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Joint Report of the Council and the General Board on a policy for race equality

The COUNCIL and the GENERAL BOARD beg leave to report to the University as follows:


1. The University's policy statement on race equality explicates the general equal opportunities policy (Reporter, 2001-02, p. 804, Statutes and Ordinances, p. 154) (http://www.admin.cam.ac.uk/offices/personnel/policy/equal.html), spelling out the University's commitment to fulfilling its duties under the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 (RR(A)A).

2. The race equality action plan sets out in detail the ways in which the University will fulfil its duties under the RR(A)A. The action plan:

(i) defines the University's core functions;
(ii) sets up a consultation framework and timetable;
(iii) provides a checklist for policy impact assessment and gives practical guidance on 'equality-proofing' all areas of work;
(iv) sets out the framework for action plans in each functional area;
(v) provides advice on monitoring;
(vi) sets out arrangements for review and publication;
(vii) suggests means of communicating the policy and action plan;
(viii) gives a commitment on the provision of training;
(ix) sets out principles for positive action on race equality;
(x) sets out arrangements for dealing with racial harassment and reporting racial incidents;
(xi) proposes action points to fulfil each of the above, including the establishment of a Working Group on Race Equality.

3. The Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) has a scrutinizing role on behalf of the Commission for Racial Equality in monitoring the arrangements made in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) for meeting the requirements of the RR(A)A. The HEFCE consider the University's proposed race equality and action plan to be an exemplar of good practice at this stage in the implementation process. In order to maintain this standard of practice, the Council and the Board wish to seek the approval of the University for the policy statement below and its associated action plan, so that work in this area can be taken forward. Brief management guidance is being drawn up for heads of institutions and administrators to assist them in implementing the policy.

Policy statement

4. The equal opportunities policy states that the University is committed in its pursuit of academic excellence to equality of opportunity and to a pro-active and inclusive approach to equality, which supports and encourages all under-represented groups, promotes an inclusive culture, and values diversity. This commitment is underpinned by the University's core values, expressed in its mission statement:

(i) freedom of thought and expression;
(ii) freedom from discrimination.

The University is therefore committed to promoting racial equality, seeking to eliminate racial discrimination and promoting good relations between people of different racial groups. In pursuit of these goals the University will:

(i) assess the impact of policies on ethnic minority students and staff;
(ii) monitor the recruitment and progress of ethnic minority students and staff;
(iii) set out arrangements for publishing the results of impact assessments and monitoring.

5. The University will fulfil these duties in relation to: governance, leadership, and management; student admissions, access, and participation; assessment and academic progress; teaching and learning, including curriculum design and delivery; provision and access to support services; staff recruitment, selection, training, career development, and progression; behaviour and discipline; partnerships and community links. These are functions which directly affect staff and students at work and study. Fulfilling the duties in relation to these functions is addressed in the race equality action plan which follows.

6. The University recognizes that all areas of its activities are interconnected and interdependent. Thus all members of the University and all staff share a collective responsibility for these functions, according to their individual roles and responsibilities, and all are expected to have due regard to the duties and goals set out above. The Council and the General Board have a particular responsibility in relation to all these functions, on behalf of the Regent House and the University. Those in leadership and other senior roles, such as heads of institutions, also have special responsibility for many of these functions. The means of meeting these responsibilities is addressed in the race equality action plan set out in Annex A.


7. The Council and the General Board recommend:

I. That approval is given for the policy for race equality set out in paragraphs 4-6 above.

II. That the Council and the General Board be given authority to make such changes in the action plan set out in Annex A as they consider necessary in the interest of efficient operation or to reflect future changes in legislation.



30 April 2003 ALEC N. BROERS, Vice-ChancellorM. J. DAUNTONROGER PARKER


Race equality action plan


The race equality action plan is the means by which the University will fulfil its obligations, intentions, and goals set out in the race equality policy. The action plan:

(i) explains what this means for everyone in the University;
(ii) gives details of how the University will monitor and assess the policy's effectiveness;
(iii) defines roles and responsibilities so that people know what is expected of them;
(iv) sets out what the University will do if the policy and action plan are not followed;
(v) sets out how the University will publish its monitoring results each year.

