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Form and Conduct of Examinations, 2003-04: Notice

Notices by Faculty Boards, or other bodies concerned, of changes to the form and conduct of certain examinations to be held in 2003-04, by comparison with those examinations in 2003, are published below. Complete details of the form and conduct of all examinations are available from the Faculties or Departments concerned.

Oriental Studies Tripos and Preliminary Examination for Part I, 2004

The Faculty of Oriental Studies give notice that, in addition to their Notice of 26 November 2003 (Reporter, p. 247), with effect from the examination to be held in 2004, the form of the examinations for the Oriental Studies Tripos and the Preliminary Examination for Part I will be changed as follows:


Arabic Oral

The examination will consists of three sections:

(a) Listening comprehension (30 minutes) (30 marks)

(b) Role-play (15 minutes) (35 marks)

(c) Discussion (15 minutes)

Candidates will be required to choose a topic chosen from a list made available ten minutes before the examination (35 marks).

All times are approximate. All oral tests will be recorded.

As. 1. Elementary Akkadian, 1

This paper will consist of specified passages for translation into English from the Code of Hammurapi, with notes on grammatical points, and sentences for translation from English into Akkadian. Candidates must attempt all questions.

As. 2. Elementary Akkadian, 2

This paper will consist of specified passages for translation into English from the Annals of Sennacherib, with notes on grammatical points, and unseen translation from Akkadian into English. Candidates must attempt all questions.

Chinese Oral

The examination will consist of a listening comprehension test and an oral test.

(a) Listening comprehension (30-45 minutes)

Candidates will be asked to answer multiple-choice questions in Chinese related to recorded passages read aloud in Chinese, of which the vocabulary and sentence structures are known (40 marks).

(b) Oral Test (10 minutes)

The candidate will first be asked to produce an oral passage according to the stimulus provided. Then s/he will be asked to engage in a simple conversation employing vocabulary appropriate to activities of daily life. Finally, there will be a short free conversation between the candidate and the Examiners (60 marks).

All times are approximate. All oral tests will be recorded.

Hebrew Oral

The oral shall comprise the following three parts and will be of approximately 20 minutes' duration:

(a) Listening comprehension

Candidates will be asked to answer questions in English relating to a passage which will be read aloud at the examination (25 marks).

(b) Pronunciation and sight-reading

Candidates will be asked to read aloud a non-fiction passage (25 marks).

(c) Conversation

Candidates will be asked to engage in conversation relating to the reading passage, as well as conversation employing vocabulary appropriate to activities in daily life (50 marks).

All times are approximate. All oral tests will be recorded.

In. 5. Introduction to Indian Studies, 1: Themes in cultural history

Candidates will be required to write short answers to six questions chosen from a list of eight and to write two essays on topics chosen from a list of approximately ten questions.

In. 6. Introduction to Indian Studies, 2 : Language, literature, and religion

This paper will consist of approximately twenty essay questions divided into two sections, one on language and literature and the other on religion. Candidates will be required to answer four questions, of which not more than three may be taken from any one section.

Hindi Oral

The examination will consist of the following three parts and will be of approximately 20 minutes' duration:

(a) Listening comprehension

Candidates will be played a recorded passage twice. They will be asked questions in English, and will have to answer in Hindi. They will be asked to explain, in English, points of grammar related to the passage (25 marks).

(b) Description

Candidates will be asked to describe in detail two or three pictures (25 marks).

(c) Conversation test

Candidates will be asked to engage in conversation relating to activities of everyday life (50 marks).

All oral tests will be recorded.

Japanese Oral

The oral examination will consist of two sections:

(a) Listening comprehension (45 minutes)

Candidates will be asked to listen to a recorded passage of Japanese and answer questions. The aim is to test listening ability only, so questions and answers are all in English (50 marks).

(b) Oral test (15 minutes)

Candidates will be asked to read a short passage from texts that have been studied in class and are assessed on pronunciation and intonation. This will be followed by a short general conversation (50 marks).

All times are approximate. All oral tests will be recorded.

