by Statute J and by the regulations for the Press Syndicate made under that Statute and Regulation 6 shall not apply in connection with the management, development, and stewardship of the North West Cambridge Estate which is the responsibility of the West and North West Cambridge Estates Syndicate, which shall be governed by regulations for that Syndicate made under Statute A, VI, 1.

10. In order to facilitate the management of investments under the control of the University the Council may at any time and from time to time resolve that all or any part of the endowments or other funds of the University and of the funds of any specific trust for purposes connected with the University of which the University is trustee (hereinafter called the constituent funds) be treated as one amalgamated fund invested for the rateable benefit of the constituent funds and to and upon any such resolution the following provisions shall apply:

  1. (a)an investment shall not be brought into an amalgamated fund upon its first constitution or upon any change of investment unless it is an authorized investment for all the constituent funds;
  2. (b)an amalgamated fund shall be held on behalf of the constituent funds in shares as nearly as may conveniently be proportionate to their respective capital values upon the first constitution of the amalgamated fund; such shares shall be fixed by resolution of the Council on the recommendation of the Finance Committee of the Council;
  3. (c)the Council, on the recommendation of the Finance Committee of the Council, may at any time increase any amalgamated fund by adding thereto new constituent funds and upon any such increase shall fix the share of such new constituent funds in the resulting amalgamated fund;
  4. (d)the Council may at any time wind up any amalgamated fund and divide the investments thereof between the constituent funds in proportion to their respective shares therein or may bring all or any of the shares into a new or other amalgamated fund in accordance with the provisions of this regulation;
  5. (e)the Council may appropriate and distribute for expenditure as much of the fair value of any amalgamated fund as prescribed by Ordinance as it considers in its absolute discretion is prudent having regard to the total return achieved and reasonably to be expected in the long term of the amalgamated fund and distribute in proportion to the constituent funds at the time of the distribution.

11. The Council, the Finance Committee, and the General Board shall jointly issue regulations for the financial and operational management of University sites and buildings.

Buildings Committee.

12. The Buildings Committee shall be a joint committee of the Council and the General Board. It shall be the duty of the Buildings Committee:

  1. (a)within the terms of sites and buildings approved by the Council, the Finance Committee, and the General Board from time to time
  2. (i)to consider and give technical approvals for building proposals submitted to them in accordance with regulations for sites and buildings approved by the Council, the Finance Committee, and the General Board;
  3. (ii)to consider and give such approvals as it thinks fit for the delegation of responsibility for maintenance and building work; and
  4. (iii)to oversee applications for planning approvals on University land;
  5. (b)to maintain general oversight over the technical aspects of the erection of any new building or the alteration of any existing building;
  6. Building Maintenance Fund.
    (c)to advise on the annual budget needed in the Building Maintenance Fund;
  7. (d)to perform such other duties as the Council and General Board may from time to time direct.


Ethical guidelines on the acceptance of benefactions

1. Under Regulation 6 of the regulations for the Vice-Chancellor1 the Regent House has delegated the acceptance of benefactions to the Vice-Chancellor. In exercising this responsibility, the Vice-Chancellor will seek the advice of the Executive Committee of the Council for all benefactions over £1m, or that are likely to give rise to significant public interest.

2. Charity law places certain constraints on charities, and in recommending acceptance of any benefaction the Executive Committee shall make available to the Vice-Chancellor information under the following headings:

  1. (a)Are the purposes of the benefaction compatible with the purpose of the University as defined in its Statutes?
  2. (b)Do the purposes of the benefaction fall within the University's mission and strategic plan?
  3. (c)What additional costs or burdens, if any, would acceptance of the benefaction create for the University?
  4. (d)Is there published evidence that the proposed benefaction arises in whole or in part from activity that
  5. – evaded taxation?
  6. – violated international conventions that bear on human rights?
  7. – limited freedom of inquiry?
  8. – suppressed or falsified academic research?
  9. In the case of unproven allegations of criminality against a potential donor, no account shall be taken of mere rumour, but care will be exercised in accepting any benefaction, or continuing negotiations towards a possible benefaction, where there is a risk of significant damage to the University's reputation.
  10. (e)Is there evidence that the proposed benefaction, or any of its terms, will
  11. – require action that is illegal?
  12. – limit freedom of inquiry?
  13. – suppress or falsify academic research?
  14. – create unacceptable conflicts of interest for the University?
  15. (f)Is there evidence that acceptance of the proposed benefaction or compliance with any of its terms will damage the University's reputation, including deterring other benefactors?

Although benefactions which are uncontroversial and which are worth less than £1m may not be subject to detailed scrutiny by the Executive Committee, acceptance will nevertheless be considered explicitly against these ethical guidelines.

3. All members of the University involved in fundraising are encouraged to consult the Development Office at an early stage in their discussions with a potential benefactor. The Development Office can advise on the use of these guidelines, and consultation will also reduce the risk of unco-ordinated approaches to a single potential donor; spread familiarity with the process for accepting benefactions; and may allow an early warning of anyone unknowingly approaching a potential benefactor whose donation is not likely to be acceptable.

Financial Regulations

Notice (Reporter, 2011–12, p. 681)

Adopted and approved on 28 May 2012 by the Council after consultation with the Finance Committee

A. Preliminary

Terms in capitals are defined in Schedule 2 where necessary to aid interpretation.

The Council is responsible for the supervision and management of University resources and finances. The purpose of these Regulations is to provide sound arrangements for internal financial management, accounting and control, promote best value for money, and fulfil the University’s legal and financial obligations.

1. Scope

1.1. These Regulations apply to

  1. all University Income and Business;
  2. all Staff; and
  3. all Departments and University subsidiary companies but not Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment.

2. Ethical Principles

2.1. University Business shall be conducted in accordance with the Nolan Principles: selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty, and leadership.

2.2. Staff must ensure that

  1. (a)neither their conduct of University Business; nor
  2. (b)the conduct of any person or organization entering into any contract or arrangement with the University contravenes the Bribery Act 2010. (See Financial Regulation 20.)

There are four offences under the Bribery Act:

  1. Bribing another person;
  2. being Bribed;
  3. Bribing a foreign public official; and
  4. failure to prevent Bribery.

Staff must not use their authority or office for personal gain and must always seek to uphold and enhance the standing of the University.

2.3. Staff must declare to their Head of Department any personal interest, which may affect any University Business and act in accordance with the instructions given as to management of any conflict.

2.4. Staff must seek written permission from their Head of Department before accepting gifts or hospitality directly or indirectly from suppliers, other than low value items such as a gift worth less than £25 or hospitality worth less than £50. Receipt of gifts or hospitality must not influence or appear to influence the choice of supplier or prejudice the University’s reputation. If in doubt, gifts and hospitality must be refused. Excessive or lavish gifts or hospitality may constitute Bribery.

2.5. Where Heads of Department have a conflict of interest or wish to accept gifts or hospitality (other than low value items) they must seek the advice of the body or person to whom they are responsible, for example Head of School, management board or General Board, and act as advised.

3. Staff Responsibilities

3.1. Staff shall, irrespective of sources of funding,

  1. comply with these Regulations and Statutes, Ordinances, and University policies;
  2. take all necessary advice;
  3. assess and manage risks (including to health and safety) entailed in University Business they transact;
  4. safeguard University property and Income for which they are responsible;
  5. use University resources economically, efficiently, effectively, and secure value for money;
  6. ensure compliance with all obligations in contracts relevant to them entered into by or on behalf of the University; and
  7. comply with the University’s legal, financial, administrative, and other obligations including to HEFCE, HM Revenue and Customs, and other government authorities.

3.2. Non-observance of these Regulations may result in disciplinary action.

B. Heads of Department

4. Definition and Responsibility

4.1. ‘Head of Department’ means any of the following: the Head of a Department or a Faculty not organized in Departments, Secretaries of Faculty Boards, Head of a Centre, Institute, or other body under the supervision of the General Board or Council, and Head of a Division within the Unified Administrative Service. ‘Department’ is interpreted accordingly.

4.2. Heads of Department shall ensure

  1. proper allocation of funds;
  2. sound financial control, authorizations, and separation of duties;
  3. that accounts are correctly maintained;
  4. that funds available for spending are not exceeded;
  5. that these Regulations are publicized and observed within their Department; and
  6. that all information and explanations required by the University’s internal or external auditors are provided promptly.

5. Departmental Management

5.1. Heads of Department may designate in writing one or more people to execute specified tasks for and subject to the supervision of the Head of Department. The Head of Department remains responsible.

C. Contract Execution and Commencement

6. Authority to Sign Contracts

6.1. Subject to Regulations 6.2, 6.3, and 18.4, Heads of Departments have authority to sign contracts in the course of the ordinary business of their Department in respect only of available funds for which they are responsible.

6.2. Contracts for the purchase, lease, or licence of land or property or for the erection, demolition, substantial repair, or alteration of buildings must be referred to EM and are subject to the Sites and Buildings Regulations (see further Regulation 32 and Explanatory Note in Section M). The Director of EM or the Registrary shall approve and sign all such contracts, provided all approvals required under Statutes, Ordinances, and the Sites and Buildings Regulations have been given.

6.3. The Head of the Research Operations Office shall approve and sign all contracts relating to sponsored research activity.

6.4. Subject to Regulations 6.2 and 6.3, the following persons have authority to sign contracts affecting more than one Department:

  1. the Vice-Chancellor;
  2. a Pro-Vice-Chancellor;
  3. the Chair of the Faculty Board or Head of School where all the Departments affected are in that Faculty or School;
  4. the Registrary;
  5. the Director of Finance; and
  6. the Head of Procurement Services.

