Skip to main contentCambridge University Reporter

No 6433

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Vol cxlvi No 38

pp. 748–791


Graces submitted to the Regent House on 13 July 2016

The Council submits the following Graces to the Regent House. These Graces, unless they are withdrawn or a ballot is requested in accordance with the regulations for Graces of the Regent House (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 107), will be deemed to have been approved at 4 p.m. on Friday, 22 July 2016.

1. That the Table of Fees attached to the regulations for University Composition Fees (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 154) be amended for 2017–18 as set out in the Schedule to the Council’s Notice dated 11 July 2016 (p. 749).

2. That, with effect from 1 October 2015, an increase of 1.5% and 5% respectively to the current stipends of the Proctors and Esquire Bedells be approved.1

3. That the recommendations in paragraph 6 of the Joint Report of the Council and the General Board, dated 16 May 2016 and 27 April 2016, on the public display of class-lists and related matters (Reporter, 6426, 2015–16, p. 547), as revised by the Council’s Notice dated 11 July 2016 (p. 752), be approved.2

4. That the recommendations in paragraph 8 of the Report of the Council, dated 16 May 2016, on revised governance arrangements for the development of the West and North West Cambridge sites (Reporter, 6426, 2015–16, p. 545) be approved.3

5. That the recommendations in paragraph 10 of the First-stage Report of the Council, dated 22 June 2016, on the construction of an off-site storage facility for low-use library material (Reporter, 6431, 2015–16, p. 696) be approved.4

6. That the recommendations in paragraph 18 of the Report of the General Board, dated 27 April 2016, on the introduction of a Doctor of Business Degree in the Judge Business School (Reporter, 6424, 2015–16, p. 505), as amended by the General Board’s Notice dated 6 July 2016 (p. 754), be approved.

7. That the recommendations in paragraph 8 of the Report of the General Board, dated 1 June 2016, on Senior Academic Promotions (Reporter, 6429, 2015–16, p. 628) be approved.

8. That the recommendations in paragraph 6 of the Report of the Council, dated 13 June 2016, on a University Statement on Freedom of Speech and the Code of Practice issued under section 43 of the Education (No 2) Act 1986 (Reporter, 6430, 2015–16, p. 640) be approved.5

9. That the recommendations in paragraph 8 of the First-stage Report of the Council, dated 13 June 2016, on the construction of a new building for the Department of Engineering in West Cambridge (Reporter, 6430, 2015–16, p. 643) be approved.6

10. That, on the recommendation of the Council and the Nominating Committee, Professor Dame Shirley Pearce DBE be reappointed a member of the Council in class (e) for four years from 1 January 2017.7

11. That, on the recommendation of the Council and the Nominating Committee, Ms Sara Weller be reappointed a member of the Council in class (e) for four years from 1 January 2017.8

12. That, with effect from 1 October 2016, the regulation for Interviews (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 244) be amended so as to read:9

Notwithstanding the provisions of any other Ordinance, the Examiners for any examination for which candidates are not required to be Graduate Students shall have discretion, after consultation with the Board of Examinations, to summon a particular candidate or particular candidates for interview on any aspect of the written work examined which in the opinion of the Examiners requires elucidation.

13. That a Babbage Fund for Policy and Practice be established in the University, to be governed by the following regulations:10

Babbage Fund for Policy and Practice

1. The funds received from The Gatsby Charitable Foundation, together with such other sums as may be received or applied for the same purpose, shall form an endowment fund called the Babbage Fund for Policy and Practice to advance research in the field of science, technology, and innovation policy by supporting offices or posts in the University.

2. The Managers shall be responsible for the administration of the Fund and shall comprise the Head of the School of Technology, who shall be Chair or shall nominate a Chair from among the Managers, the Head of the Department of Engineering, the Head of the Division of Manufacturing and Management within the Department of Engineering, and one person appointed by the General Board on the nomination of the donor for periods of five years.

