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Modern and Medieval Languages Tripos, Part IA and Part IB, 2003: Prescribed texts and topics

The Faculty Board of Modern and Medieval Languages give notice that the prescribed texts and topics for the Modern and Medieval Languages Tripos, Part IA and Part IB, 2003, are as set out below:

Part Ia


Du. 1. Dutch literature, history, and culture, since 1860

This paper will be divided into two sections. Section A will contain questions on the prescribed texts; Section B will include questions on the prescribed topics, as well as some broader questions on Dutch culture. Candidates must answer four questions, at least one from each section.

(a) Prescribed texts:

Multatuli, Max Havelaar; Stijn Streuvels, De Vlaschaard; Marcellus Emants, Een nagelaten bekentenis; Louis Couperus, De stille kracht; Arthur van Schendel, De Waterman; Willem Elsschot, Kaas; F. Bordewijk, Karakter; W. F. Hermans, Het behouden huis; Hugo Claus, Omtrent Deedee; Kader Abdolah, Spijkerschrift; Marcel Möring, Het grote verlangen.

(b) Topics

1. The colonial empire; 2. The Flemish movement; 3. The pillarization of Dutch society in the interbellum; 4. The two World Wars; 5. The burgher and the revolution: 1950 and all that; 6. The visual arts: from narrative to abstract (1860 to 1940); 7. Open curtains: literature and society, 1970 to the present day.


Fr. 1. Introduction to the structure and varieties of modern French

A general study of the present-day structure and varieties of French, together with a study of the general linguistic background.

Fr. 2. French literary texts: an introduction

Diderot: Supplément au Voyage de Bougainville, ed. Paul-Edouard Levayer (Paris: Livre de Poche, collection 'Les classiques d'aujourd'hui', 1995); Jean Genet: Les Bonnes (Paris: Gallimard, coll. Folio), Les Nègres (Paris: Gallimard, coll. Folio); Charles Baudelaire: Les Fleurs du mal, ed. Jacques Dupont (Paris: Garnier Flammarion); Marie de France: Lais, ed. K. Warnke; translated and presented by Laurence Harf-Lancner (Paris: Lettres Gothiques, 1990). Mme de Lafayette: La Princesse de Clèves (Paris: Gallimard, coll. Folio). Rabelais: Gargantua, texte original et traduction en français moderne, ed. Guy Demerson (Paris: Editions du Seuil, collection 'Points', 1996).


Ge. 1. Introduction to the structure and varieties of modern German

A general study of the structure and varieties of contemporary German, together with a study of selected topics from the history of German in the twentieth century.

Ge. 2. Introduction to German history and thought, since 1750

An introduction to some of the problems of the historical past and the way in which representative German thinkers (such as Kant, Marx, and Freud) have seen it.

Ge. 3. A prescribed topic in German literature since 1750: Introduction to German literary texts

This paper offers an introduction to fiction, drama, and poetry through some of the most important texts in German literary history. Authors studied include Goethe, Schiller, Kafka, and Brecht.

Modern Greek

Gr. 1. Greek literature, thought, and history, since 1880

(a) Texts: A. Karkavitsas, Ο ζητιάνος; C. P. Cavafy, Ποιήματα, Vol. 1; S. Doukas, Ιστορία ενός αιχμαλώτου; G. Seferis, Μυθιστόρημα,ΤετράδιοΓυμνασμάτων (selections); S. Myrivilis, ΟΒασίλης ο Αρβανίτης; O. Elytis, Άσμα ηρωικό και πένθιμο για τον χαμένο ανθυπολοχαγό της Αλβανίας; D. Chatzis, Το τέλος της μικρής μας πόλης; M. Koumantareas, Τα μηχανάκια; G. Yatromanolakis, Ιστορία; E. Fakinou, Το έβδομο ρούχο.

(b) Topics:

The language question, 1888-1920; World War I and the Asia Minor disaster; dictatorship and civil war; Greece and the Balkans.


It. 1. Approaches to Italian literature

The purpose of this paper is to ensure that all students have the opportunity to study certain literary texts from both a linguistic and a literary point of view. Passages for comment will invite attention to both stylistic and historical features of the language; and appropriate teaching will be offered throughout the year on the philological as well as the literary aspects of the paper.

Set texts for study are:

Dante, La divina commedia (selections); Boccaccio, Decameron (selections); Giovanni Verga, I Malavoglia (selections); Pirandello, Il fu Mattia Pascal.


