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No 6381

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Vol cxlv No 25

pp. 433–450


Joint Report of the Council and the General Board on the rescission of the quota system for the number of Professorial Fellowships maintained by each College

The Council and the General Board beg leave to report to the University as follows:

1. Special Ordinance G (i) (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 103, formerly Statute G, I) makes provision for the Colleges to maintain Professorial Fellowships, for Professors and other senior University officers, through a system whereby each College was assigned a quota of the number of such Fellowships. The system has been in place in essentially its present form since 1926 and was originally intended to promote the election of the holders of Professorships to Fellowships without dividend in Colleges, having regard to the restrictions then in place on College work that could be undertaken by a Professor.

2. The number of Professorships has increased more than tenfold since then and the quota system has not kept pace; for many years all Colleges have exceeded their respective quotas. Furthermore, the restrictions on the College work that a Professor may undertake have been very greatly relaxed, in recognition of the fact that the substantial increase in the annual number of promotions to personal Professorships and Readerships had resulted in a need for Colleges to be able to call upon such officers to undertake Tutorships and other College duties, and to maintain their capacity to provide supervision. The necessity for a special system to encourage the election of senior University officers prevented from undertaking College work has therefore radically diminished. In November 2012, the University and Colleges Joint Committee agreed in principle to propose the repeal of Statute G, I, governing the quota system, but that, as a technical review of the University’s Statutes initiated by the Council was in progress, its removal should be suspended pending the conclusion of that review process. By Grace 2 of 3 July 2013, the University for its part approved the new Statutes and also approved Special Ordinances, to which parts of the existing Statutes would be transferred if the new Statutes were approved by Her Majesty in Council. These changes included the relocation of the provisions governing the quota system to Special Ordinance. The new Statutes and the Special Ordinances came into force on 11 February 2014 (Reporter, 6338, 2013–14, p. 371), and the provisions prescribing the quota system are now contained in Special Ordinance G (i) (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 103).

3. The Council and the General Board agree with the University and Colleges Joint Committee that there is no value in reforming the current outdated quota system, and that Colleges should be able to elect a Professor to a Fellowship on the same basis as any other University officer.

4. Most College Statutes include provisions for Professorial Fellowships and Colleges will no doubt wish to consider whether to make changes to reflect the abolition of the quota system as well as the changes made as a result of the technical review. A new short form of Special Ordinance G (i) has been drafted to facilitate the transition (see Annex A) and give Colleges the opportunity to review and amend their Statutes. In particular, the reference to Fellowships with dividend has been retained for that reason, notwithstanding that such Fellowships were abolished by Colleges nearly fifty years ago. A revised Schedule G (i) 1 has also been drafted, which lists those University offices other than Professorships the holders of which qualify for election into a Professorial Fellowship. Some consequential changes to Schedule C (vii) 1, which currently lists those offices solely for that purpose, are therefore also proposed (see Annex B).

5. The Council and the General Board recommend:

I. That the quota system for the number of Professorial Fellowships to be maintained by each College, Special Ordinance G (i), and Schedules G (i) 1 and 2 be rescinded and replaced with Special Ordinance G (i) and Schedule G (i) 1 as set out in Annex A, and that Schedule C (vii) 1 be revised as set out in Annex B.

25 March 2015

L. K. Borysiewicz, Vice-Chancellor

Helen Hoogewerf-McComb

Rachael Padman

Ross Anderson

Alice Hutchings

Shirley Pearce

Richard Anthony

Richard Jones

John Shakeshaft

Jeremy Caddick

Fiona Karet

Evianne van Gijn

R. Charles

Stuart Laing

Sara Weller

Anne Davis

Mark Lewisohn

I. H. White

David Good

Rebecca Lingwood

A. D. Yates

Nicholas Holmes

Susan Oosthuizen

11 March 2015

L. K. Borysiewicz, Vice-Chancellor

Robert Kennicutt

Rob Richardson

Philip Allmendinger

Duncan Maskell

Evianne van Gijn

M. J. Daunton

Martin Millett

Graham Virgo

Anne Davis

Rachael Padman

Chris Young

David Good

Richard Prager


Professorial Fellowships (Special Ordinance under Statute G IV 6)

1. An office specified in Schedule C (vii) 1 or Schedule G (i) 1 shall qualify its holder for election into a Professorial Fellowship of a College.

2. The holder of an office specified in Schedule C (vii) 1 or Schedule G (i) 1 shall be ineligible for election into a Fellowship with dividend of a College; that is to say, a Fellowship that entitles its holder to a share of the divisible balance of the corporate revenue of the College in each year, or of any other funds applicable to the payment of the emolument of a Fellowship.

Schedule G (i) 1

This schedule lists University officers whose offices qualify their holders for election into a Professorial Fellowship of a College

The Vice-Chancellor

The Registrary

The Librarian


By removing from Schedule C (vii) 1 (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 82) the lists of offices under the headings for Administrative officers and Other University officers and replacing them with the following:

Other University officers

Director of the Fitzwilliam Museum

Director of the Cambridge Endowment for Research in Finance

The Director of the M.B.A. course