Cambridge University Reporter

Peregrine Maitland Studentship: Notice

Statutes and Ordinances, 2006, p. 805

The Electors to the Peregrine Maitland Studentship in Comparative Religion give notice that an election to the Studentship will be made before the end of the Easter Term 2007. They invite applications from candidates whose research concerns the study of subjects arising from or affecting the spread of the Christian Religion, the comparison of the Christian Religion with other religions and the contact of Christian and other civilisations.

The Studentship is open to any person who is or is about to be registered as a Graduate Student in the Faculty of Divinity, preference being given to candidates wishing to prepare themselves for missionary work. It is the duty of the Student to pursue a course of study approved by the Electors.

The emolument of the Studentship is payable in advance by equal half-yearly payments, except that the second payment will not be made unless the Student has satisfied the Electors that his or her approved course of study is being diligently pursued.

Candidates must send their application to The Registrary (addressed to the Awards Clerk), The Old Schools, Cambridge, CB2 1TN so as to reach him not later than 27 February 2007, with a statement of the course of study they propose to undertake and a CV. Application forms are available from the Faculty Office, The Divinity School, West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9BS.

From unexpended income accumulated in the Fund, the Electors may make grants to members of the University in aid of research in the subjects mentioned above.