Pg. 1. Introduction to the structure and varieties of modern Portuguese

A general study of the present-day structure and varieties of Portuguese, together with a study of the general linguistic background.

Candidates will be required to answer four questions, including at least one from Sections A and B.

Pg. 2. Introduction to Lusophone literature

Candidates will be required to answer three questions, taken from at least two sections.

This subject will include Portuguese, Brazilian, and African works, with special reference to the following texts:

Portugal: Fernando Pessoa, Mensagem and selected heteronymic poetry; Eça de Queiroz, O Crime do Padre Amaro; Paula Rego, The sin of Father Amaro.

Brazil: Manuel Bandeira, Antologia Poética; Graciliano Ramos, Vidas Secas; Bernardo Guimarães, A Escrava Isaura.

Lusophone Africa: Luís Bernardo Honwana, Nós Matámos o Cão-Tinhoso; José Eduardo Agualusa, A Conjura.


Ru. 1. Introduction to Russian literature, history, and culture, before 1861

Candidates will be required to answer three questions, one from each section.

Section A, From Rus' to Rossiia: Kiev, Moscow, St Petersburg, with special reference to: (i) Повестъ врекенных лет, entries for 986-1054; Ilarion, Слово о законе и благодати; (ii) Сказание о князъях владикирских; Повестъ о Дракуле; Kurbskii's first letter to Ivan IV and the Tsar's response; Letter of Ivan IV to Queen Elizabeth of England; (iii) Batiushkov, 'Прогулка в Акадекию художеств'; Pushkin, Медный всадник; Gogol', Невский проспект; Dostoevskii, Белые ночи.

Section B, Aspects of Culture and Society: (i) Peasants in fact and fiction, with special reference to 'Отрывок из путешествия в *** И*** Т***', in Сатирические журналы Н. И. Новикова, ed. P. N. Berkov (Moscow, Leningrad, 1951), pp. 295-8, 327-32; Karamzin, Бедная Лиза; Herzen, Сорока-воровка; Turgenev, Хоръ и Калиныч, Свидание. (ii) 'Лишние люди' with special reference to Lermontov, Герой нашего врекени; Turgenev, Дневник лишнего человека; Herzen, 'Лишние люди и желчевики'.

Section C, Literary Analysis. A passage from one of Pushkin's 'southern poems', (КаВКаЗСКИЬ ПЛеННИК; ЦЬГАНч БахйИСаРайСКИй ФОНТаН) will be set for commentary.

Ru. 2. Introduction to Russian literature, history, and culture, since 1855

Candidates will be required to answer three questions, one from each section.

Section A, Reforms and Utopias: (i) Remaking the state; (ii) Remaking the peasantry by remaking agriculture and rural society; (iii) Remaking industry and urban life.

Section B, Writers and Society: (i) Dreamers and Utopias, with special reference to Dostoevskii. Сон скешного человека; Chernyshevskii, ЧTO Дeласъ (extracts); Zamiatin, Мы. (ii) Satire on society, with special reference to Chekhov, Топстый и тонкий, Скертъ чиновника; Maiakovskii, Клоп: Zoshchenko, АрИсTокраTка,ГрИкасы НзПа. (iii) Poets on Russia, with reference to specified selections from Nekrasov, Tiutchev, Blok, and Akhmatova.

Section C, Literary and Source Analysis: passages for commentary will be set from (i) Tolstoi, Скертъ Ивана Илъича; (ii) Specified documents on the Peace Issue, 1917-18: ДекреT о кИре (26 окT. 1917), ЗасеДанИе ЦК РСДРП(б). (11 янВаря 1918), ТезИсы ПеTербурГскоГо кокИTеTа РСДРП(б) (18 янВаря 1918).


Sp. 1. Introduction to the structure and varieties of modern Spanish

A general study of the present-day structure and varieties of Spanish, together with a study of the general linguistic background.

Candidates will be required to answer four questions, including at least one from Sections A and B.

Sp. 2. Introduction to Hispanic texts

Candidates will be required to answer three questions, one from each of three sections

(a) Hispanic literature before 1700; (b) Hispanic literature, 1860-1960; (c) Hispanic literature after 1960.

Greek and Latin

GL 7. Homer, Odyssey 16, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24

Candidates must answer Sections A and B, and one question from Section C.

GL 8. Virgil, Eclogues; Aeneid 6, 7, 8

Candidates must answer Sections A and B, and one question from Section C.

