Cambridge University Reporter


Results of ballots

25 November 2005

The results of the postal ballots held between 14 and 25 November 2005 are as follows:

Grace 1 of 27 July 2005: Introduction of a single Cambridge general stipend and salary scale

The results of the voting on this Grace are as follows:

In favour of the Grace (placet):1,074
Against the Grace (non placet):50

This Grace is therefore approved.

Grace 2 of 27 July 2005: Introduction of a new grade structure

The results of the voting on this Grace are as follows:

In favour of the Grace (placet):1,057
Against the Grace (non placet):62

This Grace is therefore approved.

Grace 3 of 27 July 2005: Adoption of HERA as a common grading methodology

The results of the voting on this Grace are as follows:

Option(a)approval of the Grace unamended.
Option(b)approval of the Grace as amended by the August amendment.
Option(c)approval of the Grace as amended by the Council's amendment.
Option(d)rejection of the Grace.

Number of valid votes: 1,128     (Quota 564)

Option First count
Number of
votes for each
Second count
Option (a and d) excluded
   (c)556+12568Preferred option
Non-transferable 104104 

This Grace is therefore approved as amended by the Council's amendment (see Reporter, p. 56).

Grace 7 of 27 July 2005: Market pay supplement

The results of the voting on this Grace are as follows:

Option(a)approval of the Grace unamended.
Option(b)approval of the Grace as amended by the August amendment.
Option(c)approval of the Grace as amended by the Council's amendment.
Option(d)rejection of the Grace.

Number of valid votes: 1,123     (Quota 562)

Option First count
Number of
votes for each
   (c)776Preferred option

This Grace is therefore approved as amended by the Council's amendment (see Reporter, p. 56).

Grace 9 of 27 July: Consequential amendments to regulations

The results of the voting on this Grace are as follows:

Option(a)approval of the Grace unamended.
Option(b)approval of the Grace as amended by the August amendment.
Option(c)approval of the Grace as amended by the Council's amendment.
Option(d)rejection of the Grace.

Number of valid votes: 1,112     (Quota 556)

Option First count
Number of
votes for each
Second count
Option (a and d) excluded
   (c)526+10536Preferred option
Non-transferable +8181 

This Grace is therefore approved as amended by the Council's amendment (see Reporter, p. 56).