Cambridge University Reporter

Joint Report of the Council and the General Board on the establishment of a degree of Master of Mathematics and a degree of Master of Advanced Study: Notice

9 March 2009

The Council has received the remarks made at the discussion of this Report on 20 January 2009 (Reporter, p. 455) and has agreed to respond as follows:

The Council notes the welcome accorded to the proposal to introduce the degree of Master of Mathematics. It notes the comments on the proposal to introduce a differently titled degree for persons who take only the fourth year of the integrated course but reiterates the reasons set out in the Joint Report: that that there is a need to differentiate between taking Part III of a Tripos as the culmination of four years of study in Cambridge, and the one-year course, not least because the four-year integrated Master's course is considered by the funding bodies to be eligible for undergraduate funding. In response to the comments on the proposal to simplify Statute B the Council wishes to make clear that, as now, no new Degree title would be introduced without being first the subject of a Report to the University. The advantage in the University having the power to list its Degree titles in a Schedule to the Statutes is that, once the University has approved a new title, there would not be a further delay, of possibly over a year, before the new Degree course could commence. The Council, together with the General Board, will consider the suggestion by Dr S. J. Cowley that holders of the M.Eng. and M.Sci. Degrees, and future holders of the new M.Math. and M.A.St. Degrees, should be members of the Senate. They will consult further on this suggestion before an amendment to Statute A, I, 6(c) is submitted to the Regent House for approval.

The Council is therefore submitting as separate Graces (Graces 2-5, p. 584) the recommendations of the Joint Report of the Council and the General Board on the establishment of a degree of Master of Mathematics and a degree of Master of Advanced Study (Reporter, p. 338) for approval.

Subject to the approval of these Graces and the approval by Her Majesty in Council of the proposed amendments to the Statutes, the Council proposes the necessary amendments to certain regulations as set out in the Schedule to this Notice.

In the Joint Report, the Council and the General Board noted that the Committee of Management for the Natural Sciences Tripos had proposed that Part III of the Tripos in Materials Science and Physics be made available to candidates from outside Cambridge, following the same model as Part III of the Mathematical Tripos, and that a number of the other Science Departments also intended to pursue this option in the future. Since the publication of the Report the Institute of Astronomy have indicated their intention to make Part III Astronomy available to such candidates. The special regulations for the examination in Astronomy for the M.A.St. Degree, if approved, will be considered by the General Board's Education Committee and published in due course.


Amendments to regulations required following the introduction of the degrees of Master of Mathematics and Master of Advanced Studies:

A. Regulations for the Precincts of the University and Residence (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 180).

Regulation 2

By inserting in line 2 after the entry 'M.Sci.' the entry ', M.Math.,'

B. Regulations for the Presentation and Admission of Candidates for Degrees (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 182).

Regulation 14.

By inserting in sub-paragraph (a) after the entry 'M.Sci.' the entry ', M.Math.' and in sub-paragraph (b) after the entry 'M.Sci.' the entry 'or M.Math.'

C. Regulations for the Forms of Presentation for Degrees (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 184).

By amending the heading of the paragraph relating to Masters' Degrees so as to read:

For the degree of Master of Arts, Advanced Studies, Business Administration, Education, Engineering, Finance, Law, Letters, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Philosophy, Research, Science, Studies, or Surgery

and by amending the heading of the paragraph relating to candidates presented for two degrees together so as to read:

For the degrees of Master of Engineering or Natural Sciences or Mathematics and Bachelor of Arts when the candidates are presented for the two degrees together

and by inserting in the penultimate line after the word 'Naturalibus' the words 'or Mathematica'.

D. The Schedule appended to the regulations for Forms of Presentation for and Admission to Degrees (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 186)

By inserting at the end of the second group of degrees:
For the M.Math. Degree Magistri in Mathematica
For the M.A.St. Degree Magistri in studio ampliore

E. Regulations for the order of Seniority of Graduates (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 187)

By inserting below 'Masters of Philosophy' the entries 'Masters of Mathematics' and 'Masters of Advanced Studies'.

F. Regulations for Academical Dress (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 188)


By inserting below the M.Phil. entry the entries

M.Math.: the M.A. gown but with a circle of cord on the sleeve with a button in the centre;

M.A.St.: the M.A. gown but with a double circle of cord on the sleeve with a button in the centre;


By inserting below the M.Phil. entry the entries

M.Math.: of black cloth lined with slate blue silk;

M.A.St.: of black cloth lined with gold silk;

G. The Schedule to the regulations for the Review Procedure for Examinations for Undergraduate and Certain Other Qualifications (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 229)

By inserting in the Schedule, below the entry for the M.Fin. Degree, the entries:

M.Math. Degree

M.A.St. Degree

H. General Regulations for Examiners and Assessors (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 230)

By inserting in the Schedule in (c) after the entry 'M.Fin.' the entry ', M.A.St.'.

I. Regulations for Payments to Examiners and Assessors (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 231)

Regulation 3(a).

By inserting in line 3 after the entry 'M.Fin.' the entry ', M.A.St.'.

Amendments to Rules made by the Council and the General Board required following the introduction of the degrees of Master of Mathematics and Master of Advanced Studies:

Rules made by the Council in accordance with Regulation 13 for the election of members of the Council (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 115)

Rule 3

The Council has agreed that students following a course of study leading to the degrees of M.Math. and M.A.St. shall be included in the term undergraduate for the purpose of election to the Council.

Rules made by the General Board in accordance with Regulation 11 for the election of student members of Faculty Boards and other bodies (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 563)

Rule 9(a)

The General Board have agreed that students following a course of study leading to the degrees of M.Math. and M.A.St. shall be included in the term undergraduate for the purpose of election to the Faculty Boards.