Part Ib

All except Portuguese

Pg. 3. Introduction to the language and literature of Portugal, Brazil, and Portuguese-speaking Africa

This paper offers an introduction to Portuguese language and to Lusophone (Portuguese, Brazilian, and African) culture. Candidates are required to translate a passage into English in Section A and to write two essays on literature and culture selected from section B.


Du. 1.* Dutch literature, history, and culture, since 1860

This paper will be divided into two sections. Section A will contain questions on the prescribed texts; Section B will include questions on the prescribed topics, as well as some broader questions on Dutch culture. Candidates must answer four questions, at least one from each section.

(a) Prescribed texts:

Multatuli, Max Havelaar; Stijn Streuvels, De Vlaschaard; Marcellus Emants, Een nagelaten bekentenis; Louis Couperus, De stille kracht; Arthur van Schendel, De Waterman; Willem Elsschot, Kaas; F. Bordewijk, Karakter; W. F. Hermans, Het behouden huis; Hugo Claus, Omtrent Deedee; Kader Abdolah, Spijkerschrift; Marcel Möring, Het grote verlangen.

(b) Topics:

1. The colonial empire; 2. The Flemish movement; 3. The pillarization of Dutch society in the interbellum; 4. The two World Wars; 5. The burgher and the revolution: 1950 and all that; 6. The visual arts: from narrative to abstract (1860 to 1940); 7. Open curtains: literature and society, 1970 to the present day.

Du. 2. The literature and society of the Low Countries, before 1585

Candidates must answer four questions, at least one from each section

Section (A): Texts:

Karel ende Elegast; Roman van Ferguut; Roman van Moriaen; Jacob van Maerlant, Spieghel Historiael, Strophische gedichten, Roman van Walewein; Beatrijs.

Topics: Arthurian literature in the Low Countries; Jacob van Maerlant.

Section (B): Texts:

Abele Spelen and sotternien; Elckerlijc Mariken van Nieumeghen.

Topic: Early drama of the Low Countries.

Du. 4. The literature, history, and visual arts of the Netherlands, from 1585 to 1700

Section (A); Literature:

P. C. Hooft, Theseus en Ariadne; G. A. Bredero, Roddr'ick en Alphonsus; C. Huygens, Warenar; J. van den Vondel, Lucifer.

Section (B); History:

P. C. Hooft, Geeraerdt van Velsen, Baeto; J. van den Vondel, Gysbreght van Aemstel, Palamedes, Batavische Gebroeders.

Section (C); Visual arts:

Karel van Mander, Het Schilderboeck (selection)


The Revolt of the Netherlands; Drama of the Republic.

Du. 6. The history, varieties, and structure of the Dutch language

This paper is suspended until further notice.


Fr. 1. Introduction to the structure and varieties of modern French

A general study of the present-day structure and varieties of French, together with a study of the general linguistic background.

Fr. 3. French literature, thought, and history, before 1300

There are no prescribed texts for this paper. Further information and reading lists can be obtained from the Department of French.

Fr. 4. Occitan literature, thought, and history, before 1356

The Poetry of William VII, Count of Poitiers, IX Duke of Aquitaine, ed. G. Bond (NY: Garland, 1982); Les Poésies de Peire Vidal, ed. J. Anglade, second edition (Paris, 1923); The Poems of the Troubadour Raimbaut de Vaqueiras, ed. J. Linskill (The Hague, 1964); Raimon Vidal de Besalú. 'Abril issi'e mays entrava', in Nouvelles occitanes du Moyen Age, ed. J.-Ch. Huchet (Paris: Garnìer-Flammarion, 1992).

Fr. 5. French literature, thought, and history, from 1300 to 1510

There are no prescribed texts for this paper. Further information and reading lists can be obtained from the Department of French.

Fr. 6. French literature, thought, and history, from 1510 to 1622

There are no prescribed texts for this paper. Further information and reading lists can be obtained from the Department of French.

Fr. 7. French literature, thought, and history, from 1594 to 1700

There are no prescribed texts for this paper. Further information and reading lists can be obtained from the Department of French.

Fr. 8. French literature, thought, and history, from 1690 to 1799

There are no prescribed texts for this paper. Further information and reading lists can be obtained from the Department of French.

* Asterisked papers may only be taken by candidates who offered Option A in the language concerned in Part IA. Such a candidate must offer at least one asterisked paper in that language in Part IB.

