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No 6191

Thursday 3 June 2010

Vol cxl No 32

pp. 929–948

Regulations For Examinations

The General Board give notice that, on the recommendation of the Faculty Board or other authority concerned, the regulations for certain University examinations have been amended as follows:

Anglo Saxon, Norse, and Celtic Tripos, Part II

(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 253)

With effect from 1 October 2010

Regulation 14.

By amending the detail for Paper 15 in Part II of the Tripos


Paper 15. Historical linguistics (Paper 7 of the Linguistics Tripos)


Paper 15. Historical linguistics (Paper 11 of the Linguistics Tripos (New Regulations)).

Archaeological and Anthropological Tripos, Parts IIa and IIb

(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 258)

With effect from 1 October 2010

Regulation 15.


Special areas

Teaching arrangements for Paper A6 have been changed and the title of the paper has been amended as follows:

A6. from ‘The archaeology of modern human origins and the Upper Palaeolithic of western Europe’ to ‘The Palaeolithic of the Old World’.

The paper will no longer be taught in alternate years.


(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 264)

Parts IIa and IIb

With effect from 1 October 2010


The supplementary regulations for certain papers have been amended as follows:

Special areas

Papers A5/A6 and A7. Palaeolithic and Mesolithic archaeology

By amending the penultimate sentence of the supplementary regulation so as to read:

One of Papers A5 and A7 is taught in alternate years.

and by deleting the final sentence of the supplementary regulation.

Social Anthropology

Paper S6. Ethnographic areas

By removing the word ‘Southern’ from the supplementary regulation and renaming the ethnographic area as ‘Africa’.

Asian and Middle Eastern Studies Tripos, Part Ib

(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 276)

With effect from 1 October 2010

Part Ib

Regulation 18.

By amending the detail for Paper X.3 in Part Ib of the Tripos


X.3. General linguistics (Paper Li. 1 of the Modern and Medieval Languages Tripos)


X.3. General linguistics (Paper 2 of the Linguistics Tripos (New Regulations)).

English Tripos, Part I

(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 323)

With effect from 1 October 2011

Part I

Regulation 15.

The title of Paper 6 has been amended from Paper 6. Literary criticism to Paper 6. Practical criticism and critical practice.

Law Tripos

(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 347)

With effect from 1 October 2010

Regulation 18.

Paper 5 (French Law) has been suspended for 2010–11.

Modern and Medieval Languages Tripos

(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 366)

With effect from 1 October 2010

Regulation 12.

By replacing the regulation so as to read:

12. For each Part of the Tripos the Chairman and Senior Examiners, in consultation, shall approve the questions proposed for each written paper and the subject matter proposed for each oral examination.

Regulation 18(a).

By inserting a footnote after ‘modern Greek’ to state that papers for Part Ia shall be suspended with effect from 1 October 2010, and that papers for Part Ib shall be suspended with effect from 1 October 2011.

Regulation 27.

By amending the footnote to Regulation 27(c) by inserting the following final sentence:

Certain papers in Part II may not be replaced by an optional dissertation, see Schedule II.

and by amending Regulation 27(e) so as to include a linguistics project as one of the forms that may be taken as a year abroad project, by replacing the word ‘two’ in the first sentence with the word ‘three’, and inserting a new sentence after the third sentence of the regulation so as to read:

If in the form of a linguistics project it shall normally consist of a set of linguistic data of not less than 2,000 words and not more than 3,000 words in length, accompanied by an appropriate transcription or morpheme-by-morpheme gloss, a translation, and a formal analysis. The formal analysis shall normally be not more than 4,000 words in length.



Fr. 1. Introduction to the structure and varieties of modern French.

By introducing a new paper and amending the title to Fr. 1. Introduction to French literature, linguistics, film, and thought.

Fr. 2. French literary texts: an introduction.

This paper will be suspended until further notice.

Fr. 13. The history of the French language.