Under the race equality action plan the University will:

(i) publicize the race equality policy to all staff, students, trade unions, the Colleges, and the local community;
(ii) provide regular and on-going training to all staff on areas related to the policy and its implementation;
(iii) review and revise other institutional policies in the light of the race equality policy and use cross-referencing to ensure clear links between the race equality policy and other institutional policies and functions;
(iv) regularly monitor the implementation of the policy and its action plan;
(v) regularly review and assess the impact of the race equality policy, for example by auditing current processes, procedures, and practice, in tackling racial discrimination and promoting equality of opportunity and good relations;
(vi) ensure that all students, staff, and trade unions are actively involved in the assessment and in monitoring procedures and processes;
(vii) ensure that the Colleges are actively involved in the assessment and in monitoring procedures and process which they carry out on behalf of the University;
(viii) use the assessment and monitoring findings to expand, revise, update, improve, and maintain the race equality policy and action plan and also establish or revise race equality priorities, goals, and initiatives in an appropriate strategic plan.

Governance and leadership

The Council, on behalf of the Regent House, is responsible for ensuring that the University fulfils its legal responsibilities under the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 (RR(A)A). The Council makes the following commitments to this responsibility:

(i) The Council, the General Board, and all those in leadership and other senior roles will be pro-active in promoting racial equality and good relations and in tackling unlawful racial discrimination through their defined responsibilities.
(ii) The Council will maintain an overview of implementation of this race equality policy and action plan.
(iii) The Council, the General Board, and those with leadership and other senior responsibilities will work in partnership with others to tackle racial discrimination and establish, promote, and disseminate racial equality good practice.
(iv) The Council, the General Board, and those with leadership and other senior responsibilities will encourage, support, and enable all staff and students to reach their full potential.

The Council will therefore ensure that:

A1: The University complies with the general and specific duties arising from the RR(A)A.
A2: The race equality policy and action plan is implemented, monitored, evaluated, and continuously reviewed according to the specific duties under the RR(A)A.
A3: All staff are provided with appropriate training and guidance.
A4: Appropriate procedures are implemented to enable all those responsible under the RR(A)A to acknowledge their roles, responsibilities, and accountabilities.
A5: A Pro-Vice-Chancellor designated by the Council will have lead responsibility for racial equality under the requirements of the general duty of the RR(A)A.
A6: Appropriate action is taken if staff or students are found to have acted in any way in a racially discriminatory manner, wittingly or unwittingly.

Note on the relationship between the University and the Colleges for the purposes of the RR(A)A

Although the Colleges are not 'public authorities' under the RR(A)A they carry out a number of functions on behalf of the University and in partnership with it, for example admission and teaching of undergraduates, welfare, and pastoral support. The general duty to promote race equality applies to the functions of public authorities (such as HEIs) which are carried out by private or voluntary organizations and the responsibility for meeting that duty rests with the public authority. The general duty is met through implementation of the specific duties. The Commission for Racial Equality (CRE) intends to produce guidance in this area. It is therefore necessary for the University to assure itself that the functions supplied by the Colleges to the University are complying with the general duty under the Act.

A7: The Council and the General Board will agree with the Colleges the way in which they will work in partnership to fulfil the requirements of the RR(A)A in all the relevant functions carried out by the Colleges on behalf of or in partnership with the University.
A8: The race equality action policy and action plan will be published as part of a wide consultation procedure, in advance of formal approval of a final version in the form of a Report to the University (completed 31 January 2003).

1. Core functions and bodies responsible for them

The University's core functions are those which directly affect staff and students at work and study and include:

(i) governance, leadership, and management;
(ii) student admissions, access, participation;
(iii) assessment and academic progress;
(iv) teaching and learning, including curriculum design and delivery;
(v) provision and access to support services;
(vi) staff recruitment, selection, training, career development, and progression;
(vii) behaviour and discipline;
(viii) partnerships and community links.

A full list of the core functions, the bodies responsible for them, and the structure for policy impact assessment, review, and action planning is set out in the table in Annex 1.