Fr. 9. French literature, thought, and history, from 1789 to 1898

There are no prescribed texts for this paper. Further information and reading lists can be obtained from the Department of French.

Fr. 10. French literature, thought, and history, since 1890

There are no prescribed texts for this paper. Further information and reading lists can be obtained from the Department of French.

Fr. 11. The history of the French language

W. Ayres-Bennett, A History of the French Language through Texts (London, 1996).

Fr. 13. A special period or subject in French literature, thought, or history: Modern critical theory

There are no prescribed texts for this paper. Further information and reading lists can be obtained from the Department of French. Particulars of this special subject were published in the Reporter, 1987-88, p. 541.


Ge. 1*. Introduction to the structure and varieties of modern German

A general study of the structure and varieties of contemporary German, together with a study of selected topics from the history of German in the twentieth century.

Ge. 2*. Introduction to German history and thought, since 1750

An introduction to some of the problems of the historical past and the way in which representative German thinkers (such as Kant, Marx, and Freud) have seen it.

Ge. 3*. A prescribed topic in German literature, since 1750: Introduction to German literary texts

This paper offers an introduction to fiction, drama, and poetry through some of the most important texts in German literary history. Authors studied include Goethe, Schiller, Kafka, and Brecht.

Ge. 4. German literary culture of the early and high middle ages

Passages will be set each year for commentary from the following:

Althochdeutsche poetische Texte, ed. K. A. Wipf, Stuttgart, 1992 (Reclams Universal-Bibliothek 8709), nos XII (Hildebrandslied), XIII, 1 (Ludwigslied), XV, 2 (Memento mori), XVI (Muspilli).

Gottfried von Strassburg, Tristan, ed. Friedrich Ranke, fifteenth edition, Dublin & Zurich, 1978, or ed. Rüdiger Krohn, Stuttgart, 1980 (Reclams Universal-Bibliothek 4471-3), lines 10803-12568.

Walther von der Vogelweide, Gedichte, ed. Peter Wapnewski, Frankfurt, 1972 (Fischer Taschenbuch 6052), nos 5, 7, 9-17, 19, 21-4, 26-33.

Ge. 5. German literary culture in the later middle ages

Passages will be set for commentary from the following:

Johannes von Tepl, Der Ackermann, ed. Christian Kiening, Stuttgart 2000 (Reclams Universal-Bibliothek 18075).

Neidhart von Reuental, Lieder, ed. Helmut Lomnitzer, Stuttgart, 1984 (Reclams Universal-Bibliothek 6927).

Oswald von Wolkenstein, Lieder, ed. Burghart Wachinger, Stuttgart, 1980 (Reclams Universal-Bibliothek 2839).

Ge. 6. German literature, thought, and history, from 1500 to 1732

No prescribed texts are published, but lists of recommended reading are available from the Department of German.

Ge. 7. German literature, thought, and history, from 1700 to 1815

Specified topics: German thought in the eighteenth century I; German thought in the eighteenth century II; German history in the eighteenth century I; German history in the eighteenth century II.

Lists of recommended reading are available from the Department of German.

Ge. 8. Goethe

Lists of recommended reading are available in the Department of German.

Ge. 9. German literature, thought, and history, from 1815 to 1914

Specified topics: German thought in the nineteenth century I; German thought in the nineteenth century II; German history in the nineteenth century I; German history in the nineteenth century II.

Lists of recommended reading are available from the Department of German.

Ge. 10. German literature, thought, and history, since 1910

Specified topics: German thought in the twentieth century I; German thought in the twentieth century II; German history in the twentieth century I; German history in the twentieth century II.

Lists of recommended reading are available from the Department of German.

Ge. 11. The history of the German language

This paper deals with the history of the language from Old High German to the end of the nineteenth century. The following texts are prescribed:

Old High German (750-1050): from Wilhelm Braune, Althochdeutsches Lesebuch, Tübingen 1969 (or later editions): texts I (1), II (3), V (2), VI, X, XII, XIII (a and b), XIX, XX, (5-7), XXI (1), XXIII (1), XXXII (16-18), XXXVI, XLIV (lines 2902-2973).

Middle High German (1050-1350): from M. O'C. Walshe, A Middle High German Reader, Oxford 1974: texts II, III, IV.