By introducing a new paper and amending the title to Fr. 13. The French language: variation and change. The paper will not be offered to candidates for the Linguistics Tripos.

Modern Greek

Gr. 2. Introduction to the Cretan Renaissance.

This paper will be suspended until further notice.

Gr. 4. The literature, thought and history of Crete and Cyprus in the Renaissance period.

By introducing a new paper and amending the title to Gr. 4. Crete and Cyprus in the Renaissance period.


Pg. 5. Literature and culture of Portugal and Brazil from 1595.

This paper continues to be suspended to 1 October 2011.


Ru. 1. Introduction to Russian literature, history, and culture, before 1861.

By introducing a new paper and amending the title to Ru. 1. Introduction to Russian culture.

Ru. 2. Introduction to Russian literature, history, and culture, since 1855.

This paper will be suspended until further notice.

Ru. 5. Russian literature and thought from the Enlightenment to realism.

By amending the title to Ru. 5. Culture from the Golden Age to the Silver Age.


Sp. 8. Spanish cinema and television.

This paper continues to be suspended to 1 October 2011.


By replacing the titles of existing papers Li. 1–Li. 9 with Papers 1–12 of the Linguistics Tripos (New Regulations), as follows:

Li. 1.

Sounds and words. (Paper 1 of the Linguistics Tripos (New Regulations)).

Li. 2.

Structures and meanings. (Paper 2 of the Linguistics Tripos (New Regulations)).

Li. 3. Language, brain, and society. (Paper 3 of the Linguistics Tripos (New Regulations)).

Li. 4.

History and varieties of English. (Paper 4 of the Linguistics Tripos (New Regulations)).

Li. 5.

Linguistic theory. (Paper 5 of the Linguistics Tripos (New Regulations)).

Li. 6.

Phonetics. (Paper 6 of the Linguistics Tripos (New Regulations)).

Li. 7.

Foundations of speech communication. (Paper 7 of the Linguistics Tripos (New Regulations)).

Li. 8.

Phonology and morphology. (Paper 8 of the Linguistics Tripos (New Regulations)).

Li. 9.

Syntax. (Paper 9 of the Linguistics Tripos (New Regulations)).

Li. 10.

Semantics and pragmatics. (Paper 10 of the Linguistics Tripos (New Regulations)).

Li. 11.

Historical linguistics. (Paper 11 of the Linguistics Tripos (New Regulations)).

Li. 12.

History of ideas on language. (Paper 12 of the Linguistics Tripos (New Regulations)).


Papers Fr. 2, Gr. 1, and Ru. 2 are suspended until further notice.


(i)Paper Fr. 1 is no longer available at Part Ib;

(ii)Papers Gr. 2 and Ru. 2 are suspended until further notice;

(iii)the footnote against Paper It. 2 has been removed as a portfolio of essays under Regulation 23 may no longer be offered;

(iv)Paper Ru. 1 may only be taken by post-ab-initio candidates in the examination in 2011;

(v)Papers Li. 3 and Li. 4 have been added to the list of papers that may be taken in Linguistics.


(i)Paper Fr. 13 has been added to the list of papers that may be taken;

(ii)Paper Gr. 3 has been added to the list of papers that may be taken (this paper may not be offered by a candidate who has already offered Modern Greek in any part of the Tripos, or in a Certificate or Diploma);

(iii)Papers Gr. 3, Sp. 10, Pg. 3, and Uk. 1 (introduction to the language papers) may not be replaced by an optional dissertation;

(iv)Papers Pg. 5 and Sp. 8 are suspended until 1 October 2011;

(v)papers available in Linguistics are Li. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12.


Paper 28 of the Historical Tripos is suspended with effect from 1 October 2010 to 1 October 2011.

The Faculty Board of Modern and Medieval Languages are satisfied that no candidate’s preparation for the examination in 2011 will be affected by these changes.