2. Consultation framework

In order to fulfil the general duty under the RR(A)A the University will need to consult with students and staff from all racial groups to find out their needs and opinions. It may also carry out surveys and research studies from time to time. This will be in addition to the University's habitual forms of consultation (e.g. with Schools, Faculties, and Heads of Institutions, and members of the Regent House) and governance (e.g. Discussions). Consultation will be used to help develop, implement, monitor, review, and maintain the policy and action plan.

Consultation will take place with staff and student groups in the form of:

(i) a staff race equality advisory group with membership from ethnic minority staff, meeting once a term, with the Director of Personnel and the Equal Opportunities Officer, with a report of the meeting to the Personnel Committee, the General Board, and the Council;
(ii) occasional ad hoc staff consultation groups on particular issues, for example arising out of the policy impact assessments carried out under section 4;
(iii) a student race equality advisory group with membership from ethnic minority students, meeting once a term, with the Head of the Academic Division, the Chair of the Student Matters Committee, and the Secretary of the Senior Tutors' Committee, with a report of the meeting to the General Board;
(iv) occasional ad hoc student consultation groups on particular issues, for example arising out of the policy impact assessments carried out under section 4;
(v) meetings with GEEMA (Group to Encourage Ethnic Minority Applications), to allow a two-way flow of information and feedback;
(vi) meetings with the Black and Asian Caucus, to allow a two-way flow of information and feedback.

Consultation/advisory groups will be asked to:

(i) respond to particular issues;
(ii) offer topics and issues for discussion;
(iii) consider results of policy impact assessments, with a view to advising on improvements to policy and practice;
(iv) receive feedback on their contribution to policy review, maintenance, and improvement.

Consultation timetables:

An informal consultative staff group to meet by 30 September 2002 to consider:

(i) the equal opportunities policy statement;
(ii) the race equality policy and action plan;

and to

(iii) raise any other areas of concern at this stage of the University's response to the RR(A)A;
(iv) report back via the Personnel Committee, to the General Board, and the Council in the Lent Term 2003.
A9: The Equal Opportunities Officer will convene an informal consultative staff group by 30 September 2002 [meeting held 12 September 2002].

The first student advisory group to meet in the Michaelmas Term 2003 to consider:

(i) the equal opportunities policy statement;
(ii) the race equality policy and action plan;

and to

(iii) raise any other areas of concern at this stage of the University's response to the RR(A)A;
(iv) report back via the Student Matters Committee, the Education Committee, to the General Board and the Council, and to the Senior Tutors' Committee.
A10: The Student Matters Committee, the Education Committee, CUSU, and the Senior Tutors' Committee will convene the student race equality advisory group during the Michaelmas Term 2003.

GEEMA and the Young Black and Asian Achievers Group to meet in the Michaelmas Term 2003 to consider:

(i) the equal opportunities policy statement;
(ii) the race equality policy and action plan;

and to

(iii) raise any other areas of concern at this stage of the University's response to the RR(A)A;
(iv) report back via the Student Matters Committee, the Education Committee, to the General Board and the Council, and to the Senior Tutors' Committee.
A11: The Student Matters Committee, the Education Committee, CUSU, and the Senior Tutors' Committee will arrange to meet GEEMA and the Young Black and Asian Achievers Group in the Michaelmas Term 2003.

Thereafter the advisory groups will meet early each term, reporting back through the lines defined above.

Trade unions will be consulted on race equality issues via the existing consultation arrangements (UAJB).

A12: The Secretary of the UAJB will arrange for the Joint Board to comment on the race equality policy and action plan at their next regular meeting.
A13: The policy and action plan will be reviewed in full no later than 31 May 2005.

3. Checklist for policy impact assessment

One of the specific duties under the RR(A)A is to assess the impact of existing policies, practices, and procedures in the core functions on students and staff from different racial groups.

The purpose of the assessment is to see whether policies help to achieve race equality for students or staff from different racial groups or whether they have, or could have, an adverse impact on them. Policy impact assessment should be carried out initially under the race equality action plan and then built into existing policy review arrangements, including General Board internal reviews.

