Cambridge University Reporter

Review of Catering in the University: Notice

The Council has initiated a review of catering in the University. The Review is expected to look carefully at the whole picture across the collegiate University, although it is not intended that the Review will cover the Colleges, and to examine in detail the University's involvement in catering, covering both central and departmental provision. It is intended to consider and make recommendations on all catering facilities, catering needs, and the performance of the current provision and how it might be developed.

The Review Group is chaired by Pro-Vice-Chancellor Dr Kate Pretty and has already begun to take the work forward. Further information, including details of the Review's Terms of Reference, membership, and working papers, may be found at (accessible internally only).

The Review recognizes that a wide range of catering provision is essential to supporting the aims and mission of the University and, in particular, the needs of all staff and students. The outcome will inform the development of any University strategy for catering. The Group has already gathered data to enable a comprehensive understanding of all catering provision to be developed, from formal outlets to departmental tea rooms and social spaces.

The Group will shortly be launching an on-line survey of a large sample of staff and students and members of the University may therefore be approached to complete a questionnaire on the website. The Group would be grateful if members of staff and students could spare a little time to help them understand the current diverse and complex system. The Review is not intended to be threatening and the Group hopes the survey will not be intrusive or a burden. The Group aims to report to the Council in the Michaelmas Term 2007.

Any observations for the attention of the Review Group should be addressed to the Secretary to the Review Group, Julian G. Evans, Assistant Registrary in the Planning and Resource Allocation Office (tel. 01223 339665, e-mail