Cambridge University Reporter


The General Board give notice that, on the recommendation of the Faculty Board or other authority concerned, the regulations for certain University examinations have been amended as follows:

Economics Tripos

(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 258)

With effect from 1 October 2005

Paper 5 (Mathematical economics) of Part IIB of the Economics Tripos has been suspended until further notice and the duration of Paper 3 (Theory and practice of econometrics I) of Part IIA of the Tripos has been extended to three hours. The content of Paper 4 of Part IIB has been amended to include topics in economic theory where mathematics can be used.

Regulation 16.

By amending the second sentence to read 'Each paper shall be set for three hours', and the first part of the final sentence to read 'The examination for Paper 3 shall consist of a written paper of three hours' duration and the submission of project work undertaken by the candidate;'

Regulation 19.

By suspending Paper 5 until further notice.


(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 261)

The Faculty Board of Economics have approved the following changes to supplementary regulations for the Economics Tripos:

Part I

Paper 4. Political and sociological aspects of economics

This paper considers the influence of political and sociological factors on economic affairs. It focuses on the history of economic and social policy-making in the post-war period in Britain and other developed countries. It examines a variety of influences on policy: the political ideologies which inform the conduct of policy; the domestic and international institutions that provide the context within which policy is formed; and the broader social and economic processes that shape the environment in which economic policy is conducted. The paper examines the processes by which policies come to be formulated and the way in which trade unions, employers' organizations, the City, political parties, the electoral process, and the bureaucracy of the state influence decision-making processes.

Part IIb

Paper 4. Economic theory and analysis

In this paper questions will be set of a more advanced character than in Papers 1 and 2, and the emphasis will rest on the theoretical aspects of economics. The paper will provide opportunity for the use of analytical methods including mathematics.