These questions should guide the assessment of the impact of policies:

1. Is the University helping all staff and students to achieve as much as they can, and get as much as they can from what is provided for them?
2. If not, which groups of students and staff are not achieving as much as they can? Why not?
3. How does the University explain the differences between groups of students in terms of teaching and learning; drop-out rates; student progression and achievement; assessment; access to learning resources; support and guidance; and curricular and other opportunities?
4. Are these explanations justified? Can they be justified on non-racial grounds (for example, English language difficulties)?
5. How does the University explain the differences between groups of staff in terms of grade and position; type of contract; career development; training; and other opportunities?
6. Are these explanations justified? Can they be justified on non-racial grounds?
7. What is the University doing to:

(i) raise achievement levels and tackle race inequalities in staff recruitment and student performance and progress;
(ii) promote race equality and harmony; and
(iii) prevent or deal with racism?

8. Can the action be traced back to individual policy aims and related targets and strategies?
9. Does each relevant policy include aims to deal with differences, or possible differences, between groups of staff or students from different racial groups?
10. Do the policy's aims lead to action to deal with the differences that are identified?
11. Is the action appropriate and effective, or likely to be effective? Are there any unexpected results? If so, how are they being handled?
12. What changes does the University need to make to policies, relevant policy aims, and related targets and strategies?

Practical guidance on 'equality-proofing' all areas of work is attached as Annex 2.

4. Arrangements for review of impact assessments

A14: Each functional area (see Annex 1) will:
designate one individual to take responsibility for ensuring that the University's race equality policy and action plan are fulfilled with respect to the functional area. This will usually be the chair of the relevant body or committee, or the head of the institution or office concerned;
ensure that all members of the body or committee, or individual staff are aware of the requirements of the University's race equality policy and action plan;
draw up a comprehensive list of relevant policies, procedures, and practices;
identify any gaps in monitoring data which will inhibit impact assessment and inform UAS of any monitoring requirements;
subject their policies, procedures, and practices to the questions laid out in Section 3.

5. Action plans for each functional area

A15: Following the policy impact assessment each functional area will draw up an action plan for any policy, procedure, or practice in which results of the impact assessment demonstrate or suggest that there are differences in treatment or outcomes for staff or students from different racial groups.

6. Monitoring

Under the RR(A)A the University must monitor, by racial group, student admission and progress, and staff recruitment and career progress. In summary the University must:

(i) Monitor all stages of the student admissions process, from applications to outcomes. To help interpret the information the University might also wish to monitor other areas that could have an adverse impact on students from some racial groups, such as:

choice of subject;

home or international status;

selection methods.

(ii) Monitor all students' achievements and progress. To help interpret the information, the University might also wish to monitor other areas that could have an adverse impact on students from some racial groups, such as:

student numbers, transfers, and drop-outs, for each Tripos and course;

student assessment, including the results of different assessment methods such as tests, examinations, course projects, dissertations, and continuous assessment;

work placements, year abroad, field trips, including success rates, satisfaction levels, and job offers connected to placements;

the results of any programmes targeted at people from specific racial groups;

racial harassment.

(iii) Monitor all activities that relate to staff recruitment and selection, and career development and opportunities for promotion. Monitoring should be done by Faculty and Department, or other institution, as well as for the whole University. This is likely to include:

the selection and training of members of Appointments Committees and all other selection committees and panels;

applications and appointments;

success rates for different selection methods used (e.g. psychometric testing);

permanent, temporary, or fixed-term appointments;

home or international status.

(iv) Monitor all areas that could affect career development and promotion. This is likely to include:

staff, by their grade and type of post;

staff, by their length of service;

staff training and development, including applications and selection, if appropriate;

the results of training and career-development programmes or strategies that target staff from particular racial groups;

staff appraisals;

staff promotion, including recruitment methods and selection criteria.

