Natural Sciences Tripos, Part II (General) (Special Subject Physics) and Part II (Experimental and Theoretical Physics)

(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 358 and 360)

With effect from 1 October 2004

The regulations have been amended as follows to reflect revisions to Part II (Experimental and Theoretical Physics); the changes in structure also affect Special Subject Physics offered in Part II (General).

Part II (General)

Regulation 26 (as amended, Reporter, p. 496).

By amending Regulation 26(b)(ii) so as to read:

(ii)The examination in Special Subject Physics shall consist of one written paper of two hours' duration, one written paper of one and a half hours' duration, and three units of further work, as specified in section (d) below.

By deleting the first eleven lines of Regulation 26(d) and amending the first sentence in the following paragraph so as to read:

In Special Subject Physics, the Head of Department shall announce the types of further work that will be available, comprising classwork, practical work, and project work, not later than the division of the Easter Term in the year next preceding the examination.

Part II

Regulation 32.

Experimental and Theoretical Physics

By replacing the first ten lines of the regulation with the following:

The examination shall comprise two alternative options, (A) and (B), as specified below.

A candidate who chooses option (A) shall offer:

(a) Papers 1 and 2;
(b) either Paper 3 or Paper 4 or two half-papers drawn from Papers 3 and 4;
(c) five units of further work.

A candidate who chooses option (B) shall offer:

either (a) Papers 1-4;
 (b) three units of further work;
or (a) Papers 1 and 2;
 (b) either Paper 3 and one half-paper drawn from Paper 4 or Paper 4 and one half-paper drawn from Paper 3;
 (c) four units of further work.

Papers 1, 3, and 4 shall be of three hours' duration; Paper 2 shall be of two hours' duration. Candidates shall be allowed one and a half hours for each half-paper.


(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 369)

Part II (General)

Special Subject Physics

The detail has been amended, with effect from the same date, so as to read:

The papers set for this subject will be Paper 2, and one of the half-papers from Papers 3 and 4 set for Experimental and Theoretical Physics in Part II.

Part II

Experimental and Theoretical Physics

The detail for this subject has been deleted, with effect from the same date.