Cambridge University Reporter

Review of disciplinary, dismissal, and grievance procedures: responses to the green paper

29 September 2008

On 9 January 2008 (Reporter, 2007-08, p. 404) the Council and the General Board issued a green paper seeking the views of the University in a review that they were conducting of the disciplinary, dismissal, and grievance procedures in the University. The Council and the General Board sought views on the following questions:

(a) Is it desirable that, so far as possible, there should be a single set of procedures for discipline, dismissal, and grievances for all University staff?
(b) If not, then in what respects are different procedures needed, and why?
(c) Is there anything else other than academic freedom that should be given statutory force?
(d) If so, what and why?

Seventeen responses have been received. These will be published on the Council's website (

The Council and Board have considered the responses to the green paper and intend to publish a Consultative Report during the Michaelmas Term setting out their proposals for changes to Statute U and associated Ordinances.