The University will regularly assess its monitoring information to evaluate the progress being made towards meeting its race equality goals and aims. The assessments will help the University to:

(i) highlight any differences between staff and students from different racial groups;
(ii) ask why these differences exist;
(iii) review how effective the current goals and aims are;
(iv) decide what may be done to improve the performance of students from different racial groups (including positive action permitted in section 35 of the Race Relations Act) and to improve the recruitment and progression of staff from different racial groups (including positive action permitted in sections 37 and 38 of the Race Relations Act);
(v) reconsider, and set goals in, relevant strategic plans.
A16: The Personnel Division will continue to undertake centralized monitoring for ethnicity through appointments data and data verification exercises. The Division will set targets for achieving a 100% response rate on ethnicity through the data verification exercises.
A17: The Personnel Division will provide methodologies and procedures for institutions to collect ethnicity data on job applications and other staff employment stages, e.g. promotion, and procedures, e.g. discipline and grievance.
A18: The Cambridge Admissions Office will undertake centralized monitoring for ethnicity of students for admission and examination purposes.

7. Review and publication

Review of the race equality policy will take place alongside the consultation on the equal opportunities policy with a view to publication of both policies as Reports to the University in the Lent Term 2003.

A19: The race equality policy and action plan will be published as a Report to the University in the Easter Term 2003.

Results of the monitoring and policy impact assessment will be published annually.

Publication of all reviews will be in the Reporter, on the Web, and available in large print, Braille, or on cassette on request. Review and publication of staff data and policy impact assessments will be co-ordinated by the Equal Opportunities Officer and considered by the Personnel Committee, the General Board, and the Council. Review and publication of student data and policy impact assessments will be co-ordinated by the Secretariat and considered by the Education Committee, the Joint Committee on Admissions, the Student Matters Committee, the Senior Tutors' Committee, the General Board, and the Council. The results will be used to interrogate and review all relevant policies on a rolling basis, and subject to consultation in the structure outlined in section 2.

A20: There will be an annual progress report, summarizing the implementation and review of the race equality policy and action plan, approved by the Council and the General Board and published in the Reporter.

8. Communication

Communicating the details of the race equality policy and action plan and the ways in which the University intends to fulfil its general and specific duties under the RR(A)A are an important part of the action plan. Effective communication is most likely to be achieved through multiple channels. The key channels of communication will be:

(i) the consultation process;
(ii) the devolution of responsibility for policy impact assessments to responsible bodies and individuals;
(iii) publication of the race equality and action plan on the Web and in the Reporter;
(iv) regular bulletins in the Newsletter;
(v) items of specific interest and importance on the Web News page;
(vi) training for staff.

Where appropriate communication will be planned and developed in conjunction with the Press Office (including for internal publicity) and the Staff Development Section.

A21: The Personnel Division, the Academic Division, and the Press Office will draw up a communications strategy for the race equality policy and action plan.

The University's equal opportunities policy statement and the race equality policy and action plan link with the University's core values, expressed in the Mission Statement. Cross-referencing between these documents (e.g. by hyperlinks on the Web pages) will help to reinforce this message.

A22: The Web Editor will ensure effective linking between all relevant policies on the University's Web pages.

9. Training

In order to demonstrate that the University is meeting its duty under the RR(A)A all staff will be offered training in the following:

(i) how to deal with racist incidents, and how to identify and challenge racial bias and stereotyping through the implementation of the appropriate procedures under this policy and action plan;
(ii) awareness training so that they do not discriminate on racial grounds and will also be able to work to mainstream race equality in all the relevant functions of the University;
(iii) keeping up to date with the RRA legislation.

The Staff Development Section, working in partnership with the Equal Opportunities Officer will provide appropriate training.

A23: Supported by the necessary resources, the Personnel Division/Staff Development Section will provide a rolling programme of race awareness and other relevant training for all staff.

10. Positive action

Leadership and vision are crucial in achieving the culture change which must underpin the changes in attitude behaviour necessary to bring about fulfilment of the University's duty under the Act. Designation of a Pro-Vice-Chancellor with responsibility for equality issues will be an important step, as will the public commitment by the Vice-Chancellor to race equality issues, alongside the existing commitment to gender equality issues.

A24: The Vice-Chancellor will include a commitment to the race equality policy and action plan in his October 2002 address (see Reporter, p. 64).
A25: The Council will include on its agenda an item each term, reporting on the race equality policy and action plan.
 And see Action Point 5 above:
A5: A Pro-Vice-Chancellor designated by the Council will have lead responsibility for race equality in the University.