7. Sealing

7.1. The following persons have authority to authorize affixing of the University’s seal, where any necessary approvals are in place:

  1. the Vice-Chancellor;
  2. a Pro-Vice-Chancellor;
  3. the Registrary;
  4. the Director of Finance; and
  5. (for assignment of University intellectual property) the Head of the Research Operations Office.

8. Documentation, Liability, and Performance

8.1. The person having authority to execute a contract is responsible for its safekeeping. If required, the Registrary will keep the documentation for contracts affecting more than one Department.

8.2. Departments are responsible for meeting obligations and for all costs or losses arising from contracts entered into by or for them.

8.3. Contract performance shall not begin before

  1. all necessary approvals have been obtained; and
  2. the contract has been executed or the person having authority to execute the contract gives prior written consent, which consent shall normally be given only if key terms have been agreed and the risks created by delay outweigh the risk of proceeding prior to full contractual agreement.

D. Income and Expenditure

9. Accounting and Other Records

9.1. Heads of Department shall

  1. maintain financial records as specified in Statutes and Ordinances;
  2. certify whether annual statements of account (which are distributed by the Finance Division) are true and fair and that responsibilities under these Regulations have been discharged during the year; and
  3. properly record all transactions in CUFS and any other financial system, the use of which has been authorized by the Director of Finance.

9.2. Staff must comply with the Finance Division CUFS user policy.

9.3. Record-keeping must comply with the Data Protection Act 1998. The University is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and members of the public may request copies of University documents. Advice on these matters must be obtained from the University’s Data Protection and Freedom of Information Officer.

10. Cash and Banking

10.1. All University Income must be paid promptly into a bank account in the name of the University (and into no other account) and be accounted for in CUFS. All University expenditure must be paid from a University bank account and be accounted for in CUFS.

10.2. Departments and Staff have no authority to open bank accounts (whether in the UK or abroad) for any University activities without the prior written consent of the Director of Finance.

10.3. Where possible, Departments shall separate duties for receiving and recording University Income. Where this is not possible, regular independent checks shall be made.

10.4. The Financial Procedures Manual lays out further financial requirements including in respect of cash, petty cash, banking, credit card, and related matters.

11. Management of Expenditure

11.1. Heads of Departments are authorized to incur expenditure not exceeding the limits of funds available to the Department. They are responsible for ensuring that monitoring and control arrangements are adequate to prevent over-commitment of expenditure and that all funds under their control are used only for the purposes for which they are allocated. The Head of Department (or budget holder where authorized by the Head of Department) shall approve expenditure.

11.2. The Financial Procedures Manual lays out further financial requirements including in respect of Travel, subsistence, and entertainment and related matters.

12. Supplying Goods or Services including Research

12.1. Heads of Departments must establish procedures to ensure that

  1. all supplies of goods and services are authorized and are supplied as agreed;
  2. trading accounts are managed to break even or achieve a surplus;
  3. all relevant risks to the University are considered and managed, there are adequate credit control procedures, and supplies are made only where the credit risks are acceptable;
  4. the University’s standard terms and conditions are where possible applied;
  5. invoices other than for sponsored research funding (see Regulation 13.3) are raised
  6. in the name of the University of Cambridge showing the University’s VAT number;
  7. through CUFS unless prior written consent is given by the Director of Finance; and
  8. wherever possible in sterling for settlement in sterling (any exchange risk lies with the Department for invoices in a currency other than sterling);
  9. the liability for all taxation is established and tax is charged and accounted for as appropriate;
  10. except for research contracts, which are subject to Regulation 13, the full economic cost to the University is recovered, unless the advice of the Taxation Section is sought and it is appropriate to do otherwise having regard to the particular circumstances (see further Regulation 29);
  11. best value is obtained for sale of any goods to external bodies or to staff (and the Taxation Section consulted about VAT and tax implications);
  12. sales to staff or their families below the cost incurred by the Department in providing the benefit (including where no charge is made) are recorded and reported as a taxable benefit at the end of the tax year;
  13. where payment for goods is received in cash, the sum does not exceed the cash equivalent of €15,000 (for any single transaction (per the Money Laundering Regulations 2007)).

12.2. With the exception of research grants claims, Departments are responsible for debt collection in respect of invoices issued to third parties. Advice must be sought from the Director of Finance where legal action to recover monies is considered.

12.3. Uncollectible debts, including in respect of sponsored research activity, will be an expense against the Department. The following authorities exist to write off bad debts or for part settlement, where all reasonable steps have been taken to recover them:

  1. Debtors up to £10,000 – Head of Department
  2. Debtors of between £10,000 and £25,000 – Director of Finance
  3. Debtors over £25,000 – Finance Committee

The Taxation Section must be informed of all write-offs (including partial write-offs) of VAT invoices, as the VAT may be reclaimable.

13. Research Grants

13.1. Staff shall send grant applications and proposals for research contracts to the Research Operations Office for approval before their submission in accordance with Research Office policy.

13.2. Heads of Department shall ensure there are appropriate arrangements

  1. (a)in conjunction with the Research Office to
  2. cost grant applications and proposals on the basis of the full economic costs of the research; and
  3. recover charges for facilities and overheads in accordance with and at the rates specified in University policy or record the extent and justification for subsidizing the cost where in exceptional cases Head of Department agrees not to apply University policy for recovery rates; and
  4. (b)ensure that research which is funded is conducted to meet the funding terms and conditions.

13.3. The Research Office shall raise all invoices for sponsored research funding.

13.4. All research grant or contract income and expenditure, from whatever source of funds, must be notified to the Research Office and no part of this income may be transferred into donation accounts or other special funds, other than funding remaining unspent at the end of the research which the funder has agreed the Department may retain.

13.5. Heads of Department shall ensure that expenditure on research activity complies with these Regulations. Financial control and record-keeping shall also comply with any additional Research Council or other funder’s requirements.

13.6. The Research Office shall ensure all grants are closed on a timely basis and without residual balances.

14. Donation Accounts and Trust Funds

14.1. Donations belong to the University, not to an individual, and must be paid into a donation account in accordance with Regulation 10.1. Donations must be requested and received exclusively for charitable purposes. Receipt which improperly influences any decisions made by or on behalf of the University may constitute Bribery. Acceptance of donations must be made in accordance with the Ethical Guidelines for the Acceptance of Benefactions.

14.2. Heads of Department must ensure that

  1. donation accounts and trust funds are maintained in credit;
  2. funds are applied for the public benefit for charitable, educational, or research purposes only; and
  3. any Ordinances or regulations governing the receipt of donations and the conduct of individual accounts are followed.

14.3. University trust funds are governed by regulations set out in Statutes and Ordinances. Trust fund managers shall ensure that funds are used for proper purposes in accordance with the rules of the specific fund and the University’s general charitable purposes.

14.4. Transfers of donated funds to other institutions can only be to other charitable bodies and must always be approved by the Head of Department and be in accordance with the terms of the gift and the University’s general charitable purposes. Transfers shall not be made until the receiving institution has confirmed in writing that the terms of the gift will be observed. Where the transfer relates to the Head of Department’s research, the Director of Finance’s prior written consent must be obtained.

14.5. Donations cannot be transferred to individuals, except where the individual is the donor and the University is unable to meet the terms of the original gift.

E. Investment and Borrowing

15. The Cambridge University Endowment Fund (‘CUEF’)

15.1. The University’s Chief Investment Officer is responsible for all CUEF investment management activities. The Chief Investment Officer appoints and monitors external investment managers.

15.2. No Department or trust of the University may invest in any securities or other investments (including land and buildings) without the prior approval of the Finance Committee.

15.3. Acquisition of land is also subject to the Sites and Buildings Regulations (see para 32.1 below).

16. Investment in the CUEF and Deposit Account

16.1. Surplus funds (only) may be invested in the CUEF and Deposit Account. The Director of Finance is responsible for approving all new and any changes in CUEF holdings. Deposit Account eligibility rules and interest rates are published by the Director of Finance from time to time.

17. Borrowing, Guarantees, and Loans

17.1. Departments must not borrow money outside the University.

17.2. No guarantees or letters of comfort may be issued except with the prior written consent of the Director of Finance.

17.3. No Department may make a loan including to staff or (outside the normal course of business) extend credit arrangements without the Director of Finance’s prior written consent.

F. Purchasing

18. Obtaining Goods, Services, or Construction Works

18.1. Expenditure of £2,000,000 or above on capital items (inclusive of VAT) requires the consent of the Planning and Resources Committee.

18.2. Value for money in purchasing is normally demonstrated through competition. The table in Schedule 1 sets out the minimum competition requirement when obtaining goods, services, or construction works for all Departments; the only flexibility for a Department being set out in Financial Regulation 18.3. These requirements apply to all expenditure irrespective of the source of funding (including spending of grant monies and Leasing). If there is any reason to believe that offers which have been received are not competitive, further offers must be obtained. A Department must not enter into separate contracts, nor apply the Total Value calculation separately to contracts, with the intention of avoiding the application of these Regulations.

18.3. Prior written consent not to follow the competition procedures may be granted

  1. (a)for construction and Construction Related Procurement by
  2. the Director of EM where the Total Value is less than the EU Threshold; and
  3. the Registrary where it is at or exceeds the EU Threshold;
  4. (b)for other procurement by
  5. the Head of Department where the Total Value is £50,000 or less and the Director of Finance where the Total Value exceeds £50,000 by recording the reasons on Procurement Services’ online dispensation form;
  6. for any procurement where the Director of Finance has issued a general consent (irrespective of the Total Value).