3. The income of the Fund shall be applied towards the payment of the stipend, national insurance, and pension contributions of the Babbage Professorship of Technology and Innovation Policy payable by the University or towards the corresponding costs of such other named office or post as the Managers shall determine provided that any unexpended income can be applied in accordance with Regulation 4.

4. Any unexpended income in any financial year, including income accrued during a vacancy in an office or post supported by the Fund, may, at the discretion of the Managers:

(a)with the approval of the Faculty Board of Engineering, be applied to support the work of the Professor or other office or post supported by the Fund in such manner as may be recommended by the Managers;

(b)with the approval of the General Board, be applied to support research in the field of science, technology, and innovation policy in the University in such manner as may be recommended by the Managers; and/or

(c)be carried forward for use as income in accordance with Regulation 3 in any one or more subsequent financial years.

14. That, with effect from 1 October 2016, in the regulations for the Bell, Abbott, and Barnes Funds (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 747) references to ‘the B.A. Degree’ be replaced with references to ‘a degree listed in the Schedule to these regulations’, Regulation 2 be amended, and a schedule inserted, as follows:11

2. The annual value of an Exhibition shall be such sum as shall be determined by the Awarders in a particular case within a range approved from time to time by the Council. The Exhibition shall be payable in instalments at the end of each term kept until the student ceases to be eligible under Regulation 1. The Awarders may determine that the tenure of an Exhibition shall date from the beginning of the academical year in which the award is made. The value of a grant shall be determined by the Awarders within a range approved from time to time by the Council.


Degrees approved for the purpose of these regulations

Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Medicine

Bachelor of Music

Bachelor of Surgery

Bachelor of Theology for Ministry

Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine

Master of Engineering

Master of Mathematics

Master of Natural Sciences

15. That in the regulations for the Keynes Fund for Applied Economics (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 835) a new Regulation 4 be inserted, the remaining regulations renumbered, and current Regulation 6 (renumbered 7) revised, as follows:12

4. The Director of the Fund may be remunerated in respect of his or her services in that capacity and the cost of any such remuneration, including national insurance and pension contributions and any indirect costs, may be charged to the income of the Fund, provided that the amount of the payment to the Director of the Fund has been approved under the regulations for Payments Additional to Stipend or otherwise duly authorized under Statute or Ordinance.

7. The Fund shall be administered by the Managers in accordance with the provisions of the agreement with the donor dated 26 May 2011, as amended by agreement with the donor dated 19 May 2016.

16. That Regulation 2 for the Tesni Parry Memorial Fund (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 882) be amended so as to read:13

2. The Managers of the Fund shall be the Head of the Department of Haematology, who shall be Chair, a Professor from the Department of Pathology nominated by the Head of the Department of Pathology, a Professor from the Department of Haematology nominated by the Head of the Department of Haematology, a Consultant Haematologist nominated by the Faculty Board of Clinical Medicine, and Mrs Enfys Morris Chapman or such person as she may appoint to represent her.


  • 1These increases reflect the extension to the duties of the Proctors and Esquire Bedells following, with the concurrence of the Colleges’ Committee, an increase in the number of Congregations in July each year from one to two. 

  • 2See the Council’s Notice (p. 752).

  • 3See the Council’s Notice (p. 753).

  • 4See the Council’s Notice (p. 754).

  • 5The Council notes the remarks made by Professor Gillian Evans (p. 788) and is submitting a Grace for the approval of the recommendations of this Report.

  • 6The Council notes the remarks made by Dr Simon Guest (p. 788) and is submitting a Grace for the approval of the recommendations of this Report.

  • 7Professor Pearce was Vice-Chancellor and President of Loughborough University from 2005 until July 2012. She also held a number of national roles including, until 2015, being a member of the HEFCE Board where she chaired a number of committees including HEFCE Research and Innovation Strategic Advisory Committee. She is currently the independent Chair of the Board of the College of Policing.

