Cambridge University Reporter

Whewell Scholarships in International Law: Notice

Statutes and Ordinances, 2005, pp. 700 and 881

The Faculty Board of Law announce that there will be an election of a Scholar or Scholars on Dr Whewell's Foundation in the Easter Term of 2006.

The Electors may at each election award one or more Scholarships of such value as they may determine. The competition is open to any person who is a candidate for the LL.M. Examination in 2006 or who was successful in that examination in 2005.

Awards will be made upon the results of an examination which will be held in Cambridge in the Easter Term in each year, at a place and at hours which will be announced in the Reporter. Certain of the papers, being identical with the papers of the LL.M. Examination in International Law, will be set on the date fixed by Ordinance for that examination. The subjects of examination for 2006 will be announced in the Michaelmas Term 2005. The examination shall comprise not less than three of the papers in International Law which have been prescribed by the Faculty Board of Law for the LL.M. Examination, a fourth paper chosen by the candidate from among all the papers prescribed for that examination, and a paper on problems and disputed points in International Law. A list of these prescribed papers and syllabuses and reading lists may be obtained on application to the Secretary of the Faculty Board of Law, 10 West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DZ.

The names of candidates must reach the Secretary of the Faculty Board of Law, 10 West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DZ, not later than 18 February 2006. Candidates must also inform the Secretary which of the alternative subjects they intend to offer.