Persian Oral

The examination will consist of three sections:

(a) Dictation (20 minutes) (30 marks)

Candidates will be required to take down a passage of Persian read aloud by the Examiner.

(b) Reading aloud (7 minutes) (30 marks)

Candidates will be required to read aloud a seen passage.

(c) Oral presentation (8 minutes) (40 marks)

Candidates will be required to make an oral presentation on a prepared topic.

All times are approximate. All oral tests will be recorded.



As. 4. Elementary Akkadian

This paper will consist of specified passages for translation into English from the Code of Hammurapi and the Annals of Sennecherib, and sentences for translation from English to Akkadian.

Chinese Studies

Part I Chinese Oral

The examination will consist of a listening comprehension and an oral test.

(a) Listening comprehension (30-45 minutes)

Candidates will be asked to answer multiple-choice questions in Chinese related to recorded passages read aloud in Chinese (40 marks).

(b) Oral test (10 minutes)

The candidate will first be asked to produce an oral passage according to the stimulus provided, and then s/he will be asked to talk in Chinese on given topics. Finally, there will be a short free conversation in Chinese between the candidate and the Examiners (60 marks).

All times are approximate. All oral tests will be recorded.

Part II Chinese Oral

The examination will consist of a listening comprehension test and an oral test.

(a) Listening comprehension (30-45 minutes)

Candidates will be asked to answer multiple-choice questions in Chinese related to recorded passages read aloud in Chinese (40 marks).

(b) Oral test (15 minutes)

The candidate will first be asked to provide an oral précis of his or her dissertation and answer questions about it. S/he will then be asked to discuss a selected topic with the Examiners. Finally, there will be a short free conversation in Chinese between the candidate and the Examiners. The selected topics will be posted in the Faculty one working day before the examination (60 marks).

All times are approximate. All oral tests are recorded.

Hebrew Studies

Part I Hebrew Oral

The oral examination shall comprise the following three parts and will be of no more than 30 minutes' duration:

(a) Translation and interpretation

Candidates will be asked to interpret a short passage from Modern Hebrew into English (30 marks).

(b) Pronunciation and sight-reading

Candidates will be asked to read aloud a non-fiction passage (20 marks).

(c) General oral ability

Candidates will be asked to communicate in Modern Hebrew ideas or courses of action of a complexity appropriate to Part I level (50 marks).

All times are approximate. All oral tests are recorded.

Part II Hebrew Oral

The oral examination shall comprise the following four parts and be of not more than 45 minutes' duration:

(a) Translation and interpretation

Candidates will be asked to interpret from English into Modern Hebrew (20 marks).

(b) Listening comprehension

Candidates will be asked to answer questions in Modern Hebrew about an authentic recorded discourse played back to them during examination (15 marks).

(c) Pronunciation and sight-reading

Candidates will be asked to read aloud a passage in Modern Hebrew (15 marks).

(d) General oral ability

Candidates will be tested on their communication skills by discussing the reading passage, and in general conversation on a topic of literary, social, or cultural interest at a high level of complexity (50 marks).

All times are approximate. All oral tests are recorded.

Japanese Studies

J.1. Modern Japanese, 1.

This paper will consist of three questions: question one will contain eight sentences for translation into Japanese; question two will contain a passage for translation into Japanese; question three will consist of three topics for a composition in Japanese, of which candidates will be required to select one. All questions must be attempted.

Part I Japanese Oral

The oral examination will consists of three parts, of equal mark-value:

(a) Listening comprehension (45 minutes)

Candidates will be asked to listen to a recorded passage of Japanese and answer questions in English.

(b) Reading (20 minutes)

Candidates will be required to prepare a short unseen text for five minutes and then read it aloud for the Examiners. A short conversation on the topic of the text will follow.

(c) Role play (15 minutes)

All times are approximate. All oral tests will be recorded.

J. 12. Japanese texts, 1.J. 13. Japanese texts, 2.

Each of these papers will consist of two sections. In Section A candidates will be required to translate one unseen passage from Japanese into English. In Section B candidates will be required to translate from Japanese into English two passages from a selection of texts taught during the year.