Where racial groups are under-represented in the workforce the University is enabled to use positive action. This allows employers to target job training and recruitment efforts at those groups that are under-represented in a particular area of work or in their workforce generally. Positive action does not allow discrimination when deciding who will be offered a job.

A26: The Personnel Division will produce advice on positive action on advertising for use by institutions in recruitment.
A27: The Staff Development Section will investigate training for specific target groups where monitoring and benchmarking reveals evidence of under-represented racial groups.

A number of initiatives and groups are already working on the issue of under-representation of different racial groups (e.g. GEEMA, the Black and Asian Caucus). There are also initiatives and groups working on gender and disability issues. Much of this work is not widely known in the University or beyond. The work would benefit from publicity, and the University would benefit from greater external understanding about its efforts in all these areas.

A28: The Personnel Division will organize a 'Positive Action' event in the Michaelmas Term to publicize, promote, and celebrate the many initiatives in equality already being undertaken in the University [event took place on 19 November 2002].

11. Racial harassment and reporting racial incidents

The University has a policy on dealing with bullying and harassment which includes arrangements for dealing with racial harassment (http://www.admin.cam.ac.uk/offices/personnel/policy/bullying.html). The Personnel Division is currently formulating arrangements to set up a Harassment Advisers Network. This will improve the existing arrangements for advising anyone experiencing harassment, including racial harassment. The new Network will establish monitoring systems to ensure that the University is aware of the extent of racial and other forms of harassment. The Division will also issue guidance on dealing with racist incidents.

A29: The Harassment Advisers Network will be set up by the Personnel Division, with appropriate support and training.
A30: The Personnel Division, through the Harassment Advisers Network, will establish systems to monitor the prevalence of racial harassment.
A31: Guidance on dealing with racist incidents, and a system for reporting such incidents, will be provided by the Personnel Division.

12. Conclusion

In order to facilitate the implementation of this race equality policy and action plan a Working Group will be set up to oversee the actions agreed. The Working Group will be a joint group of the Education and Personnel Committees and membership will include:

(i) at least one member each of the Education and Personnel Committees (at least one of whom shall be a member of the Council), and the group will be chaired by a Pro-Vice-Chancellor with a remit for equality issues;
(ii) representatives of other lead 'responsible bodies', viz. Joint Committee on Admissions, Committee on Community Activities;
(iii) members of staff and students from ethnic minorities in the University;
(iv) at least one member of each sex.

The Working Group will be serviced by the Equal Opportunities Officer and will report to the Education and Personnel Committees. The Group will meet termly.

A32: The Council and the General Board will set up a joint Working Group on Race Equality.

