Cambridge University Reporter

Natural Sciences Tripos, Part III

(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 362)

With effect from 1 October 2007

The regulations have been amended to allow for interdisciplinary papers in Part III of the Natural Sciences Tripos.

Regulation 33.

By amending the regulation so as to read:

33. Every candidate for Part III shall offer one of these subjects, and shall satisfy the requirements set out in Regulation 36 for the subject offered. In addition to the requirements set out in Regulation 36, the Committee of Management for the Natural Sciences Tripos may authorize no more than ten additional interdisciplinary papers which shall be included in the examination requirements of one or more subjects. Public notice of the interdisciplinary papers shall be given not later than the end of the Easter Term in the year next preceding the examination, provided that the Committee of Management shall have the power of subsequently issuing amendments if they have due reason for doing so and if they are satisfied that no candidate's preparation for the examination is adversely affected. The Committee of Management shall have power:
(i) in giving notice of the papers, to limit the subjects in which each paper is to be offered.
(ii) to specify the mode of assessment for each paper;
(iii) for each subject, to define or otherwise modify the duration of each examination paper outlined in Regulation 36 for candidates who choose to offer one or more of the interdisciplinary papers.