Cambridge University Reporter

other vacancies

Associate Secretary of the Senior Tutors' Committee

The Senior Tutors' Committee is seeking an Associate Secretary to commence work on 1 September 2009 for a period of two years. Candidates would normally be expected to have extensive tutorial experience in Cambridge, and some recent experience of the role of Senior Tutor. The Associate Secretary's role is to work with the Secretary and the other Associate Secretary of the Senior Tutors' Committee in carrying through the Committee's business so that the Colleges work effectively together with the University on matters of undergraduate and graduate education, welfare, and admissions. The position currently being advertised has special responsibility for welfare, health, and finance matters pertaining to students.

Remuneration arrangements are flexible and the post may involve either an additional stipend or payment towards secondment from a College or University post. A fuller job description and summary of the current responsibilities of the three Secretaries may be requested from either of the individuals mentioned below.

Potential candidates can discuss the post informally with the Secretary of the Senior Tutors' Committee, Dr Rob Wallach, King's College. Applications, including a curriculum vitae, the names of two referees, and a personal statement of how the candidate sees her or his role in the post, should be sent to Mrs Alice Benton, Executive Secretary of the Senior Tutors' Committee, 9 Jesus Lane, Cambridge, CB5 8BA, to arrive no later than Monday, 16 March 2009.