Natural Sciences Tripos

(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 384)

With effect from 1 October 2010

Part II

History and Philosophy of Science

The titles of individual History and Philosophy of Science papers for Part II of the Natural Sciences Tripos have been removed from the regulations; a list of Part II papers will be published by the Board of History and Philosophy in the Easter Term preceding the examination.

Regulation 30.

History and Philosophy of Science

By inserting in line 1 of the first paragraph after ‘(A) and (B)’ the following sentence:

Option A is normally the choice of students who intend to graduate after taking Part II; option B is normally the choice of those who plan to proceed to Part III. Students are free to choose either option.

By inserting at the start of the penultimate paragraph the following sentence:

The written papers shall be chosen from a list published by the Board of History and Philosophy of Science not later than the end of Full Easter Term in the year preceding the examination.

Part III

Experimental and Theoretical Physics

The regulations have been amended to allow candidates to sit more than the minimum number of examinations.

Regulation 36.

Experimental and Theoretical Physics

By amending clause (b) so as to read:

(b)at least three major topics and at least three minor topics, provided that in place of one or more of the minor topics a candidate may submit either units of further work (comprising classwork and/or practical work) and/or a report of a project, undertaken during the previous Long Vacation, of not more than 5,000 words excluding footnotes;

With effect from 1 October 2011

Part Ib

Mineral Sciences

The subject Mineral Sciences has been withdrawn from Part Ib of the Tripos.

Regulations 9, 20, 21(vi), and 23(a)(i).

By removing the reference to ‘Mineral Sciences’ in each case.

Part II

Geological Sciences

The Mineral Sciences subset within Part II Geological Sciences has been discontinued.

Regulation 31.

By removing the final sentence in the third paragraph (lines 10–14).

Physical Sciences

The scheme of examination has been revised to include a dissertation and the maximum marks for each component have been adjusted. Half Subject Materials Science and Metallurgy has been withdrawn.

Regulation 30.

Physical Sciences

The regulations have been amended as follows:

By the removal of the words ‘Materials Science and Metallurgy’ from clause (a) and the words ‘either the examination requirements of another Half Subject from those listed above or’ from clause (b); and by adding the following clause:

(c)a dissertation of 5,000 words, inclusive of notes, but excluding tables, figures, and references. The subject of the dissertation shall be on a topic approved by the Head of the Department in which the candidate is offering the Half Subject. Each candidate shall obtain the approval for her or his subject not later than the division of the Michaelmas Term. Dissertations shall be prepared in accordance with guidelines which shall be issued by the Faculty Boards of Earth Sciences and Geography, and Physics and Chemistry, jointly, not later than the division of the Michaelmas Term. The dissertation shall be submitted to the Head of the Department in which the candidate is offering the Half Subject not later than the first Friday of Full Easter Term and shall bear the signatures of the teacher under whose direction the work was performed.

(ii)Half-subject Experimental and Theoretical Physics

By amending sub-clause (3) so as to read:

(3) computing exercises and two units of further work not to include the research review.

(iii)Half-subject Geological Sciences

By amending in line 1 of sub-clause (1) the words ‘two written papers of one hour’s duration’ to read ‘two written papers of two hours’ duration’ and by amending sub-clause (2) so as to read ‘a written paper of three hours’ duration, consisting of an essay chosen from a list of topics having reference to general aspects of the Natural Sciences;’ and by removing sub-clause (3) and by removing the third paragraph in this section which refers to ‘the submitted literature report’.

(iv)Half-subject Materials Science and Metallurgy

By removing this section.

With effect from 1 October 2012

Part III

Geological Sciences

The Mineral Sciences subset within Part III Geological Sciences has been discontinued.

Regulation 37.

By removing the final sentence (lines 7–10).


(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 398)

Part II

With effect from 1 October 2010

History and Philosophy of Science

The details for this subject have been removed.

