Cambridge University Reporter

Natural Sciences Tripos, Part III (Experimental and Theoretical Physics)

(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 364)

With effect from 1 October 2005

The regulations have been amended to allow candidates a wider choice of work which may be submitted for the examination in Experimental and Theoretical Physics for Part III of the Natural Sciences Tripos. The date by which the report of the research project must be submitted has also been amended.

Regulation 36.

Experimental and Theoretical Physics

By amending sub-paragraph (b) so as to read:

(b) three major topics and three minor topics, provided that in place of one or two of the minor topics a candidate may submit either units of further work (comprising classwork and/or practical work) and/or a report of a project, undertaken during the previous Long Vacation, of not more than 5,000 words excluding footnotes;

By amending the second paragraph so as to read:

The Head of the Department of Physics shall announce not less than five major topics and ten minor topics, and the types of further work for the examination, including the form of assessment for each topic or piece of further work, not later than the beginning of the Michaelmas Term.

Records of further work shall be submitted to the Examiners through the Head of Department not later than the fifth Monday of the Full Easter Term in which the examination is to be held: they shall bear the signatures of the teachers under whose direction the work was performed.

By replacing the words 'the Friday following the last day of Full Lent Term' with the words 'the third Monday of Full Easter Term' in the last line of the penultimate paragraph.

By inserting after the word 'reports' the words 'or further work' in the first line of the last paragraph.