Cambridge University Reporter

Archaeological and Anthropological Tripos, 2008-09: Notice

Parts IIA and IIB (Social Anthropology): Optional papers

The Faculty Board of Archaeology and Anthropology give notice that the optional papers to be offered for Parts IIA and IIB in Social Anthropology in the academical year 2008-09 will be as follows:

Optional papers

S7 The anthropology of colonialism and empire
S8 Science and society
S9 The anthropology of cities and space
S10 Anthropology and development

Ethnographic area papers

S6(a) South Asia
S6(b) Europe
S6(c) Inner Asia

Part I: Set texts

The Faculty Board of Archaeology and Anthropology give notice that the set texts for Part I of the Archaeological and Anthropological Tripos in the academical year 2008-09 will be as follows:

Paper 6 Akkadian I

The Code of Hammurapi, in E. Bergmann ed., Codex Hammurabi (1953), laws 1-65 in cuneiform. The Annals of Sennacherib, third to seventh campaigns, in R. Borger, Babylonisch-assyrische Lesestücke, 2nd ed. (1979), pp. 329-332. In cuneiform.

Paper 7 Egyptian language I

A. H. Gardiner, Egyptian Grammar (Third edn, Oxford, 1957), reading extracts at ends of chapters XIV, XV, XVII, XX, XXI, XXII, XXIV, XXV, XXVI, XXVII, XXVIII, XXIX, XXX, XXXI, XXXII, XXXIII.

K. H. Sethe, Aegyptische Lesestücke (1924-37), nos. 3, 14, 22, 23.