  • 8Ms Weller is a Non-Executive Director at Lloyds Banking Group and United Utilities plc, and is Chair of the Planning Inspectorate. She is a member of the HEFCE Board and chairs HEFCE’s Strategic Advisory Committee on Quality Assurance and Regulation.

  • 9The General Board proposes these amendments to extend the application of the Ordinance to all examinations for degrees other than those that are the responsibility of the Board of Graduate Studies, and to all written work submitted for examination, whether produced as coursework or in the examination room. 

  • 10See the Vice-Chancellor’s Notice (p. 749).

  • 11The General Board proposes these changes, made on the recommendation of the Awarders of the Funds, to widen the pool of eligible applicants from B.A. students to include candidates for the undergraduate degrees listed in a schedule being added to the regulations. These changes have been made following the dissolution of the Access to Learning Fund, which had previously received applications for financial hardship support from these students.

  • 12The Council, on the recommendation of the Fund Managers and the General Board and following the sealing of a deed of variation made with the donor, proposes these changes to enable the Director of the Fund to be remunerated in respect of his or her services in that capacity from the income of the Fund.

  • 13The General Board, on the recommendation of the Managers of the Fund and with the concurrence of the donor, proposes an amendment to add the Head of the Department of Haematology as a Manager and to replace the Professors of Haematology and Pathology with nominated Professors from the respective Departments. 

Graces to be submitted to the Regent House at a Congregation on 15 July 2016

The Council has sanctioned the submission of the following Graces to the Regent House at a Congregation to be held on 15 July 2016:

That the following persons be admitted to the degree of Master of Arts by incorporation:

1. Bridget Kendall, Master of Peterhouse, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford (2016).

2. Ian Nicholas Molyneux Wright, Fellow of Peterhouse, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford (2003).

That the following persons be admitted to the degree of Master of Arts under the provisions of Statute B II 2:

3. Malavika Anderson, Administrative Officer in the Office of External Affairs and Communications.

4. Martin Wolfgang Besser, Associate Lecturer in the Faculty of Clinical Medicine.

5. David Gilligan, of Clare College, Associate Lecturer in the Faculty of Clinical Medicine.

6. Michael Andrew Scott, Associate Lecturer in the Faculty of Clinical Medicine.

Graces to be submitted to the Regent House at a Congregation on 16 July 2016

The Council has sanctioned the submission of the following Graces to the Regent House at a Congregation to be held on 16 July 2016:

That the following persons be admitted to the degree of Master of Arts under the provisions of Statute B II 2:

1. Xiaohui Bao, Fellow of Newnham College and University Lecturer in the Department of Land Economy.

2. David William Blagden, Fellow of Darwin College.

3. Alexandra Juliette Da Costa, Fellow of Newnham College and University Lecturer in the Faculty of English.

4. Agustin Fernandez Trujillo, Computer Officer in the University Information Services.

5. Katherine Harriet Fleet, Fellow of Newnham College.

6. Fiona Jane Gilbert, Fellow of Newnham College and Professor of Radiology in the Department of Radiology.

7. Susan Esther Golombok, Fellow of Newnham College and Professor of Family Research in the Centre for Family Research.

8. Fiona Louise Maine, Fellow of St Edmund’s College and University Lecturer in the Faculty of Education.

9. Victoria Jane Mills, Fellow of Darwin College.

10. Narain Moorjani, Associate Lecturer in the Faculty of Clinical Medicine.

11. Yael Navaro-Yashin, Fellow of Newnham College and Reader in the Anthropology of Politics in the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology.

12. Judy Elizabeth Quinn, Fellow of Newnham College and Reader in Old Norse Literature in the Department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic.

13. Gabriela Ramos, Fellow of Newnham College and University Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of History.

14. Lisa Marie Saksida, Fellow of Newnham College and Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience in the Department of Psychology.

15. Merina Tuladhar, Computer Officer in the University Library.

16. Guenever Johanna Van der Wal, Fellow of Darwin College.

17. Nathalie Maria Vriend, Fellow of Newnham College.