Cambridge University Reporter

Certificate of Postgraduate Study in International Relations

The General Board and the Board of Graduate Studies have approved a proposal from the Degree Committee for International Studies to introduce a Certificate of Postgraduate Study in International Relations with effect from 1 October 2008. Special regulations for the examination have been approved as follows:

International Relations

1. Certificates of Postgraduate Study shall be awarded for advanced study and training in research in International Relations.

2. The study and training shall include:
(a) attendance at courses of lectures, seminars, and classes approved by the Degree Committee for International Studies;
(b) research on a topic approved by the Degree Committee pursued under the guidance of a Supervisor appointed under Regulation 4 of the General Regulations.

3. At the discretion of the Examiners the examination may include written papers or other exercises on subjects cognate to the lectures, seminars, and classes attended by the candidate.