With effect from 1 October 2011

Physical Sciences

By amending the maximum marks so as to read:

Half Subject


Part Ib Subject




Philosophy Tripos

(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 412)

With effect from 1 October 2010

The regulations for the Tripos have been amended as follows (i) borrowing of Paper 3, ‘Logic’ in Part Ia of the Tripos by up to six candidates for Part IIa of the Theological and Religious Studies Tripos will be allowed; (ii) Paper 4, ‘Greek and Roman Philosophy’, in Part Ib of the Tripos may no longer be replaced by submitted essays; (iii) Paper 6 in Part II continues to be suspended until 1 October 2011; (iv) Regulation 8 has been amended to provide for any candidate for Part II of the Tripos (and not only those previously having obtained Honours in Part Ib of the Philosophy Tripos) to submit a pair of essays in place of any one of Papers 1–11, or those from the Classical Tripos; (v) Regulation 9 has been amended to require candidates for Part Ib and Part II choosing to offer submitted essays or a dissertation to submit proposed titles and statements to the Chairman of Examiners two weeks (and not one week) before the last day of Full Michaelmas Term; (vi) the Schedule has been amended so as to allow candidates for Part II of the Tripos to take Paper C11 (Metaphysics) from Group C of the Theological and Religious Studies Tripos. This paper may not be replaced by submitted essays, as has been provided for in the rephrasing of Regulation 8.

Regulation 4.

Paper 3. Logic.

By adding a footnote so as to read:

Regulation 5(d).

By replacing in line 1 the words ‘In place of any one of Papers 1–7’ with the words ‘In place of any one of the Papers 1–3, and 5–7’.

Regulation 6.

Paper 6. Philosophy of science

The paper is suspended until 1 October 2011.

Regulation 8.

By amending the first part of the first sentence of the regulation (lines 1–4) so as to read:

In place of any one of Papers 1–11 and the papers from the Classical Tripos specified in the Schedule to these regulations, a candidate for Part II may submit two essays, each of not less than 3,000 words and not more than 4,000 words in length, including footnotes and appendices but excluding bibliography.

Regulation 9(a).

By replacing in lines 6–7 the words ‘so as to arrive not later than one week before the last day of Full Michaelmas Term’ with the words ‘so as to arrive not later than two weeks before the last day of Full Michaelmas Term’.


By replacing the Schedule so as to read:


Papers from other Triposes that may be taken in Part II

A candidate for Part II of the Philosophy Tripos may take one or two of the following papers:

Classical Tripos, Part II

Group B (Philosophy)






A prescribed subject or period in Greek and Roman philosophy

Theological and Religious Studies Tripos, Part IIb

Group C



Theological and Religious Studies Tripos

(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 423)

With effect from 1 October 2010

Regulation 18.

Group C

Paper C5.   Study of theology II

This paper will be suspended until 1 October 2011.

The Faculty Board of Divinity have confirmed that no candidate’s preparation for the examination in 2011 will be affected by this change.

Preliminary Examination for Part II of the Natural Sciences Tripos

(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 251)

With effect from 1 October 2010

The individual History and Philosophy of Science essay topic fields have been removed from the regulations. Regulation 6(b) has been amended as follows:

Regulation 6(b).

By amending the paragraph to read:

(b)three essays, each of not more than 5,000 words in length and on three separate topics approved by the Board of History and Philosophy of Science. Not more than one topic may be chosen from any one field.

Certificate in Humanities Computing for Languages

(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 557)

With effect from 1 October 2010

Regulation 2(a).

Candidates will be required to create an academic-related website; in the case of candidates for the Modern and Medieval Languages Tripos, this should be in a language other than English. The regulation has been replaced so as to read:

(a)the creation of an academic-related website, which in the case of candidates studying for the Modern and Medieval Languages Tripos, shall be produced in a language other than English, which meets the requirements set out by the Faculty Board from time to time;

The Faculty Board of Modern and Medieval Languages are satisfied that no candidate’s preparation for the examination will be affected by these changes.