J. 14. Classical Japanese studies

This paper will contain eight passages from which candidates will be required to choose three. They will be required to identify each passage and then write a commentary putting the passage into its historical, political, and social context.

Part II Japanese oral

The oral examination will consist of three parts, of equal mark-value:

(a) Listening comprehension (45 minutes)

Candidates will be asked to listen to a recorded passage of Japanese and to answer questions in English.

(b) Oral précis (45 minutes)

Candidates will be asked to prepare an English newspaper article with the aid of dictionaries for half an hour. They will then be asked to summarize the content in Japanese before the Examiners. A short conversation in Japanese on the topic will follow.

(c) Speech (20 minutes)

Candidates will be asked to submit the title of a speech a week before the examination. The length of their speech should be about ten minutes and although they are expected to speak naturally, they will be allowed to have a few notes to which they may refer.

All times are approximate. All oral tests will be recorded.

Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies

Is.2. Arabic language, 2

This paper will consist of three questions: one passage of pre-modern Arabic for translation into English (30 marks); one passage of English for translation into Arabic (35 marks); and one question requiring a piece of writing of about 200 words of Arabic (35 marks).

Part I Arabic Oral

The examination will consist of four sections:

(a) Listening comprehension (30 minutes)

Candidates will be required to answer questions on two recorded passages, often taken from news broadcasts (30 marks).

(b) Reading aloud (3 minutes)

The candidate will be required to read aloud an unseen passage with full vocalization. The passage will be made available fifteen minutes before the examination (10 marks).

(c) Liaison interpreting (10 minutes)

The candidate will act as an interpreter for two Examiners, one speaking Arabic and one English (30 marks).

(d) Discussion (7 minutes)

Candidates will be required to discuss a topic chosen from a list provided fifteen minutes before the examination (30 marks).

All times are approximate. All oral tests are recorded.

Part I Persian Oral

The examination will consist of three sections:

(a) Dictation (10 minutes)

Candidates will be required to take down a passage of Persian read aloud by the Examiner (30 marks).

(b) Comprehension (10 minutes)

Candidates will be tested on comprehension of the dictation passage (30 marks).

(c) Oral presentation (10 minutes)

Candidates will be required to make an oral presentation on a prepared topic (40 marks).

All times are approximate. All oral tests are recorded.

Is. 11. Arabic language, 3

This examination will consist of three questions: one passage of Arabic on which candidates will be required to answer questions (35 marks); one passage of Arabic to be summarized in English (25 marks); and one question offering a choice of at least four topics for an essay in Arabic of at least 350 words (40 marks). All questions must be attempted.

Is. 12. Arabic Language, 4

Candidates may choose between (a) a three-hour written examination and (b) a translation project.

(a) The written examination will consist of three passages of which two must be translated from Arabic to English (30 marks each) with comments on the grammatical and stylistic choices made in the translation (10 marks for comment on each translation) and one passage of Arabic with its English translation for critical discussion of the translation (20 marks).

Candidates may make use of the Arabic-English dictionaries that will be provided.

(b) The translation project will consist of a passage of Arabic of between 1,500 and 2,000 words to be translated into English, together with a brief introduction to the passage and a commentary on the grammatical and stylistic decisions made in translation. The whole project shall not exceed 8,000 words in length, including footnotes and bibliography. Candidates will be required to state in the bibliography the sources they have used and to declare that the project consists of their own work unaided except as may be specified in the declaration. The candidate's choice of passage must be approved by the course teacher by the division of Lent Full Term. Two copies of the project must be submitted to the Programmes Administrator in the Faculty Office so as to arrive not later than the third Friday of the Full Easter Term in which the examination is to be held.

Is. 14. Arabic literature, 2

This paper will consists of two sections both of which must be attempted. Section A will consist of four passages (not for translation), of which candidates will be required to choose two for discussion and analysis. Section B will consist of four essay questions, of which candidates will be required to attempt two. All questions will carry 25% of the total marks.

