Cambridge University Reporter

Bell, Abbott, and Barnes Funds: Notice

Statutes and Ordinances, 2004, p. 714

The Vice-Chancellor gives notice that exhibitions of an annual value at present of between £30 and £1,250 and grants at present not exceeding £1,250 will be awarded from the Bell, Abbott, and Barnes Funds, to candidates for the B.A. Degree needing assistance who have shown proficiency in their studies and who are recommended by their Tutors, provided that, if they are of standing for admission but have not been admitted to that degree, they are pursuing further study in the University to the satisfaction of the Awarders for the time being.

Applications for these Exhibitions and grants must be made by Tutors and should be on the standard form issued to Senior Tutors. Applications should be made by the Division of each Term, e.g. 9 November 2004, 13 February 2005, and 21 May 2005, to Dr J.C.D. Hickson, Pembroke College.