Schedule 1 sets out non-exhaustive examples of circumstances where dispensation might be appropriate. Notwithstanding the grant of a dispensation, all the other requirements of Financial Regulations must be met, including Regulations 18.5 to 18.9 inclusive.

18.4. (a) Departments must seek all necessary advice.

  1. (b)The Head of Department’s prior written consent is needed for one or more payments in advance in relation to any contract totalling £10,000 or less.
  2. (c)The Director of Finance’s advice and prior written consent is needed for:
  3. procurement (other than construction) where the Total Value exceeds £100,000 (advice only);
  4. procurement where the Total Value exceeds £50,000 and supplier terms are used (advice only);
  5. all Leasing2 irrespective of the Total Value (except where a Leasing Framework Contract is used – see the definitions in Schedule 2); a cost benefit analysis shall be submitted where consent is required;
  6. payments in advance exceeding £10,000; and
  7. payment under early settlement terms exceeding £250,000.
  8. (d)The Director of EM’s advice is needed for procurement falling within Regulation 6.3.

18.5. All purchasing shall be based on a specification drafted after consultation with anticipated users and assessment of the risks associated with the procurement. The Procurement Procedures provide further guidance on purchasing.

18.6. Goods and services may be purchased externally only if

  1. they are required for the achievement of financial, academic, or organizational plans;
  2. they are not reasonably available elsewhere within the University; and
  3. the source, sufficiency, and terms of the funding have been checked and confirmed.

18.7. Heads of Department must establish levels of authorization and segregation of duties for contracts where the Total Value exceeds £500 for:

  1. short listing and acceptance of tenders;
  2. ordering and inspection of goods and services; and
  3. payment.

Where payment duties cannot be segregated, transactions must be independently checked on a regular basis.

18.8. Orders must state the nature, quantity, and price of goods and services to be provided and where possible apply the University’s terms and conditions. Copies of orders must be kept securely. Where an order is placed through CUFS, the electronic record suffices.

18.9. Official orders must be produced in a form approved by the Director of Finance for all purchases above £100 or any lower threshold set by the Head of Department.

18.10. Where equipment is to be loaned to the University free or at a discount, advice must be taken, the principles of Regulation 18 observed and an agreement put in place, including to regulate the University’s responsibilities and rights at the end of the loan.

19. Receipt of Goods or Services, Payments for services to individuals

19.1. All goods and services must be checked promptly on receipt to ensure that they accord with order requirements and suppliers advised promptly about any discrepancies. Copies of signed delivery notes must be retained. If deliveries have to be acknowledged prior to checking, endorse the delivery note ‘Goods received unchecked’.

19.2. Invoices must be checked and not authorized for payment until the goods or services have been checked, unless authority is in place to pay in advance (see Regulation 18.4).

19.3. Payments to individuals must comply with Regulation 31.6.

19.4. Heads of Department shall establish arrangements for monitoring and regular appraisal of purchasing activity to ensure that best value for money is secured for current and future purchases.

G. Bribery and Fraud

20. Bribery, Fraud, and Irregularity

20.1. Heads of Department shall implement procedures as required under the University’s policy against Bribery and Corruption, including to prevent Fraud. Any member of staff shall report immediately in writing any suspicion of Bribery, Fraud or other irregularity to the Registrary and the Director of Finance. The Registrary is the lead officer under the University’s policy against Bribery and Corruption.

20.2. The Director of Finance will advise the University’s internal auditors and if necessary the University Security Adviser and police, and report to the Audit Committee and the Vice-Chancellor any Fraud or irregularity which has any of the following characteristics:

  1. exceeds £10,000
  2. is unusual or complex
  3. public interest is likely.

20.3. Any member of Staff who has reasonable grounds for believing there is serious malpractice within the institution (see Human Resources Division website, Policies and Procedures; Public Disclosure by University Employees: Whistleblowing Policy) should raise their concerns using the specified procedure.

H. Corporate Requirements

21. Taxation

21.1. Heads of Departments shall ensure that their Department accounts correctly for VAT and where appropriate corporation tax. Where there is any doubt as to the correct VAT or tax treatment of a transaction, the Taxation Section must be consulted.

21.2. Heads of Departments shall ensure that any taxable benefits paid to individuals are reported to the Finance Division for inclusion in P11D returns.

22. Legal Advice and Proceedings

22.1. The Council’s Executive Committee and the Registrary have authority to take legal advice and to conduct legal proceedings. Departments shall not take any action to initiate or defend legal proceedings or obtain external legal advice without first involving the Legal Services Office, which will seek consent from the Registrary or Executive Committee as necessary. The Legal Services Office should be contacted immediately if legal proceedings are threatened or served on any part of the University or any University subsidiary company. See also Regulation 23.3 and 23.4.

23. Insurance

23.1. Departments must comply with the insurance requirements set out in Financial Procedures and on the Insurance Section web pages.

23.2. Contents whether owned, borrowed, or hired must be valued, recorded, and notified to insurers. Departments should regularly review the value of contents held and notify the Insurance Section of

  1. departmental moves;
  2. the acquisition and disposal of high value items (exceeding £1,000,000); and
  3. temporary removal from University premises (where the single article exceeds £50,000 or the total exceeds £100,000).

23.3. Departments must take all necessary steps to prevent losses and accidents and ensure that the Insurance Officer is advised immediately of any new unusual or significant risk. Liabilities should not be accepted on behalf of the University without careful consideration. Any liabilities not covered by insurance will fall on the Department.

23.4. Third party claims must be passed immediately to the Insurance Section without comment to the third party to ensure that the University’s legal position and insurance policies are not compromised.

24. Overseas Activity

24.1. No Department may enter into any arrangements for activity outside the United Kingdom, unless the Director of Finance gives prior written consent, where this activity involves either or both setting up any establishment and employing individuals overseas. In giving such consent, the Director of Finance shall seek advice from the Legal Services Office and the Taxation Section. The Director may require that external advice is procured at the expense of the Department seeking to enter into such arrangements. Consent shall not be deemed to override the need to obtain any other approval from University bodies including the General Board.

I. Commercial Activity

25. New Income Generation or Trading Activity

25.1. Apart from core teaching, research, and the organization of conferences, when a new income-generating or trading activity is set up (whether in the UK or abroad), the Head of Department must consult the Taxation Section beforehand to consider the VAT implications and whether the activity constitutes trading which might be subject to Corporation Tax.

25.2. The Director of Finance may direct that transactions be undertaken through a University subsidiary company.

26. University Companies

26.1. No University company may be formed or shares taken in any company (whether in the UK or abroad) for any purpose without advice from the Director of Finance and the prior approval of the Finance Committee, except when done through the Investment Office for investment purposes or by Cambridge Enterprise in relation to the exploitation of intellectual property.

26.2. University subsidiary companies shall enter into and keep under review a memorandum of understanding with the University. Each company shall operate in accordance with such memorandum and within the framework provided by these Regulations, including the provisions regarding procurement, and any additional procedural requirements imposed by their boards.

27. University Embedded Companies

27.1. Heads of Department and EM shall maintain departmental and corporate registers of Embedded Companies.

27.2. Heads of Department shall in respect of Embedded Companies

  1. undertake financial and space cost benefit analysis for all new and (periodically for) existing Embedded Companies;
  2. comply with Regulation 29;
  3. take into account University policies (including the University’s Guidelines for Establishing and Working with Embedded Companies);
  4. ensure that Embedded Companies comply with health and safety requirements;
  5. put in place appropriate contractual arrangements to govern the relationship between the University and the company;
  6. obtain evidence of Public Liability and employer’s insurance annually; and
  7. identify, and deal appropriately with, conflicts of interest.

28. Consultancy and Private Activity

28.1. When engaging in consultancy or other commercial activity in a private capacity, Staff must not hold themselves out as acting on behalf of the University, use University headed stationery nor (except in accordance with Regulation 29) use any University premises facilities or resources.

28.2. The University accepts no responsibility for any work done, advice given, or activity undertaken by Staff in a private capacity. Staff are reminded of the need to take out professional indemnity insurance for such work, advice, and activity and that they are responsible for all liabilities arising including as to tax. Staff who conduct work through Cambridge University Technical Services Limited are insured under the University’s insurance policies.

29. Non-University Activities – Use of Premises, Facilities, etc.

29.1. Unless the Head of Department gives prior written consent and an appropriate contractual agreement with the University is put in place, non-University activities may not be carried out on University premises nor University facilities or resources used for such activities. Care is needed to avoid breaching any obligation of the University to a third party (for example in relation to use of computing facilities and software).

29.2. Heads of Department shall ensure that appropriate charges are made for the use of University premises, facilities, or resources for non-University purposes (see Regulation 12).

29.3. The Director of EM must be consulted before making any arrangement (including leases or licences) for the use of any University space for non-University purposes. See also Regulation 27.

30. Intellectual Property

30.1. Intellectual property generated through University activities is governed by the Intellectual Property Ordinance graced on 12 December 2005.

J. Staffing

31. Salaries and Staff Appointments

31.1. All University employees shall have a properly authorized letter of appointment in the form approved by or under the authority of the Human Resources Committee. For the avoidance of doubt the term ‘employees’ includes temporary and casual workers.