Is. 23. Middle Eastern and Islamic history, 7

This paper will consist of two sections, and students will be required to confine their answers to one section. Each section will consist of nine essay questions of which candidates will be required to answer three. All questions will carry equal marks.

Part II Arabic Oral

The examination will consist of four sections:

(a) Listening comprehension (30 minutes)

Candidates will be required to answer questions on two recorded passages, which may be taken from a variety of sources (30 marks).

(b) Reading aloud (5 minutes)

Candidates will be required to read aloud an unseen passage with full vocalization. No time will be made available for preparation beforehand (10 marks).

(c) Liaison interpreting (10 minutes)

The candidate will act as an interpreter for two Examiners, one speaking Arabic and one English (30 marks).

(d) Discussion (10 minutes)

Candidates will be required to discuss a topic chosen from a list provided fifteen minutes before the examination (30 marks).

All times are approximate. All oral tests are recorded.

Part II Persian Oral

The examination will consist of three sections:

(a) Dictation (10 minutes)

Candidates will be required to take down in dictation a passage of Persian read by the Examiner (30 marks).

(b) Comprehension (10 minutes)

Candidates will be tested on their comprehension of the dictation passage (30 marks).

(c) Discussion (10 minutes)

Candidates will be required to engage in discussion in Persian of a topic chosen from a list provided (40 marks).

All times are approximate. All oral tests are recorded.

MEIS Dissertation

The dissertation will count as two papers for marking purposes.

South Asian Studies

Sa. 2. Sanskrit specified and unspecified texts, 2

This examination will consist of three passages from specified texts and one passage from an unspecified text for translation into English. There may also be subsidiary questions on form and content. All questions must be attempted.

Sa. 8 Indian Cultural History

This examination will consist of approximately twenty essay questions covering a broad range of Indian cultural history. Candidates will be required to answer three.

Part I Hindi Oral

The examination will consist of the following three parts and will be of approximately 30 minutes' duration:

(a) Listening comprehension

Candidates will asked to answer questions in Hindi relating to a recorded dialogue which will be played to them twice (30 marks).

(b) Prepared speech

Candidates will be asked to speak in Hindi for approximately 3 minutes on a prepared topic of their choice (20 marks).

(c) General oral ability test

Candidates will be asked to communicate in Hindi ideas on courses of actions of a complexity appropriate to Part I level. This may involve a role-play (50 marks).

All times are approximate. All oral tests are recorded.

Sa. 19. Selected readings in a North Indian language

This examination will consist of four passages in either Urdu, Rajasthani, or Bengali for translation into English, taken from texts covered during the year, and at least three essay questions, of which candidates will be required to answer one.

Sa. 21. Special subject in South Asian history

This examination will consist of approximately twenty essay questions, of which candidates will be expected to answer three.

Sa. 22. The Mughal Empire

This examination will consist of approximately twenty essay questions, of which candidates will be required to attempt three.

Sa. 23. Women and literature in India

This examination will consist of approximately twenty essay questions, of which candidates will be required to attempt three.

Sa. 24. Special subject in South Asian religion and philosophy

This examination will consist of approximately twenty essay questions, of which candidates will be required to attempt three.

Sa. 25. Special subject in South Asian literature

This examination will consist of approximately ten essay questions, of which candidates will be required to attempt three.

Part II Hindi Oral

The examination will consist of the following three parts and will be of approximately 45 minutes' duration:

(a) Listening comprehension

An item of news recorded from the radio will be played twice and candidates will be asked questions related to it (25 marks).

(b) Prepared speech

Candidates will be asked to speak in Hindi for approximately 6 minutes on a prepared topic of their choice (25 marks).

(c) General oral ability test

Candidates will be tested on their communication skills by discussing more than one topic of literary, social, or cultural interest at a high level of complexity (50 marks).

All times are approximate. All oral tests will be recorded.

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Cambridge University Reporter 11 February 2004
Copyright © 2003 The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge.