Hertford College


The Principalship of Hertford College, Oxford, will become vacant on the retirement of the present Principal, Sir Walter Bodmer, in August 2005. The appointment of a new Principal will be made by the Visitor to the College.

The Principal is responsible for the overall leadership of the College. In addition to chairing its main committees the Principal has a pastoral role towards the students, Fellows, and staff of the College and acts as ambassador for the College both within Oxford and in the wider world. The Principal may have an academic or professional background, and must have a commitment to excellence in teaching and research and a style of leadership appropriate for a democratic self-governing institution.

The Fellows of Hertford College would welcome enquiries from and suggestions of men and women suitable qualified for the Principalship. Communication should be by letter or e-mail to the Academic Administrator, Mrs Jane Webber (tel. 01865 279423, e-mail jane.webber@hertford.oxford.ac.uk), from whom further particulars are available.