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Examination in Land Economy for the M.Phil. Degree

(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 477)

With effect from 1 October 2002

The regulations for Option B of this examination have been amended to bring it into line with other M.Phil. examinations in the Department of Land Economy. The regulations have been amended as follows:

Option B

(A) By replacing the word 'subject' or 'subjects' in each case by the word 'module' or 'modules'.

(B) By further amending Regulations 1-3 as follows:

Regulation 1.

By replacing in lines 3 and 4 the words 'together with not less than six and not more than twelve other subjects' by the words 'together with not less than twelve and not more than twenty-six other modules of which not more than four shall be Research Training modules', and by replacing the final sentence so as to read:

In publishing the list the Degree Committee shall announce the method of examination of each module, which may include a written examination, a long essay, shorter essays, project work, or a combination of these; they shall specify the limits to be placed on the length of any essays and project work.

Regulation 2.

By relettering sub-paragraph (c) as sub-paragraph (d) and by replacing sub-paragraph (b) by the following two sub-paragraphs:

(b) one further module chosen by the candidate from the Research Training modules specified by the Degree Committee;
(c) six further modules chosen by the candidate with the approval of the Degree Committee from the list of modules published under Regulation 1;

Regulation 3.

By amending the regulation so as to read:

3. In place of the module Research Methodology and/or the module chosen under Regulation 2(b) above a candidate may, by special permission of the Degree Committee, granted after considering the candidate's experience and special qualifications, offer one or two other modules (as the case may be) from the list of modules published under Regulation 1.

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Cambridge University Reporter, 10 July 2002
Copyright © 2002 The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge.