Cambridge University Reporter

Examination in Financial Research for the degree of Master of Philosophy, 2007-08: Notice

The Degree Committee for the Faculty of Business and Management give notice that in the academical year 2007-08 the subjects for examination in Financial Research for the M.Phil. Degree will be as listed below. The method of examination is shown for each subject.

Group 1 (compulsory subjects)

(1) Either
 S300 Econometrics (three-hour written examination and 4,000-word project, plus two-hour mid-course paper (can count for 25% of the total mark) (The S300 module carries double weight)
 MP0-1 Quantitative research methods (assessed by twelve research exercises) and
 MP0-1A Quantitative research methods - advanced (assessed by twelve research exercises)
(2)MF2 Principles of finance (two-hour written examination)
(3)MP0-2 Qualitative research methods (assessed by 2,000-word essay)
(4)12,000-word dissertation (counts as three modules)

Group 2 (optional papers)

S402 Microeconomics for finance (two-hour written examination plus optional two-hour mid-course paper)
S403 Asset pricing (three-hour written examination)
MF1 Introduction to financial reporting (assessed by two-hour class test)
MF3 Financial reporting and capital markets (assessed by two 2,000-word essays, plus optional one-hour seminar presentation)
MF12 Topics in corporate finance (assessed by 4,000-word essay)
MF14 Topics in empirical finance (assessed by two 2,000-word essays, plus optional one-hour seminar presentation)
MF40 International financial econometrics (assessed by two-hour class test)
MM2 Information systems (assessed by two-hour class test)
MM4 Strategic management (assessed by 2,000-word essay, plus one-hour seminar presentation)
MM10 Globalization and the impact of global big business (assessed by 4,000-word essay)
MM20 Environment and sustainability (assessed by 3,000-word essay, plus one-hour seminar presentation)
MM30 Marketing (assessed by two-hour class test)
TPE6 Strategic valuation - uncertainty and real options in systems design (assessed by 1,500-word essay plus modelling exercise over four weeks)
MMSO1 Management science research methods (research project briefs not exceeding four pages in total and seminar presentations not exceeding 1.5 hour in total)

Papers from Part III of the Mathematical Tripos:

Advanced financial models (one three-hour written examination)

Optimal investment (one two-hour written examination)

Actuarial statistics (one two-hour written examination)

Stochastic calculus and applications (one three-hour written examination)

Time series and Monte Carlo inference (one three-hour written examination)

Numerical analysis of partial differential equations (one three-hour written examination)

Mathematics of operational research (one three-hour written examination)