Cambridge University Reporter

Philosophy Tripos, Parts IB and II

(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 401)

With effect from 1 October 2009

The regulations for Parts IB and II of the Philosophy Tripos have been amended as set out below. Paper 6 for Part II (Philosophy of science) has been suspended until 1 October 2010. Candidates for Parts IB and II will be required to submit proposed titles of their dissertation or essays, and in the case of essays a statement of the paper they are intending to replace, directly to the Chairman of Examiners. The word lengths for Part II dissertations in the Tripos have been amended. Certain other amendments have been made as shown.


Regulation 5(d).

By replacing in line 4 the words 'which shall both fall within the scope of that paper' by the words 'which shall both fall within the syllabus of that paper'.


Regulation 6.

Paper 6. Philosophy of science.

This paper is suspended until 1 October 2010.

Regulation 9.

By deleting in line 6 of sub-paragraph (a) the words 'through his or her Director of Studies' and by amending the last sentence so as to read:

The Examiners shall have power to examine any candidate viva voce on her or his own dissertation or essays.

By amending the first sentence of sub-paragraph (b) so as to read:

A dissertation, which shall be on a topic of philosophical interest approved by the Chairman of Examiners, shall be of not more than 8,000 words and (except with the permission of the Chairman of Examiners) not less than 6,000 words in length, including footnotes and appendices but excluding bibliography.

and by inserting in the penultimate line the word 'broad' before the words 'scope of any of the papers'.