31.2. The source of available funding to support the posts or post shall be identified before a member of staff is given a contract of employment.

31.3. The only payments which may be made to University employees are those in accordance with approved University salary scales and such other payments as have been specifically approved by the Human Resources Committee. Rules on expenses reimbursement are set out in the Financial Procedures Manual.

31.4. Heads of Departments must provide the Payroll Section with and keep up to date a list (signed by the Head of Department) of persons authorized to sign salary documents for departmental staff paid through the payroll. Where the proposed signatory is not a University employee the approval of the Director of Finance is also required.

31.5. For all new employees the Head of Department or other authorized signatory shall ensure that the person is legally eligible to work in the UK. The Payroll Section will not add a non-EU citizen to the payroll unless it is clear that any necessary work permit has been obtained or that the immigration status of the person concerned does not require the University to seek permission for the specific employment proposed.

31.6. Individuals may not be paid as suppliers through CUFS unless the Taxation Section has given prior written consent.

K. Property

32. Property

32.1. The University’s real property is governed by Statutes and Ordinances including the Sites and Buildings Regulations.

32.2. Departments may not acquire or dispose of real property without taking the advice of the Directors of Finance and of EM. See further Regulation 6.

32.3. The University’s Taxation Section must be consulted about VAT and the tax implications of property acquisitions, disposals, and usage.

33. Stores and Equipment

33.1. Stores and equipment shall be dealt with as set out in the Financial Procedures Manual. Assets bought with University Income irrespective of the source of funding remain the property of the University until sold or destroyed, unless contracts with external sponsors specify otherwise.

33.2. Fixed asset registers must be maintained (with a minimum requirement for all items costing more than £2,000).

33.3. Heads of Departments shall keep full, proper, and correct records of stock. A full stock take must be performed annually between 1 June and 31 July in addition to any regular interim stock takes.

L. Authority

34. Council Delegations and Directions

34.1. The Council hereby gives all delegations and directions contemplated by these Regulations.

35. Revision

35.1. Every three years, or more frequently if appropriate, the Director of Finance shall arrange for these Regulations to be reviewed and for proposed changes to be submitted to the Finance Committee for onward recommendation to Council and adoption by Council Notice.

M. Explanatory Note

  1. The University endeavours to conduct University Business in accordance with the Nolan Principles:3
  2. The Council is the principal executive body and policy making body of the University. The Council has general responsibility for administration, planning of work, management of resources, and general supervision of finances including of all University institutions other than the University Press.4 It has the authority to take legal advice and conduct proceedings on behalf of the University.5 The Council and its Finance Committee exercise the University’s powers of investment subject to certain restrictions.6 The Council has responsibilities in relation to the care, management, and maintenance of property.7
  3. The Vice-Chancellor has the customary rights and duties of the office8 and is the designated officer responsible under the University Financial Memorandum with HEFCE and to the Public Accounts Committee.
  4. Pro-Vice-Chancellors perform duties as prescribed by Statutes and Ordinances, the Council, or the Vice- Chancellor.9
  5. Heads of University Departments and Secretaries of Faculty Boards have financial responsibility under Statutes and Ordinances, and are accountable for the proper application of funds.10 Heads of other institutions are similarly responsible under particular provisions of Statutes and Ordinances.
  6. Acting Heads of Department may be appointed during a vacancy and count as Head of Department. The General Board appoints Deputy Heads and defines their duties and powers.11
  7. The Registrary is the principal administrative officer of the University under the direction of the Council and is the head of the Unified Administrative Service.1012
  8. The University Offices form the Unified Administrative Service under the supervision of the Council and are organized in Divisions.1113
  9. Statute K, para 9(b) provides for delegation by any University body to any committee or University officer (including in relation to finance) subject to Statutes and Ordinances.
  10. The Audit Committee has responsibilities under Statutes and Ordinances. The University’s internal and external auditors have unrestricted access to all records, assets, personnel, and premises and the right to obtain such information and explanations as they consider necessary. HEFCE, HM Revenue and Customs, and others may also have the right to audit University Business.
  11. The purpose of the EU Public Procurement Directives and implementing UK Regulations is to encourage competitive tendering for public contracts throughout the European Union. The Council, on the advice of their Finance Committee, declared the University to be outside their scope in December 2003. It reviews and confirms this status annually. The Council intends that the University’s procurement procedures should continue to follow the good practice set out in the Regulations.
  12. In addition to compliance with Financial Regulations Staff must also comply with the requirements of Statutes and Ordinances and Sites and Building Regulations.
  13. Ethical guidance on acceptance of donations and the provisions for acceptance of donations by or with the authority of the Vice-Chancellor are set out in Ordinances.1214
  14. The Council may from time to time determine procedures for the financial regulation and conduct of the West and North West Cambridge Syndicate after consultation with the Chairman of the Syndicate.1315

Schedule 1 – Competition Procedures

Total Value

(before VAT)

Procedure for inviting offers

Framework Contracts


Other purchases

< £1,000

follow procedures recommended by Procurement Services for the contract

Only the price from the marketplace is required

Written price confirmation


Three Written Quotes

> £25,000–£50,000

Three Written Quotes or three Written Proposals, depending on complexity, risk, and value of the purchase (see the guidance in Procurement Procedures)

> £50,000

Three Tender Submissions

> £100,000

Procurement services must be consulted/involved and agree the most appropriate procurement method

EU Thresholds (updated biennially) as at January 2012

> £173,934 (goods and services)

> £4,348,350 (works)

EU Tenders managed through Procurement Services

In particular the contract value must be calculated per the definition of Total Value.


1. Competition procedures are applicable unless a dispensation has been granted in accordance with Regulation 18.3.

Non-exhaustive examples of when a dispensation might be appropriate include:

  1. Sole source supply necessary in the following circumstances:
  2. Technical compatibility, e.g. upgrade to an existing solution or purchase of additional goods which must be compatible with existing goods
  3. Protection of technical rights
  4. Single provider (membership of a professional institute/proprietary training)
  5. Purchase of or repairs to goods or materials, including machinery or plant, available only as proprietary or patented articles
  6.  The work to be executed or the goods/services to be supplied constitute an extension of an existing contract where a change of supplier would cause:
  7. ;ssDisproportionate technical difficulties
  8. ;ssDiseconomies, or
  9. ;ssSignificant disruption
  10. Other reasons might include:
  11. A one-off, unique opportunity which offers significant value
  12. Extreme urgency, which was unforeseeable and is not attributable to the requester and which precludes the invitation of quotations or tenders.

2. The expectation is that, where the required goods are available, purchases up to £25,000 will be made via the Marketplace or under a Framework Contract. Other offers should not be sought, unless better value can be achieved elsewhere, in which case Procurement Services must be notified so that any price discrepancies and inclusion of the supplier on the Marketplace can be explored.

Schedule 2 – Definition, Advice, and Guidance

Definitions and Interpretation


As defined in the University’s Policy against Bribery and Corruption


Completion of Procurement Services’ online dispensation form

Construction Related Procurement

The procurement of goods or services which could not be procured separately from the construction or alteration of a building (for example lift maintenance, the procurement and installation of equipment including air conditioning are not Construction Related Procurement)


The Cambridge University Endowment Fund in which the main University endowments are pooled


Cambridge University Financial System

Department, Head of


As defined in Regulation 4.1

Deposit Account

A University-wide facility that allows Departments to invest surpluses


The University’s Estate Management Service

Embedded Company

A company occupying University premises or whose employees’ normal place of work is on University premises, other than as temporary visitors or to provide services to the University

EU Threshold

A threshold from time to time in force above which a public contract must be let in accordance with public procurement legislation

Framework Contract

Any framework contracts approved by Procurement Services


As defined in the University’s Policy against Bribery and Corruption


The Higher Education Funding Council for England

Investment Board

The board which manages for the University the investment of the CUEF


A third party (including a supplier or a finance company) makes available for the University’s use assets owned by the third party (ownership never vests in the University), for which a rental payment is made for a period of use; as distinct from an arrangement which amounts to borrowing to fund the possible acquisition of assets


Any supplier catalogue or process for obtaining offers which is made available electronically through CUFS

Nolan Principles

The seven principles identified by the Committee on Standards in Public Life


Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards

Planning and Resources


Planning and Resources Committee of the Council and the General Board

Procurement Services

The University’s Procurement Services section of the Finance Division

Procurement Procedures

The guidance and model documents on procurement in the Financial Procedures Manual or published on the Procurement Services web pages


Bona fide, comparable Written bids submitted by a specified date (the Procurement Procedures provide sample documentation)


Bona fide, comparable Written quotations (the Procurement Procedures provide sample documentation)

Research Office

The University’s Research Operations Office


All employees, including temporary and casual workers, irrespective of whether their appointment specifically includes financial responsibilities and however their employment is financed together with anyone else who has any responsibility for the administration, management, or expenditure of any University Income or conducts any University Business

Tender Submissions

Formal tender documents submitted by suppliers in response to an Invitation to Tender

Total Value

The contract value or estimated value as follows:
  1. (a)fixed period contract: the total price to be paid or which might be paid during the whole of the period;
  2. (b)recurrent transactions for the same type of item: the aggregated value of those transactions in the coming 12 months;
  3. (c)uncertain duration: monthly payment x 48;
  4. (d)feasibility studies: value of the follow-on scheme.
  5. (e)the aggregated value of separate contracts meeting a single requirement


The Chancellor, Masters, and Scholars of the University of Cambridge

University Business

University business which has a financial impact

University Income

All monies, regardless of source or purpose, which are due or paid to the University or made available to individuals because of their association with the University, including donations


In writing, including submission by fax or mail

Terms are to be understood as used in Statutes and Ordinances, unless the context of the Regulation requires otherwise.

