Cambridge University Reporter

Burney Studentship and Fund: Notice

Statutes and Ordinances, 2008, pp. 716 and 739

Applications are invited for the Burney Studentship, the holder of which must devote himself or herself to study or research in the Philosophy of Religion, according to a scheme proposed by the candidate and approved by the Electors, provided that such a scheme may be modified with the consent of the Electors.

The Studentship is open to any member of the University provided that on 1 June 2008 no more than eighteen complete terms have passed after his or her first term of residence. It is tenable for one year, but a student may be re-elected once.

Applications should be sent to the Registrary (addressed to the Awards Clerk), The Old Schools, Cambridge, CB2 1TN so as to reach him not later than 27 February 2009, and must be accompanied by (a) a statement of the scheme of study or research which the applicant proposes to pursue, (b) a curriculum vitae including full particulars of University career up to the time of application, (c) the names of two referees, and (d) a statement of any other emoluments which the applicant may be receiving for study and research. The election will be made before the end of the Easter Term 2009.

Application forms are available from the Faculty Office, The Divinity School, West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9BS.

Applications from Research Students who are for any reason ineligible for the Burney Studentship, but who are working in the fields specified above, and who wish to seek assistance from the Fund, should be submitted by the same date. Applicants should indicate their present financial resources and give the names of two persons to whom reference may be made about them.