Cambridge University Reporter

Sir Albert Howard Travel Exhibition: Notice

Statutes and Ordinances, 2009, pp. 735 and 818

The Electors invite applications for the Sir Albert Howard Travel Exhibition for the furtherance of botanical research. The Exhibition, the value of which is about £1,160, is open to students offering Plant Sciences in Part II of the Natural Sciences Tripos in 2009-10. Candidates must send their names to the Registrary (addressed to the Awards Clerk), The Old Schools, Cambridge, CB2 1TN, so as to reach him not later than 15 April 2010, together with a brief statement of the purpose and plan of their proposed travel. The Exhibition will be awarded not later than 5 July 2010. The successful candidate will normally be required to make use of the award before 1 October 2010 but the Professor of Botany has power to waive this requirement.