Words preceding ‘include’, ‘includes’, ‘including’, and ‘included’ shall be construed without limitation by the words which follow those words.

Further Guidance is contained in

  1. the Financial Procedures Manual
  2. the web pages of:
  3. Finance Division (including Procurement Services and Insurance)
  4. Research Office
  5. Human Resources Division
  6. Registrary’s Office (Data Protection and Freedom of Information)
  7. MISD
  8. Legal Services Office and
  9. Cambridge Enterprise (for Cambridge University Technical Services Limited)


Sites and Buildings Regulations

Adopted and approved on 19 March 2012 by Order of the Council, Finance Committee, and the General Board, following a Grace on 15 February 2012 by which Regent House repealed the Sites and Buildings Regulations (1994 as amended in 2005) and provided for the continuing constitution of the Buildings Committee as a statutory committee and the consequential amendment of Ordinances.

Distributed by the Registrary to all Heads of Department.

Terms beginning with capital letters are defined in Schedule 5 where necessary to aid interpretation.

1.  Scope and responsibilities

1.1 The Council, Finance Committee, and General Board have responsibilities in relation to University land and buildings.16 These Regulations are issued as part of the discharge of those responsibilities and to facilitate compliance with Statutes and Ordinances. In particular these Regulations seek to set out in one place the arrangements for management of University land, buildings, and capital projects from a technical, operational, and financial perspective.

1.2 A Grace is required for the disposal of land of present or prospective use to the University;17 and for substantial alteration of an existing University building (understood as involving aesthetic as well as financial considerations), the erection of a new University building or the demolition of an existing University building.18 Disposal of land means the sale or transfer of any freehold or leasehold property or the grant of a lease for more than 60 years.19

1.3 These Regulations apply to all University land and buildings owned or leased or to be acquired by the University and related capital and maintenance expenditure. The Regulations must be followed by all Staff; all Departments and University subsidiary companies but not Cambridge University Press except where specifically provided (the Press is governed by its own Statute and Ordinances) or in general Cambridge Assessment (see further Schedule 2).

1.4 Compliance with these Regulations does not remove any requirement to comply with the University’s Financial Regulations issued by the Council.

1.5 Committee and other responsibilities in relation to land and buildings are set out diagrammatically in Schedule 1 and summarized in Schedule 2.

1.6 Breach of these Regulations may result in disciplinary action and will be reported to the Registrary, who will then report to the appropriate committee.

2. Approvals and contract execution

2.1 Projects which relate to land and buildings require Expenditure Approvals and in some cases Specific Operational Approvals. The Expenditure Approvals are set out in Schedule 3 and the Specific Operational Approvals in Schedule 4.

2.2 Compliance with Schedule 3 satisfies the requirement in Financial Regulations for Capital Approval.20

2.3 Heads of Department (see definition in Schedule 5) shall

  1. (a)take all necessary advice and
  2. (b)for projects involving their Department secure the approvals required by these Regulations before any contractual commitment is given.

2.4 Subject to the issue of Expenditure and Specific Operational Approvals, the Head of Estate Management shall approve and sign all contracts for the purchase, lease or licence of land or property or for the erection, demolition, substantial repair or alteration of buildings. Financial Regulation 7.1 governs who may authorize the affixing the University’s seal.

2.5 Financial Regulation 8.3 governs when contract performance may begin.

3. Authorities and review

3.1 The Council, Finance Committee, and General Board hereby give all delegations and directions contemplated by these Regulations.

3.2 Chairmen of committees shall have delegated authority to act for their committees between meetings in urgent, minor or straightforward cases, reporting in full to the next committee meeting.

3.3 All decisions made under delegation shall be reported back to the responsible committee, which may call the matter back for further consideration.21

3.4 Every three years, or more frequently if appropriate, the Registrary shall arrange for these Regulations to be reviewed and for proposed changes to be submitted to the Council, Finance Committee, and the General Board and adoption by their joint Notice.

Schedule 1 – Committee structure diagram

Schedule 2 – Committee and other responsibilities

1. The Council

1.1 The Council22 is the principal executive and policy making body of the University, responsible for administration, planning, resources, and supervision of finances.23 The Council delegates business to its standing and occasional committees.24 The committees dealing with finance, planning and resources are the Finance Committee and the Planning and Resources Committee (PRC).25

1.2 The Council has the primary responsibility for determining if the sale or transfer of freehold or leasehold land or the grant of a lease for 60 years or more would deprive the University of the use of land or buildings which are of present or prospective use to the University (defined in Schedule 5 to these Regulations as “PPU Land”). If so its disposal requires a Grace.26 For the purposes of ongoing management, PPU Land is divided into the Operational and the Non-Operational Estate (both as defined in Schedule 5).

1.3 The Council lays down the scheme of Expenditure and Specific Approvals set out in Schedules 3 and 4.

1.4 The Council and Finance Committee delegate the overall management of the Operational Estate to PRC and the Buildings Committee, which report back to the Council.

1.5 The General Board is responsible for ensuring there are adequate resources for teaching and research.27

2. Council Committees

2.1 The Finance Committee and Audit Committee are standing committees of the Council.28 The Council from time to time establishes further standing or occasional committees.29

2.2 The Finance Committee is responsible under the Council for financial management and stewardship of all assets and land, whether PPU Land or land held for investment. The Finance Committee itself oversees the management of the Non-Operational Estate, which is managed and maintained on a self-funding basis. The Non- Operational Estate includes land held for investment. The Finance Committee’s remit includes overview of the University’s accounts (and accounting policies, practices, and systems), consideration of management accounts and investment management and the custody of tangible and intangible University assets. It reports to the Council as necessary and advises PRC about the budgetary envelope predicted prudently to be available to the University for both capital and recurrent expenditure. It is responsible with the Council for investment.30

2.3 All borrowing requires Finance Committee approval.

3. Joint Council and General Board Committees

3.1 The Planning and Resources Committee (PRC)31 is a joint committee of the Council and General Board, reporting to both bodies. It is responsible for advice to the central bodies about major strategic matters and for the conduct, subject to the responsibilities of the Council and the General Board, of the higher-level planning and resource management of the University including, with advice from the Finance Committee, proposing the University budget to the Council and the General Board.

3.2 PRC provides the financial oversight for the management of the Operational Estate and approves the estate plans for the management of PPU Land. It ensures the provision of funding for acquisition of land and work in relation to land.

3.3 PRC gives Funding Approvals (see Schedule 3).

3.4 The Buildings Committee32 is a joint committee of the Council and General Board. It gives Technical Approvals where the Total Cost exceeds £1m. It reviews retrospectively the Technical Approvals given by its Minor Works Sub-Committee, giving advice where necessary about how to approach future decisions. Estate Management advises and conducts the operational work for Buildings Committee with the assistance of Finance Division and the Planning and Resource Allocations Office (PRAO).

3.5 The Buildings Committee advises PRC on the annual budget needed in the Building Maintenance Fund for the maintenance of the Operational Estate. It gives Technical Approvals (see Schedule 3) and technical advice on the management of the Operational Estate. The cost of maintaining the Operational Estate is chargeable to the Buildings Maintenance Fund or, if the body giving the Funding Approval determines (see Schedule 3), to departmental or other funds.33 The Buildings Committee has power to delegate maintenance responsibility.34

3.6 The Buildings Committee oversees applications for planning approvals for the Operational Estate and is consulted by Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment about planning applications for premises and land in the city of Cambridge.35

3.7 The Minor Works Sub-Committee is a sub-committee of the Buildings Committee36 to which it reports. It gives Technical Approvals where the Total Cost is £50,000 to £1m, reporting these decisions retrospectively to the Buildings Committee. It makes funding recommendations to the Resource Management Committee (RMC) where the Total Cost is between £50,000 and £1m in parallel with the application to RMC for Funding Approval.37

3.8 The Resource Management Committee (RMC)38 is a joint committee of the Council and General Board and reports in to those committees via PRC. RMC deals with the detailed work of resource allocation.1039

3.9 RMC gives Funding Approvals (see Schedule 3).

3.10 RMC1140 allocates space, dealing with the detailed work on resource allocation, following a proposal by the Space Management Advisory Group. The PRAO allocates space less than 100 square metres under RMC supervision. As part of its space allocation remit, RMC approves proposals to share University space, including with Embedded Companies.

3.11 The Health and Safety Executive Committee41 is a joint committee of the Council and General Board. It is advised by the Consultative Committee on Safety. The Consultative Committee receives and considers the annual University Fire Report from Estate Management. The report then goes to the Health and Safety Executive Committee for consideration.

3.12 The Environmental Strategy Committee42 is a joint committee of the Council and General Board and reports in to those committees via PRC. It is responsible for monitoring and enhancing the University’s environmental management system.

4. Financial Planning Process

4.1 RMC and PRC propose the budget parameters, which are approved by the Finance Committee. RMC then constructs the budget for PRC approval. The budget then goes to Council with advice from the Finance Committee, prior to being Graced.

