Cambridge University Reporter

Lecture-list for the Lent Term 2008: Notice

A Special number of the Reporter will be published on 11 January 2008 containing:

(a) amendments of the details, given in the Lecture-list published as Special No. 1 on 21 September 2007, of courses to be given in the Lent and Easter Terms 2008 and

(b) a full list of the Long Vacation courses.

Secretaries of Faculty Boards and other authorities and Heads of Departments are requested to send their copy of the above to the Head of Section, Education Section, at 4 Parson's Court, on or before 28 November 2007. Any corrections to the proof of the Lecture-list should be sent to the Head of Section so as to reach him not later than 4 January 2008; corrections received after that date will not be included in the Special number to be published on 11 January 2008.