Cambridge University Reporter

Desmond Hawkins Award: Notice

Statutes and Ordinances, 2008, pp. 716 and 794

The Clinical Dean gives notice that candidates for the Desmond Hawkins Award should submit their application to her at The Clinical School, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Hills Road, Cambridge, not later than the Division of the Easter Term annually.

The value of the award is the income of the fund for the financial year in which the award is made. The purpose of the Award is to assist clinical students in financing a period of elective medical study abroad.

The Award is open to any member of the University who is pursuing clinical studies in Cambridge. The Awarders will have regard to the academic record of candidates, their contribution to extra-curricular activities in the University generally, in the Clinical School, or in their College, and the nature of the proposed study. Preference will be given to those who propose to study in a developing country.

Applications should take the form of a letter to the Clinical Dean and must include a statement of the nature, purpose, location, and estimated costs of the proposed period of elective medical study.