5. Other Bodies and Committees

5.1 The Press Syndicate is responsible for the management of the finance, property, and affairs of Cambridge University Press, except if Statutes and Ordinances expressly or by necessary implication provide otherwise.43 Cambridge University Press will consult the Buildings Committee about any significant planning applications to be made in respect of any premises or land in the city of Cambridge.44

5.2 A Grace is not required for the sale or transfer of freehold or leasehold land by Cambridge University Press or for the grant of a lease of more than 60 years or for the erection of a new building or for the demolition or substantial alteration of an existing building.45 However the Press Syndicate have undertaken not to dispose, without the approval of the University, of the Pitt Building or of any property acquired from the University and specially designated by agreement between the Press Syndicate and the Council at the time of acquisition. The Press Syndicate have also undertaken to offer the Council the first option to acquire, at prevailing market price, any property in Cambridge which is to be disposed of by the Syndicate, such option if not taken up to lapse fourteen days after the offer.46

5.3 The Local Examinations Syndicate provides the oversight of Cambridge Assessment, including in relation to the management of property assigned to Cambridge Assessment subject to the following requirements:

  1. • A Grace is required for the disposal of land.47
  2. • The Local Examinations Syndicate shall offer the Council the first option to acquire, at prevailing market price, any property in Cambridge which is to be disposed of by the Syndicate, such option if not taken up to lapse fourteen days after the offer.
  3. • Cambridge Assessment shall seek the prior written consent of the Finance Committee before contracting for any land or building acquisition or borrowing for capital purposes above £15m.
  4. • Cambridge Assessment shall consult the Buildings Committee about any significant planning applications to be made in respect of any premises or land in the city of Cambridge.

6. Unified Administrative Service (UAS)

6.1 The Estate Management Division of the UAS undertakes the technical management of the Operational and Non-Operational Estate (but not investment land within the CUEF), including the following:

  1. • preparing the draft estate plans (estate strategy and its implementation) for approval of PRC, the Council, and the General Board, including the categorization of land not held as part of PPU Land;
  2. • undertaking all planned maintenance, drawing on the Building Maintenance Fund, and all unplanned maintenance (under the supervision of and reporting to the Buildings Committee);
  3. • providing monitoring, guidance, and training for Departments on fire safety; checking fire equipment; managing the Fire Team; reporting annually on fire safety to the Consultative Committee for Safety;48
  4. • planning and managing University property and facilities;
  5. • advising on security matters and responding to incidents;49
  6. • securing planning permission as required;
  7. • procuring University building work;
  8. • managing University and private rented residential accommodation for University use;
  9. • operating the University Centre and other catering outlets around the University;
  10. • advising on the drafting and negotiation of licences and leases for the approved sharing of space; and
  11. • managing the University Farm.

6.2 Following the issue of a Funding Approval for building work, the Finance Division conducts final due diligence checks including as to the sources and reliability of funding. The building warrant (being the formal authority to spend) is issued

  1. • by the Director of Estate Management for maintenance work,
  2. • by the Deputy Director of Finance for other building work up to and including £100,000,
  3. • by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Planning and Resources for other building work above £100,000.

6.3 The Space Management Advisory Group is a working group, which reports to RMC and makes proposals about allocation of University space.

6.4 PRAO is a unit within the Academic Division. Among other responsibilities it gives Funding Approvals and, under RMC supervision, allocates space less than 100 square metres. PRAO services PRC, RMC, the Buildings Committee, the Minor Works Sub-Committee, and the Space Management Advisory Group.

7. Schools and Departments

7.1 Schools are responsible for resource allocation within the parameters set by the annual budget report.

7.2 Heads of Department

The definition in the Financial Regulations from time to time in force50 is adopted for the purposes of these Regulations. At the time of adoption of these Regulations this means: “the head of a department or a faculty not organized in departments, secretaries of faculties, head of a centre, institute or other body under the supervision of the General Board or Council and head of a division within the Unified Administrative Service”. “Department” is interpreted accordingly.

Heads of Department are responsible, in respect of buildings assigned to the Department, for

  1. • identifying and reporting to Estate Management the need for any unplanned maintenance;
  2. • cleaning;
  3. • observance of safety, security and fire precautions in line with advice and guidance from Estate Management;51
  4. • maintenance only where specifically delegated by Buildings Committee (see Schedule 4); and
  5. • undertaking a cost and space analysis for any Embedded Company, securing a Specific Approval to share space with the company (see Schedule 5) and ensuring contractual arrangements are put in place between the company and the University and that the company complies with health and safety legislation and University policies.52

8. The Investment Office

8.1 The Investment Office buys and sells and arranges the technical management of land and buildings held for investment purposes within the CUEF, under the oversight of the Investment Board, reporting to the Council via the Finance Committee.

9. The Land Fund

9.1 All payments of premium for the lease of land and receipts from the sale of land (other than land held for investment purposes) shall be credited to the Land Fund. The capital and the income of the Fund may be used (a) to purchase sites which are suitable for development for University purposes, and (b) to meet the cost of planning and providing the infrastructure for the development of sites in University ownership, including costs relating to the requirements of Town and Country Planning legislation.53

Schedule 3 – Expenditure Approvals, required for: (i) all building work, including refurbishment and re-structuring, and (ii) maintenance, where delegation has been approved pursuant to Schedule 4*

*Where any delegation has been approved pursuant to Schedule 4, the Department will act in place of Estate Management

Total Cost

Head of Department

Estate Management*


Minor Works Sub-Committee

Buildings Com-



Total Cost of less than £50k unless Buildings Committee has approved a Minor Works Expenditure Approval Exemption

Provides Brief Business Case to PRAO.

Estate Management prepares the budget for PRAO and gives Technical Approval.

PRAO checks funding availability. Provided Estate Management agrees PRAO issues the Funding Approval.


Total Cost is £50k to £1m.

Provides Brief Business Case to PRAO.

Estate Management checks value for money and prepares the budget for Minor Works Sub-Committee.

PRAO checks funding availability and consults Estate Management. Reports to Minor Works Sub-Committee.

Receives Estate Management and PRAO advice. Makes a funding recommendation to RMC. Gives the Technical Approval which is then reported to Buildings Committee.


Funding Approval.


Total Cost is >£1m to <£2m.

Provides Brief Business Case to PRAO.

Estate Management checks value for money and prepares the budget for Buildings Committee.

PRAO reviews and recommends to Buildings Committee business need (academic or administrative need and value for money).


Technical Approval.


Funding Approval.

Total Cost is £2m or above (Capital Projects Process).

Registers the project with PRC at the outset. The Chairman of PRC has power to register small, straightforward projects. Prepares the Concept Paper. When the Concept Paper is approved, prepares full business case including the confirmation/revision of the Concept Paper and business plan and the provision of estimates.

Estate Management checks value for money and prepares the budget for Buildings Committee.

PRAO assists Department working with Estate Management.


Technical Approval.


Approves Concept Paper before proceeding further and determines how the preparation of the full business case is to be funded.

Funding Approval.

Schedule 4 – Specific Operational Approvals


Approval or determination by

Other requirements

Alienation of land

Determination whether land is PPU Land.54

Finance Committee.

In straightforward cases the determination can be made by the Director of Finance (on advice of the Director of Estate Management) and reported to the Finance Committee.

PRC advises the Finance Committee.

Estate Management provide technical advice.

Approval for sale or transfer or grant of a leave for more than 60 years of land which is PPU Land.55

Regent House (Grace).

Report from Council to Regent House.

Approval for sale or transfer or grant of a lease for more than 60 years of land which is not PPU Land.56

Finance Committee.


Approval for grant of a lease of PPU Land for less than 60 years.57

Finance Committee.


Use of Land Fund (receipts from sale or lease of land other than land held for investment purposes).58

Finance Committee.


Alteration or change of use

Consideration of whether a repair or alteration is substantial and, if not substantial what publicity is appropriate.59

The body which gives the Technical Approval (Minor Works Sub-Committee or Buildings Committee depending on project Total Cost).


Preliminary approval of proposals for substantial repair or alteration (prior to seeking a Grace).60

PRC gives the Funding Approval.

Buildings Committee gives the Technical Approval.

Approval for substantial alteration of an existing University building.61

Regent House (Grace).

Consult the Directors of Estate Management and Finance and the Taxation Section. Execution of contract documents is done by the Director of Estate Management.62

Approval for change of use.1063


Estate Management advises.

Erection or demolition of a building

Approval for the erection of a new University building or for the demolition of an existing University building.64

Regent House (Grace).

Consult the Directors of Estate Management and Finance and the Taxation Section. The Director of Estate Management signs the contract documents.65


Setting the annual budget for the Building Maintenance Fund.

PRC – Financial Approval

Buildings Committee – Technical Approval.


Delegation of maintenance (for the execution of one or more maintenance projects).

Buildings Committee.

When considering a request until further notice to delegate maintenance, Committee shall set any appropriate thresholds and conditions and shall have regard to the following:

  1. (a)The extent of delegation to be given (scope and Total Cost delegated).
  2. (b)Legal, regulatory, and insurance issues.
  3. (c)Levels of necessary expertise (technical, health and safety, purchasing, etc.).
  4. (d)Value for money.
  5. (e)Conditions to be imposed in addition to those in Financial Regulations.

A list shall be published on the Estate Management website setting out delegations made.66

Minor works expenditure approval exemption

Exemption from need to seek an Expenditure Approval for work not exceeding £50,000.

Buildings Committee.

