Cambridge University Reporter

J.B. Trend Fund: Notice

Statutes and Ordinances, 2006, pp. 706 and 869

The Managers of the J.B. Trend Fund give notice that they are prepared to consider applications for grants, to enable undergraduates and registered Graduate Students to visit Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries in order to study the language, literature, history, or music of the countries of their choice.

Candidates for the B.A. Degree and registered Graduate Students are eligible to receive a grant provided that they intend to make use of it before they complete the examination requirements for the B.A. Degree or before they submit their dissertations as the case may be.

Applications must be submitted through the candidate's Tutor to the Registrary (addressed to the awards clerk), The Old Schools, Cambridge, CB2 1TN, so as to reach him not later than 17 May 2007. They should be accompanied by a statement of the purpose of the travel (250 words), the length of stay, costs of travel and subsistence, course expenses (if relevant), and estimated contributions from elsewhere.

Grants will be awarded not later than the last day of the Easter Term 2006 and payment will be made on application to the Treasurer.