Cambridge University Reporter

Examination in Technology Policy for the degree of Master of Philosophy

(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 485)

With effect from 1 October 2006

The minimum number of modules to be announced by the Degree Committee for the Faculty of Business and Management has been reduced from thirteen to nine and instead of a dissertation a project report is now required. The regulations have been amended accordingly as follows:

Regulation 1.

By amending the regulation so as to read:

1. The scheme of examination for the one-year course of study in Technology Policy for the degree of Master of Philosophy shall consist of:

(a)at least nine modules selected from a list of mandatory and optional modules published by the Degree Committee for the Faculty of Business and Management not later than the end of the Easter Term of the academical year preceding that in which the examination is to be held. Subject to a minimum number of nine, the Degree Committee shall specify the precise number of mandatory and optional modules required. The Degree Committee shall have the power to give notice of additional optional modules not later than the end of the Michaelmas Term of the academical year of the examination;
(b)a project report of not more than 12,000 words in length, on a topic approved by the Degree Committee.