When considering a request for exemption until further notice from the need to seek an Expenditure Approval for work where the Total Cost does not exceed £50,000, Committee shall set any appropriate thresholds and conditions and shall have regard to the following:

  1. (a)The extent of permission to be given (scope and Total Cost permitted).
  2. (b)Legal, regulatory, and insurance issues.
  3. (c)Levels of necessary expertise (technical, health and safety, purchasing, etc.).
  4. (d)Value for money.
  5. (e)Conditions to be imposed in addition to those in Financial Regulations.

A list shall be published on the Estate Management website setting out delegations made.

Permission to carry out minor works

Permission to carry out minor works.

Buildings Committee.

When considering a request for permission until further notice to carry out minor works, Committee shall set any appropriate thresholds and conditions and shall have regard to the following:

  1. (a)The extent of permission to be given (Total Cost permitted).
  2. (b)Legal, regulatory, and insurance issues.
  3. (c)Levels of necessary expertise (technical, health and safety, purchasing, etc.).
  4. (d)Value for money.
  5. (e)Conditions to be imposed in addition to those in Financial Regulations including requirements to consult EM and/or not to do certain specified work.

A list shall be published on the Estate Management website setting out delegations made.

Permission to carry out emergency work

Permission to carry out Emergency work without seeking an expenditure approval.

Buildings Committee.

When considering a request for permission until further notice to carry out emergency work as it arises, Committee shall set any appropriate thresholds and conditions and shall have regard to the following:

  1. (a)The extent of permission to be given (Total Cost permitted).
  2. (b)Legal, regulatory, and insurance issues.
  3. (c)Levels of necessary expertise (technical, health and safety, purchasing, etc.).
  4. (d)Value for money.
  5. (e)Conditions to be imposed in addition to those in Financial Regulations including requirements to consult EM and/or not to do certain specified work.

A list shall be published on the Estate Management website setting out delegations made.

Acquisition of land

Approval for acquisition of property (freehold leasehold or any building) anywhere in the world to form part of PPU Land whether for value or not.67

Finance Committee.

PRC advises Finance Committee as necessary.


Prior approval required.

Finance Committee.


Allocation of space

Allocation of space.

Approval for sharing University space with any third party, including an Embedded Company, and whether by way of lease, licence or any other formal or informal arrangement.

A change to the net usable area of the building.

A change of use.68


Consult the Space Management Advisory Group (SMAG considers and puts proposals to RMC).

Consult Estate Management about the terms of any arrangement with a third party. Execution of contract documents is done by the Director of Estate Management.69

Schedule 5 – Definitions and guidance

‘Brief Business Case’

A paper setting out the academic or administrative need, value for money, and funding source and confirming that, where the Department belongs to a School, the Head of School approves the project.

‘Buildings Maintenance Fund’

The fund referred to in Ordinance Ch. XIII, ‘University Funds, Special Regulations, Buildings Maintenance Funds’.

‘Cambridge Assessment’

The operational arm of the Local Examinations Syndicate.

‘Capital Approval’

The approval required (under these Regulations) for capital projects where the Cost of works is £2m or above and (under Financial Regulations) expenditure on capital items (inclusive of VAT), is £2m or above.

‘Concept Paper’

A paper setting out the academic or administrative case, value for money and preliminary costings.


Cambridge University Endowment Fund.

‘Department’, ‘Head of Department’

As defined in Financial Regulations.

‘Embedded Company’

A company occupying University premises or whose employees’ normal place of work is on University premises, other than as temporary visitors or to provide services to the University.

‘Emergency Work’70

If an unforeseen Maintenance event causes damage, the minimum work immediately necessary to preserve property and address health and safety risks.

‘Estate Management’

The University’s Estate Management Service.

‘Expenditure Approval’

An approval in accordance with Schedule 3.

‘Funding Approval’

Authority given to Finance Division to issue a building warrant.

‘Financial Regulations’

The University’s Financial Regulations (an Order of Council set out in Ordinances).

‘Investment Board’

The board which manages for the University the investment of the Cambridge University Endowment Fund (CUEF).

‘Investment Office’

The officer group which provides technical management for the Investment Board.


The repair, refreshment or renewal of what already exists to enable the facilities to function as originally intended, as distinct from Refurbishment and Restructuring; Maintenance does not change the scope, capacity or structure of any facility, nor does it add or remove any facility; it has the sense of continuance and preservation.

‘Minor Works Expenditure Approval Exemption’

Buildings Committee approval for a Department to proceed with work (not to exceed £50,000) without seeking an Expenditure Approval.

‘Non-Operational Estate’

Land and buildings held for the general purposes of the University (e.g. residences) and land and property that could be needed in the foreseeable future for the Operational Estate. It is managed on a self-funded basis and remits income to the Chest.

‘Operational Estate’

Land and buildings currently used for teaching and research or for administrative and other support functions, including the University Farm, and retention of specialist use and ‘churn’ space but excluding land used by Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment (the Local Examinations Syndicate).

‘PPU Land’

Freehold or leasehold land where the sale or transfer or the grant of lease for sixty years or more would deprive the University of the use of land or buildings which are of present or prospective use to the University.


Planning and Resources Committee of the Council and the General Board.


Planning and Resource Allocation Office.


Upgrading what exists.


Changing what exists.


Resource Management Committee.


Space Management Advisory Group.

‘Specific Operational Approval’

An approval in accordance with Schedule 4.


All employees irrespective of whether their appointment specifically includes responsibilities for land and buildings and however their employment is financed together with anyone else who has any responsibility for the management or Maintenance of or expenditure on any University land or buildings.

‘Technical Approval’

Confirmation that the proposed budget and specification for building work meet the operational, quality and technical needs and provide value for money.

‘Total Cost’

The total cost or estimated total cost to bring a project to completion, including without limitation all design work, VAT, constructions costs and planning advice.


The Chancellor, Masters, and Scholars of the University of Cambridge.

Terms are to be understood as used in Statutes and Ordinances, unless the context of the Regulation requires otherwise. Words preceding ‘include’, ‘includes’, ‘including’, and ‘included’ shall be construed without limitation by the words which follow those words.

If in doubt, consult Estate Management or PRAO. Further written guidance is contained in the Finance Committee, PRC, RMC, and Estate Management71 web pages.



1. There shall be a standing committee of the Council, called the Audit Committee, which shall consist of:

  1. Chairman.
    (a)a member of the Council in class (e) appointed by the Council to serve as Chairman of the Committee,
  2. (b)two members of the Council appointed by the Council from among its members who are members of the Regent House, provided that neither the Vice-Chancellor, a Pro-Vice-Chancellor, nor the Chairman of a Council of a School shall be eligible to serve,
  3. (c)four persons, not being members of the Regent House or employees of the University, appointed by the Council with regard to their professional expertise and experience in comparable roles in corporate life, including at least two members with experience of finance, accounting, or auditing,
  4. (d)not more than three persons co-opted by the Committee, of whom
  5. (i)the first person co-opted shall be a member of the Regent House, such person not being a member of the Council,
  6. (ii)not more than two co-opted persons shall be members of the Regent House, such persons not being members of the Council,
  7. (iii)not more than two co-opted persons shall be external members, one but not more than one of whom may be a member of the Council in class (e),

provided that it shall not be obligatory for the Committee to co-opt any person or persons.

For the purpose of these regulations, external members are defined as the following members of the Audit Committee:

  1. (i)persons who are members of the Council in class (e);
  2. (ii)persons who are not employees of the University or any of its companies or of a College, and who do not hold College Fellowships which qualify them for membership of the Regent House.

2. Members in classes (a), (b), and (c) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for three years from 1 January next following their appointment. No member in class (a), (b), and (c) may serve for more than eight consecutive years. Co-opted members shall serve until 31 December of the year in which they are co-opted or of the following year, as the Committee shall decide at the time of their co-optation.


3. No person may be a member of the Audit Committee who is a member of the Finance Committee of the Council. If a member of the Audit Committee becomes a member of the Finance Committee, his or her place shall thereupon become vacant.


4. The Audit Committee shall meet at least twice in each financial year. It shall be the duty of the Committee:

  1. (a)to keep under review the effectiveness of the University's internal systems of financial and other control;
  2. (b)to advise the Council on matters relating to the external and internal auditors, including their appointment, the provision by the auditors of any additional services outside the scope of their regular responsibilities, the remuneration of the auditors, and any questions relating to the resignation or dismissal of auditors;
  3. (c)to ensure that sufficient resources are made available for internal audit;
  4. (d)to approve proposals for internal audit put forward by the internal auditors;
  5. (e)to review annually with the external auditors the nature and scope of the external audit;
  6. (f)to consider any reports submitted by the auditors, both external and internal;
  7. (g)to monitor the implementation of any recommendations made by the internal auditors;
  8. (h)to satisfy themselves that satisfactory arrangements are adopted throughout the University for promoting economy, efficiency, effectiveness, and risk management;
  9. (i)to establish appropriate performance measures and to monitor annually the performance and effectiveness of the external and internal auditors;
  10. (j)to consider, in consultation with the external auditors, (i) any financial statements annexed to the abstract of accounts, including the auditors’ report, and (ii) any statement provided by the Council on the governance of the University;
  11. (k)to ensure that all significant losses are properly investigated and that the internal and external auditors, and where appropriate the Higher Education Funding Council for England, are informed;
  12. (l)to oversee the University's policy on fraud and irregularity, and to ensure that they are informed of any action taken under that policy;
  13. (m)to make an annual report to the Council, the Vice-Chancellor, and the Higher Education Funding Council for England;
  14. (n)to receive reports from the National Audit Office and the Higher Education Funding Council for England, and to advise the Council thereon;
  15. (o)to forward minutes of their meetings to the Council.

