Cambridge University Reporter

Theological and Religious Studies Tripos, 2006-07

The Faculty Board of Divinity give notice that, with effect from the examinations to be held in 2007, the form of the examinations for certain papers for the Theological and Religious Studies Tripos will be changed as follows:

Part I

Paper A1a. Elementary Hebrew

Candidates will be required to translate two out of three passages from Hebrew, giving linguistic comment where instructed, to point one passage from Genesis 37, 40, and 41, to answer two grammatical questions, and to translate five sentences from English into Hebrew (square script not modern cursive). The grammatical questions will consist of (i) six words for parsing; (ii) a question requiring candidates to write out certain forms of (a) a verb and (b) a noun. The sentences for translation will be designed to test knowledge of common grammatical constructions and will be based on the prescribed text. The translation from Hebrew will carry 50% of the marks, the translation into Hebrew 20%, and the remaining questions 10% each.

Paper A4. Christianity and the transformation of culture

The examination paper will consist of a three-hour written examination, containing eighteen questions. The paper will be divided into three sections: (a) The evangelical revival and its consequences; (b) The modern missionary movement; and (c) The social gospel and kingdom theology. Candidates will be required to answer four questions and must select them from all three sections.

Paper A5. Who is Jesus Christ?

The examination will consist of a three-hour written paper. Candidates will be required to answer four questions from a choice of at least twelve.

Part IIA

Paper B1a. Intermediate Hebrew

Candidates will be required to translate two out of three passages from Deuteronomy and two out of three passages from the remaining texts, commenting on specified words, to translate one passage (out of two) based on one of the prescribed texts from English into pointed Biblical Hebrew (square script not modern cursive), and to answer one essay question out of a choice of five. Copies of the Hebrew Bible will be provided.

Paper B2. The literature, history, and theology of the exilic age

The examination will consist of a three-hour written paper, which will be divided into three sections. Section A will contain five essay questions on prophecy and a gobbet question on the set text. Section B will contain five essay questions on the Pentateuch and Joshua-2 Kings. Section C will contain five questions on poetic and wisdom literature. Candidates will be required to attempt four passages from a choice of eight in the gobbet question in Section A and three essay questions taken from at least two sections of the paper. NRSV and Hebrew Bibles will be available for use in the examination, but candidates are not expected to show greater precision in Biblical references as a result of the availability of Bibles.

Paper B5. Jesus in Gospel tradition

The examination will take the form of a three-hour written paper. This will consist of two sections. Candidates will be required to attempt the one question in Section A, and three further questions from Section B. Section A will contain four passages for comment from John 18-21, of which candidates will be required to attempt three. Section B will contain at least twelve essay-type questions, of which candidates will be required to attempt three.

Part IIB

Paper C1a. Advanced Hebrew

The examination will consist of a three-hour written paper. Candidates will be required to offer either unseen translation or composition, but may not offer both. They may not offer in Paper C1 any prescribed text that they have already offered in Paper A1 or Paper B1. Candidates will be required to translate four passages out of six from the prescribed portions of Isaiah and the Psalms, commenting on specified words; to attempt one essay question out of a choice of four; and either to translate two unseen passages from Hebrew into English or to translate a passage (not from the prescribed texts) from English into pointed Biblical Hebrew (square script not modern cursive). Copies of the Hebrew Bible will be provided.

Paper C2. Poets, prophets, storytellers, and sages

The examination will consist of a three-hour written paper, which will be divided into three sections. Section A will contain six essay questions on the historical and narrative books and a gobbet question on the set text. Section B will contain six essay questions on prophecy and apocalyptic. Section C will contain six essay questions on poetic and wisdom literature. Candidates will be required to attempt the gobbet question in Section A and three essay questions taken from at least two sections of the paper. The opportunity is provided for those who wish to extend their study into the Apocrypha. NRSV and Hebrew Bibles will be available for use in the examination, but candidates are not expected to show greater precision in Biblical references as a result of the availability of Bibles.

Paper C6. Disputed questions in the Christian tradition

The examination will take the form of a three-hour written paper divided into five sections: A. Doctrine of God B. Doctrine of the Trinity C. Incarnation D. Salvation and sanctification E. Special topic (for 2006-07 the topic is Faith and rationality) Candidates will be required to answer four questions, each from a different section. There will be at least three questions in each section.

C12. Theology and science

The examination will take the form of a three-hour written paper, containing at least fifteen questions divided into two sections: Section A. Theology in scientific context; Section B. Perspectives on the dialogue between theology and science. Candidates will be required to attempt four questions, including at least two from Section A and at least one from Section B.

Paper D2c. Jewish and Christian responses to the Holocaust

The examination will take the form of a three-hour written paper. The paper will consist of three sections, A, B, and C. Each section will contain five questions. Candidates will be required to answer four questions, including at least one from each section.