Cambridge University Reporter

form and conduct of examinations

Notices by Faculty Boards, or other bodies concerned, of changes to the form and conduct of certain examinations to be held in 2007-08, by comparison with those examinations in 2007, are published below. Complete details of the form and conduct of all examinations are available from the Faculties or Departments concerned.

Architecture Tripos, 2008

The Faculty Board of Architecture and History of Art give notice that, with effect from the examinations to be held in 2008, the form of the examinations for Part IA, Papers 1 and 2, Part IB, Paper 2, and Part II, Papers 2, 3, and 4 will be as follows:

Architecture Tripos, Part IA

Paper 1. An introduction to architectural history

The paper will be divided into six sections, as specified below, and candidates will be required to answer three questions, not more than one question from any section:
Section A Four questions, covering the architecture of Antiquity
Section B Four questions, covering the architecture of the Middle Ages
Section C Four questions, covering the architecture of the Renaissance
Section D Four questions, covering the reception of Classicism in England and France
Section E Four questions, covering the architecture of the nineteenth century
Section F Four questions, covering the course of lectures 'The role of the architect'

Paper 2. An introduction to architectural theory

The paper will be divided into three sections, as specified below, and candidates will be required to answer three questions, not more than one question from each section:
Section A Eight questions, covering the development of Modernism in the first half of the twentieth century
Section B Four questions, covering modern architecture in Europe and the USA in the second half of the twentieth century
Section C Four questions, based on the lecture course 'Understanding the city'

Architecture Tripos, Part IB

Paper 2. Theories of architecture, urbanism, and design

The paper will be divided into four sections, as specified below, and candidates will be required to answer three questions, not more than one question from any section:
Section A Cités-Ciné
Section B Architecture and the practical imagination
Section C Studies in urban planning
Section D Gardens and landscape

Architecture Tripos, Part II

Paper 2. Advanced studies in construction methods, building technologies, and the properties of materials

The paper will be divided into three sections, as specified below, and candidates will be required to answer three questions, not more than one question from each section:
Section A General questions related to professional practice
Section B Questions related to the Architectural Engineering course
Section C Questions related to the Case Studies

Paper 3. Advanced studies in structural analysis and design related to special building types

The paper will be divided into three sections, as specified below, and candidates will be required to answer three questions, not more than one question from each section:
Section A General knowledge of structural analysis and design
Section B Questions related to the Architectural Engineering course
Section C Questions related to the Case Studies

Paper 4. Advanced studies in environmental analysis and design related to special functional requirements

The paper will be divided into three sections, as specified below, and candidates will be required to answer three questions, not more than one question from each section:
Section A General knowledge of environmental design
Section B Questions related to the Architectural Engineering course
Section C Questions related to the Case Studies

The dates for portfolio submission for the 2008 examinations are as follows:
Part IA Wednesday, 21 May, by 12 noon. The Digital Portfolio is to be submitted by 6 p.m.
Part IB Thursday, 22 May, by 12 noon. The Digital Portfolio is to be submitted by 6 p.m.
Part II Friday, 23 May. Portfolios, the Design Diary, and the Project Report are to be handed in by 12 noon and projects pinned up by 6 p.m. The Digital Portfolio is to be submitted by 8 p.m. on 23 May. Students will not be allowed to use their own laptops for the presentation of work to the Examiners.