5. No decision of the Audit Committee shall have any binding effect unless there are at least five members, three at least of these being external members, present at a meeting of the Audit Committee. If a decision is the subject of a vote and there is an equality of votes cast, the Chairman, or Acting Chairman, as the case may be, shall be entitled to give a second or casting vote.

Acting Chairman.

6. In the absence of the Chairman of the Committee, the Audit Committee shall elect an acting Chairman from the external members present.


  1. 1. See p. 688.a
  2. 2. Leasing, as defined in Schedule 2, does not include pure finance leases, which are a form of borrowing which Departments must not do (Regulation 17.1).a
  3. 3. See the University’s Corporate Governance Statement, annexed to the University’s Annual Reports and Financial Statements.a
  4. 4. Statute A, Ch IV, paragraph 1 and Statute F, Ch I, paragraph a. See also Ordinances, Ch I, Special Regulations for Syndicates, Local Examinations Syndicate, and Press Syndicate.a
  5. 5. Ordinances, Ch I, The Council, Legal Powers.a
  6. 6. Statute F, Ch III, paragraph 6 and Ordinances, Ch XIII, Financial Matters, paragraph 6.a
  7. 7. Statute F, Ch I, paragraph 2.a
  8. 8. Statute D, Ch III, paragraph 3.a
  9. 9. Statute D, Ch IV, paragraph 3.a
  10. 10. Statute C, Ch V, paragraph 3(c) and Ch IV, paragraph 10.a
  11. 11. Ordinances, Ch IX, Departments and Heads of Department, paragraphs 4 and 5.a
  12. 12. Statute D, Ch VIII, paragraph 1.a
  13. 13. Ordinances, Chapter XI, Special Regulations for University Officers, Unified Administrative Service, paragraphs 1 and 2.a
  14. 14. Ordinances, Ch XIII, Council Notice: Ethical Guidelines on the Acceptance of Benefactions.a
  15. 15. Ordinances, Ch I, West and North West Cambridge Estates Syndicate, paragraph 9.a
  16. 16. Statute A Ch IV, para 1 and Statute F, Ch I paras 1(a), 2, and Ordinance Ch XIII para 6.a
  17. 17. Ord XIII Financial Matters, 6(a).a
  18. 18. Stat F Ch 1, para 2, 2nd sentence.a
  19. 19. Ord XIII Financial Matters, 6(a).a
  20. 20. Financial Regulation 18.1.a
  21. 21. Statute K, 9(b)(ii): delegation does not relieve the delegating body of responsibility.a
  22. 22. See
  23. 23. Statute A Ch IV, para 1 and Statute F, Ch I paras 1(a), 2, and Ordinance Ch XIII para 6. See also Ordinance Ch I, Special Regulations for Syndicates, Local Examinations Syndicate and Press Syndicate.a
  24. 24. Statute A, Ch V, para 1(b).a
  25. 25. The Consultative Report of the Council in March 2004 (see at para 1(a)).a
  26. 26. Ord XIII Financial Matters, 6(a).a
  27. 27. Statute C, Ch I, Reg 1(c)(ii).a
  28. 28. Statute A, Ch V para 1(a).a
  29. 29. Statute A, Ch V para 1(b).a
  30. 30. Statute A, Ch V, Statute F, Ch III, and Ordinance Ch XIII, Financial Matters, para 6, the Consultative Report of the Council in March 2004 (see at para 8(b).a
  31. 31. See The PRC is a joint committee of the Council and General Board, serviced by the Planning and Resource Allocation Office (PRAO). See the Council Consultative Committee report in March 2004 at at para 6, 8(a), 10(a), and 19.a
  32. 32. See The Consultative Report of the Council identifies the Buildings Committee as responsible for advising the PRC about executive matters relating to the operational estate and the buildings programme, including buildings maintenance, within budgets and estate plans approved by the central bodies on the recommendation of the PRC. It is a joint committee of the Council and General Board serviced by the Planning and Resource Allocation Office (PRAO), with business prepared by the Director of Estate Management. See at para 8 and 10(c). See also para 3, Grace 1, 18 Feb 2005, and Regulation 9 of the Sites and Buildings Regulations (1994 as amended in 2005), confirmed by these Regulations.a
  33. 33. Ordinance Ch XIII, University Funds, Special Regulations, Buildings Maintenance Funds; and Regulation 9 of the Sites and Buildings Regulations (1994 as amended in 2005), re-confirmed by these Regulations.a
  34. 34. Regulations paras 9 and 10 (1994 as amended in 2005). The delegation is confirmed by these Regulations.a
  35. 35. Previously Regulations 11(a) of the Sites and Buildings Regulations (1994 as amended in 2005), delegation confirmed by these Regulations in relation to the Operational Estate.a
  36. 36. The Council Consultative Report of March 2004 confirmed, for the time being, the (predecessor) Minor Works Review Group as a technical review and implementation group, reporting to the Buildings Committee but suggested it would be reconstituted as a sub-committee of the Buildings Committee – see, para 1(f) and 8(d).a
  37. 37. See Schedule 3.a
  38. 38. See
  39. 39. See further the RMC terms of reference on the RMC website and the Consultative Report of the Council in March 2004 (see at para 1(e) and 16 and RMC terms of reference at a
  40. 40. Sites and Buildings Regulations (1994 as amended in 2005) para 5 described as a Council responsibility the assignment of buildings to faculties, departments and other institutions or bodies. This task has been delegated to RMC. a
  41. 41. See Ord I, Ch 1, Special Regulations for Boards, Health and Safety Executive Committee, para 3 and 4 and See also Council Notice of 26 April 2010 which revised membership of this committee.a
  42. 42. See The Buildings Committee confirmed the organization, terms of reference and constitution of the Committee for Environmental Management on 21 June 2000, see
  43. 43. Statute J; Ord I, Ch 1, Special Regulations for Syndicates, Press Syndicate, para 3; Ord XIII, Financial Matters, para 9; Financial Regulations para 1; see also Sites and Buildings Regulations (1994 as amended in 2005) para 1 and 11, re-confirmed in these Regulations. The Council has power to limit the Press’s powers and may reclaim control – see Statute J paragraphs 5 and 13.a
  44. 44. Sites and Buildings Regulations (1994 as amended in 2005) para 11, continued in the current Regulation.a
  45. 45. Statute J paragraph 3 and Ordinance XIII Financial matters para 9.a
  46. 46. Ord I, Ch 1, Special Regulations for Syndicates, Press Syndicate, para 3(c) footnote.a
  47. 47. See Regulation 1.2a
  48. 48. Previously the Buildings Committee had overall responsibility for the taking of measures for the safety of premises (including fire precautions) – see Regulation 9(a), (b) of the Sites and Buildings Regulations (1994 as amended in 2005).a
  49. 49. Previously the Buildings Committee had overall responsibility for the taking of measures for the safety and security of the premises in consultation with the bodies concerned – see Regulation 9(a), (b) of the Sites and Buildings Regulations (1994 as amended in 2005).a
  50. 50. See Financial Regulation 4.1.a
  51. 51. Previously Schedule 1 paragraph 1(c) of the Sites and Buildings Regulations (1994 as amended in 2005), delegation confirmed by these Regulations. Security obligations not previously itemized.a
  52. 52. Ordinance Chapter XIII, Financial Matters, Financial Regulation 26.a
  53. 53. Ordinance Chapter XIII, Financial Matters, University Funds, Land Fund.a
  54. 54. Ord XIII Financial Matters, 6(a): A Grace is required for a sale or lease of more than 60 years if in the judgement of the Council this would deprive the University of the use of lands or buildings which are of present or prospective use to the University.a
  55. 55. Ord XIII Financial Matters, 6(a).a
  56. 56. Ord XIII Financial Matters, 6(a).a
  57. 57. Ord XIII Financial Matters, 6(a).a
  58. 58. Premiums from the lease of land and receipts from the sale of land (other than land held for investment purposes) are credited to the Land Fund and are subject to the requirements of Ordinance Ch XIII, University Funds, Land Fund.a
  59. 59. Delegation from Council: i.e. is it substantial for the purpose of Statute F, Ch 1, para 2, 2nd sentence.a
  60. 60. Delegation from Council to PRC and (per previous Sites and Buildings Regulations (1994 as amended in 2005) Regulation 8) to Buildings Committee, re-confirmed by these Regulations.a
  61. 61. Stat F Ch 1, para 2, 2nd sentence.a
  62. 62. Fin Regs 6.2. Regulation 2.4 of these Regulations.a
  63. 63. Delegation by Council in line with previous Sites and Buildings Regulations (1994 as amended in 2005) Regulation 6. a
  64. 64. Stat F Ch 1, para 2, 2nd sentence.a
  65. 65. Fin Regs 6.2. Regulation 2.4 of these Regulations.a
  66. 66. Statute F, Ch I para 2; Statute J; confirmation of delegation by Council in line with the previous Sites and Buildings Regulations (1994 as amended in 2005) paras 1, 7, and 9.a
  67. 67. New requirement of the Council under its supervisory jurisdiction.a
  68. 68. Delegation by Council in line with previous Sites and Buildings Regulations (1994 as amended in 2005) para 5.a
  69. 69. Financial Regulations, Regulation 26. Regulation 2.4 of these Regulations.a
  70. 70. Emergency Work conducted by Estate Management is authorized as part of the approval of the Buildings Maintenance Fund which includes an allocation for emergency work.a
  71. 71.