Cambridge University Reporter

Mathematical Tripos, Part III, 2007: Notice

In accordance with Regulations 18 and 19 for the Mathematical Tripos (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 328), the Examiners give notice that a candidate may submit an essay on any one of the following topics:

1. Analysis of a large and complex data set

2. Optimal bandwidth choice in classification problems

3. Rates of convergence of maximum likelihood estimators via entropy methods

4. Blocks with a cyclic defect group

5. Symmetric functions and characters of GLn

6. Iwahori-Hecke algebras

7. Zoll surfaces

8. The boundary rigidity problem

9. Synthetic differential geometry

10. Locally presentable and accessible categories

11. Semidefinite programming

12. Combinatorial auctions

13. Higher dimensional categories

14. Reflexive polytopes and Calabi-Yau threefolds

15. Congestion control for the internet and/or wireless networks

16. Gaps between primes

17. Discrepancy of boxes

18. The Littlewood problem

19. Homogenization of diffusion processes

20. Stochastic flows

21. Malliavin calculus

22. The local Langlands correspondence for GL2

23. The space of cuspidal data of a p-adic reductive group

24. Measures of risk

25. Dirac operators

26. K3 surfaces

27. Optimal broadcasting in capacitated networks

28. Gossiping in unstructured networks

29. Cochains

30. Non-Abelian Hodge theory

31. D-modules, representation theory, Hodge theory

32. Hilbert's thirteenth problem

33. Shannon Whittaker reconstruction from irregular sampling

34. Convolution squares

35. Set theory without the axiom of foundation

36. Wellquasiorders and betterquasiorders

37. Influence and sharp thresholds

38. Positive and negative correlation

39. The Nielsen kernel

40. The rate of growth of polynomial images

41. Phase-type distributions in risk theory

42. Universality of the Tracy-Widom distribution

43. Hydrodynamic limits of interacting particle systems

44. p-adic uniformization

45. Higher regulators of number fields

46. Generalized quasi-random graphs

47. Equivalence problem

48. The fluid dynamics of insect flight

49. Pulse propagation in arteries

50. Strong converses in quantum information theory

51. Stretching, bending, folding, and coiling

52. The one way model for quantum computation

53. Rayleigh-Bénard convection

54. Localized pattern formation

55. The experimental evidence for general relativity

56. Skyrmions

57. The Weinberg-Witten theorem

58. The magnetorotational instability in astrophysics

59. Highly oscillatory quadrature

60. Numerical methods for differential equations in Lie groups

61. Applications of lattice QCD

62. Instabilities of rotating stars

63. Numerical and laboratory dynamo action

64. The origin and structure of the sunspot penumbra

65. Fluent applied to the driven cavity

66. Linear stability of a stratified flow in an inclined channel

67. Numerical simulations of incompressible two-dimensional turbulence

68. Calibrations in string theory

69. Does black-hole evaporation imply that physics is non-unitary, and if so, what must the laws of physics look like?

70. Asymptotics beyond all orders

71. Finite-time singularities

72. Compressible flow past a cylinder

73. Non-gaussianity from inflation

74. Phenomenology of extra dimensions

75. Foundations of statistical mechanics

76. Carbon dioxide sequestration

77. Viscous gravity currents and natural lava flows

78. The transport of ice from continent to polar sea

79. Factorizable S-matrices in two dimensions

80. Subdivision schemes with complex eigenvalues

81. Bezier end-conditions for univariate subdivision

Candidates are reminded that they may request leave to submit an essay on a topic other than those given above provided that the request is made, through their Director of Studies, so as to reach the Secretary of the Faculty Board, Mathematics Faculty Office, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Wilberforce Road, not later than 1 February 2007.

A candidate who proposes to submit an essay should inform the Chairman of Examiners, through his or her Director of Studies, on a form which will be provided, by 7 May 2007, and should submit the essay, through his or her Director of Studies, so as to reach the Chairman of Examiners not later than 17 May 2007.