Cambridge University Reporter

Land Economy Tripos, 2006

The Board of Land Economy give notice that, with effect from the examination to be held in 2006, the form of the examinations for the Land Economy Tripos will be changed as follows:


Paper 1. Economics

The paper will be examined through a three-hour written paper. The paper will be divided into three sections: A (Microeconomics), B (Macroeconomics), and C (Welfare economics). Candidates will be required to answer four questions with at least one from each section and one other question from any of the sections. All four questions carry equal weight in marks.


Paper 5. Environmental economics, law, and policy

The paper will be divided into two sections, A and B. Section A will contain no fewer than two questions. Candidates are required to answer one question from this section. Section B will contain no fewer than eight questions, of which candidates will be required to answer three. All questions from both sections carry the same weight.

Paper 7. Regional economics

The paper will be divided into two sections, Section A and Section B. Candidates will be required to answer three questions in total, with at least one question to be answered from each section.


Paper 14. Planning law and policy

The paper will contain ten questions, of which candidates will be expected to answer four.

Paper 15. Advanced techniques in finance and investment for real estate

The paper will be divided into two sections. Section A will contain four empirical- or problem-orientated questions. Section B will contain four essay type questions. Candidates will be required to answer four questions, two from each section.