13. Summary list of action points, with dates [most dates to come]

Proposed implementation date No. Action points Body responsible
A1 The University complies with the general and specific duties arising from the RR(A)A Council  
A2 The race equality policy and action plan is implemented, monitored, evaluated, and continuously reviewed according to the specific duties under the RR(A)A Council  
A3 All staff are provided with appropriate training and guidance Council  
A4 Appropriate procedures are implemented to enable all those responsible under the RR(A)A to acknowledge their roles, responsibilities and accountabilities Council  
A5 A Pro-Vice-Chancellor designated by the Council will have lead responsibility for racial equality under the requirements of the general duty of the RR(A)A Council  
A6 Appropriate action is taken if staff or students are found to have acted in any way in a racially discriminatory manner, wittingly or unwittingly Council and General Board  
A7 The Council and the General Board will agree with the Colleges the way in which they will work in partnership to fulfil the requirements of the RR(A)A in all the relevant functions carried out by the Colleges on behalf of or in partnership with the University Council, General Board, Colleges Committee, Senior Tutors' Committee  
A8 The race equality action policy and action plan will be published as part of a wide consultation procedure, in advance of formal approval of a final version in the form of a Report to the University Council and General Board 31 January 2003
A9 The Equal Opportunities Officer will convene an informal consultative staff group by 30 September 2002 EO Officer 12 September 2002
A10 The Student Matters Committee, the Education Committee, CUSU, and the Senior Tutors' Committee will convene the student race equality advisory group in the Michaelmas Term 2003 Student Matters Committee, Senior Tutors' Committee Education Committee, Michaelmas Term 2003
A11 The Student Matters Committee, the Education Committee, and the Senior Tutors' Committee will arrange to meet GEEMA and the Young Black and Asian Achievers Group in the Michaelmas Term 2003 Student Matters Committee, the Education Committee, CUSU, Senior Tutors' Committee Michaelmas Term 2003
A12 The Secretary of the UAJB will arrange for the Joint Board to comment on the race equality policy and action plan at their next regular meeting Secretary, UAJB 17 June 2003
A13 The policy and action plan will be reviewed in full no later than 31 May 2005 Council and General Board 31 May 2005
A14 Each functional area (see Annex 1) will:  
designate one individual to take responsibility for ensuring that the University's race equality policy and action plan are fulfilled with respect to the functional area. This will usually be the chair of the relevant body or committee, or the Head of the Institution or office concerned;  
ensure that all members of the body or committee, or individual staff are aware of the requirements of the University's race equality policy and action plan;  
draw up a comprehensive list of relevant policies, procedures, and practices;  
identify any gaps in monitoring data which will inhibit impact assessment and inform UAS of any monitoring requirements;  
subject their policies, procedures, and practices to the questions laid out in Section 3  
A15 Following the policy impact assessment each functional area will draw up an action plan for any policy, procedure, or practice in which results of the impact assessment demonstrate or suggest that there are differences in treatment or outcomes for staff or students from different racial groups As for A14  
A16 The Personnel Division will continue to undertake centralized monitoring for ethnicity through appointments data and data verification exercises. The Division will set targets for achieving a 100% response rate on ethnicity through the data verification exercises. Personnel Division
A17 The Personnel Division will provide methodologies and procedures for institutions to collect ethnicity data on job applications and other staff employment stages, e.g. promotion, and procedures, e.g. discipline and grievance Personnel Division
A18 The Cambridge Admissions Office will undertake centralized monitoring for ethnicity of students for admission and examination purposes CAO, Student Records  
A19 The race equality policy and action plan will be published as a Report to the University in the Easter Term 2003 Council and General Board Easter Term 2003
A20 There will be an annual progress report, summarizing the implementation and review of the race equality policy and action plan, approved by the Council and the General Board and published in the Reporter EO Officer, [Student Affairs Equality Officer], Council, and General Board  
A21 The Personnel Division, the Academic Division, and the Press Office will draw up a communications strategy for the race equality policy and action plan Personnel Division, Academic Division, Press Office  
A22 The Web Editor will ensure effective linking between all relevant policies on the University's Web pages Web Editor  
A23 Supported by the necessary resources, the Personnel Division/Staff Development Section will provide a rolling programme of race awareness and other relevant training for all staff Personnel Division, Staff Development Section  
A24 The Vice-Chancellor will include a commitment to the race equality policy and action plan in his October 2002 address Vice-Chancellor 1 October 2002
A25 The Council will include on its agenda an item each term, reporting on the race equality policy and action plan Council, Registrary  
A26 The Personnel Division will produce advice on positive action on advertising for use by institutions in recruitment Personnel Division  
A27 The Staff Development Section will investigate training for specific target groups where monitoring and benchmarking reveals evidence of under-represented racial groups Staff Development Section  
A28 The Personnel Division will organize a 'Positive Action' event in the Michaelmas Term to publicize, promote, and celebrate the many initiatives in equality already being undertaken in the University Personnel Division et al. 19 November 2002
A29 The Harassment Advisers Network will be set up by the Personnel Division, with appropriate support and training Personnel Division  
A30 The Personnel Division, through the Harassment Advisers Network, will establish systems to monitor the prevalence of racial harassment Personnel Division  
A31 Guidance on dealing with racist incidents, and a system for reporting such incidents, will be provided by the Personnel Division Personnel Division  
A32 The Council and the General Board will set up a joint Working Group on Race Equality Personnel Division and Education Section Lent Term 2003

Annexes 1 and 2 - are available as PDF

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Cambridge University Reporter, Wednesday 14 May 2003
Copyright © 2003 The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge.