Cambridge University Reporter

The Cambridge Implementation of the Single Spine: Notice

12 November 2007

The Council publishes below information on the implementation of the new pay and grading structure in Cambridge.


1. In April 2007, the Council and the General Board published an interim report and analysis of outcomes from the introduction of a revised grade structure and single salary spine (Reporter, 2006-07, p. 612). It was noted that:

(i) national negotiations between the Universities and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA) and trades unions had culminated, in 2004, in the signing of a Framework Agreement to facilitate pay reform for non-clinical staff in higher education institutions, including the introduction of a single salary spine;
(ii) the Council and the General Board had published a Joint Consultative Report on proposed new pay and grading arrangements in July 2004 (Reporter, 2003-04, p. 971) and, following further development of these proposals in partnership working with the trades unions locally in the light of comments on the Report, submitted their Second Joint Report in June 2005 (Reporter, 2004-05, p. 745) setting out proposals for the assimilation of staff to the single salary spine and common grade structure;
(iii) the Second Joint Report was discussed in the Regent House on 21 June 2005 and a ballot was held in November 2005 on the Graces associated with the proposals in the Report;
(iv) the work to assimilate staff to the single spine and new grade structure which then began in earnest was overseen by the Personnel Committee and was supported by regular meetings with the local trades unions, communication with staff through a series of 'road shows', the publication of Staff News, information on the Personnel Division website, and a pattern of notifying Schools and institutions of progress in identifying outcomes for roles in advance of notification to staff.

The interim report

2. The analysis of the outcome of the assimilation exercise contained within the interim report was based upon the position at December 2006. At that time, over 8,000 outcomes had been identified and notified to staff holding appointments during 2006. It was noted that 65 outcomes remained to be determined and that 145 academic-related and 376 assistant staff notified of the outcome for their role had requested a review. These cases would require further individual consideration. Remaining staff on the University payroll are outside of the scope of the assimilation exercise (e.g. staff paid on NHS scales).

3. Within the figure of c. 8,000 assimilated outcomes, 7,024 were continuous appointments at December 2006 which could be identified in the personnel database (SECQUS) both before and after the assimilation date of 1 January 2006. Using this population the interim report provided analysis on:

Further reporting

4. As at October 2007, nearly all of the 571 reviews that had been lodged were complete and a total of 170 appeals (59 from academic-related staff, 111 from assistant staff) had been submitted. Of these 170, fourteen (8 academic-related, 6 assistant staff) had been to appeal and a further sixteen (3 academic-related and 13 assistant staff) resolved without a full panel hearing.

5. As indicated in the Second Report, a number of other matters besides implementing the single spine require consideration arising out of the Framework Agreement. These include harmonization of terms and conditions, status of staff, career development, pensions, and equal pay audit/impact assessments. In this connection, the Personnel Committee have considered proposals relating to the working week for those with defined hours, annual leave, and flexi-time, and the minutes of the Committee's deliberations on these items will be made available to meetings of the General Board and Council in November 2007. Work on other aspects of the wider agenda is also in progress and will be reported to the competent authorities in due course.

6. Grace 7 associated with the Second Report provides for the Council to publish anonymized statistical information on all awards of market supplements at least annually by staff category, grade, gender, and School (or equivalent). The Personnel Committee have reviewed market supplements awarded since January 2006 to June 2007 and have asked to receive details of awards to the end of the 2006/07 academical year. These will be reported to the meeting of the Personnel Committee on 22 November 2007 and published by the Council as soon as possible thereafter.

7. Grace 9 associated with the Second Report provides for the Council to publish at least annually anonymized statistical information (i) about the number of non-clinical staff on each step of the single spine, by School (or equivalent), and for the institution as a whole, according to staff category, grade, and gender; and (ii) anonymized information by School (or equivalent), and according to staff category, grade, and gender of additional payments made under the regulations for payments additional to stipend, but excluding payments for clinical responsibility. Professorial contribution payment data for 2006 have already been published in the Reporter (Reporter, 2006-07, p. 770).

(i) The number of non-clinical staff on each step of the single spine for the institution as a whole according to staff category (academic and non-academic) and by grade and gender is shown in Table 1(a-b); contribution points on the single spine are shaded. The number of non-clinical staff on each step of the single spine by School (or equivalent) by staff group (broad academic and non-academic) is shown in Table 2(a-h). The number of non-clinical staff on each step of the single spine by staff group (broad academic and non-academic) and gender is shown in Table 3(a-b). It should be noted that:

(a) the tables make use of the database, and the same categories of staff from which the interim report was drawn (see paragraph 3 above) thereby allowing comparison of the data between the two reports;
(b) the numbers of staff shown on pay points in the old grades in the Second Joint Report have been amalgamated into two staff categories of academic (includes research staff) and non-academic against the new common grade structure and the single salary spine (see Tables 1(a) and 1(b));
(c) assimilation of academic and research roles was achieved by means of a matching process with resultant 'read across' for the large majority of staff in these groups to grades 5-9 (research staff), grade 9 (University Lecturers), grade 10 (University Senior Lecturers), grade 11 (Readers), and grade 12 (Professors);
(d) in broad terms, assistant staff have been assimilated to grades 1-6 and academic-related staff to grades 7-12;
(e) future annual reporting will be drawn from the CHRIS (Cambridge Human Resources Information System) database which will allow further refining of the data reported and the incorporation of data following the completion of the assimilation exercise including the appeal stage.

(ii) The Personnel Committee have previously reviewed all payments additional to stipend, excluding payments for clinical responsibility, during the academic year 2005/06 (PC Minute 764 refers). Payments additional to stipend, excluding payments for clinical responsibility, during the academic year 2006/07 will be reported to the meeting of the Personnel Committee on 22 November 2007 and referred to the competent authorities in due course.

Equal pay audit

8. The University's commitment given in the Second Report to carry out an equal pay audit following the completion of the assimilation exercise was confirmed in the interim report (paragraphs 15, 21).

9. A Monitoring Group will be established (for report to the Personnel Committee on 22 November) to oversee the equal pay audit 2008. Work on the audit will be carried out through the Lent Term 2008. The data on numbers of non-clinical staff on spine points discussed in paragraph 6(i) above will be relevant to the work of the Group although it is anticipated that the audit will be wider in scope. The intention is to begin publishing data from the audit in the Easter Term 2008.