Early New High German (1350-1650): from A. Götze, Frühneuhochdeutsches Lesebuch, Göttingen 1958: texts 1 (a), 3 (b), 4 (b), 5 (a), 9 (a), 12 (b), 15 (c), 20 (d), 21 (lines 1-75), 22 (lines 1-65), 25 (a) (b) (f) (h), 26 (c), 27 (a) (lines 1-88), 30, 33 (b).

Ge. 12. A special period or subject in German literature, thought, or history (i): History and identity in Germany, 1750 to the present.

Lists of recommended reading are available in the Department of German.

Ge. 13. A special period or subject in German literature, thought, or history (ii); German poetry from Gryphius to the present day

Lists of recommended reading are available in the Department of German.

† Questions on Goethe's Faust, Part I, may be set in connection with Papers Ge. 7, Ge. 8, and Ge. 9.

Modern Greek

Gr. 1*. Greek literature, thought, and history, since 1880

(a) Texts: A. Karkavitsas, Ο ζητιάνος; C. P. Cavafy, Ποιήματα, Vol. 1; S. Doukas, Ιστορία ενός αιχμαλώτου; G. Seferis, Μυθιστόρημα,ΤετράδιοΓυμνασμάτων (selections); S. Myrivilis, ΟΒασίλης ο Αρβανίτης; O. Elytis, Άσμα ηρωικό και πένθιμο για τον χαμένο ανθυπολοχαγό της Αλβανίας; D. Chatzis, Το τέλος της μικρής μας πόλης; M. Koumantareas, Τα μηχανάκια; G. Yatromanolakis, Ιστορία; E. Fakinou, Το έβδομο ρούχο.

(b) Topics:

The language question 1888-1920; World War I and the Asia Minor disaster; dictatorship and civil war; Greece and the Balkans.

Gr. 2. Introduction to the Cretan Renaissance

(a) Texts:

Η φυλλάδα του Γαδάρου (ed. L. Alexiou or C. Pochert); Η Βοσκοπούλα (ed. S. Alexiou); Η Θυσία του Αβραάμ (ed. Bakker and van Gemert); G. Chortatsis, Κατζούρμπος (ed. L. Politis); G. Chortatsis, Ερωφίλη (ed. S. Alexiou and M. Aposkiti); V. Kornaros, Ερωτόκριτος, Book 1 (ed. S. Alexiou)

(b) Topics:

Printing and popular literature: the reception of the Renaissance in Crete; Cretan society.

Gr. 3. The beginnings of modern Greek literature, 1100-1453, with special reference to the following:

Διγενής Ακρίτης (ed. E. Jeffreys); Πτωχοπροδρομικά ποιήματα (ed. Eideneier); Χρονικον του Μωρέως (ed. Schmitt ); Καλλίμαχος και Χρυσορρόη (ed. Pichard); Βέλθανδρος και Χρυσάντζα (ed. Kriaras); Ιστορία του Βελισαρίου (ed. Bakker and van Gemert); Ο Πουλολόγος (ed. Tsavari); L. Dellaportas, Ποιήματα (ed. Manousakas); M. Falieros, Ερωτικά Όνειρα (ed. van Gemert); Bergadis, Απόκοπος (ed. S. Alexiou).

Gr. 4. The literature, thought, and history of Crete and Cyprus in the Renaissance period, with special reference to the following:

Th. Siapkaras-Pitsillidès (ed.), Poèmes d'amour en dialecte chypriote; G. Chortatsis, Η Ελευθερωμένη Ιερουσαλήμ (ed. S. Alexiou and M. Aposkiti), Πανώρια (ed. Kriaras); Στάθης (ed. Martini); V. Kornaros, Ερωτόκριτος (ed. S. Alexiou); I. A. Troilos, Ροδολίνος (ed. Aposkiti); M. A. Foskolos, Φορτουνάτος (ed. Vincent); M. Bounialis, Ο Κρητικός Πόλεμος (ed. S. Alexiou).

Gr. 5. Greek literature, thought, and history, from 1700 to 1900, with special reference to the following:

'Ανθη Ευλαβείας (ed. Karathanasis); Το δημοτικό τραγούδι: (a) Κλέφτικα (ed. A. Politis); (b) Της ξενιτιάς (ed. Saunier); D. Solomos, Ποιήματα (ed. L. Politis or S. Alexiou); A. Kalvos, Ωδαί; Makriyannis, Απομνημονεύματα Book I (ed. Vlachogiannis); G. Palaiologos, Ο Πολυπαθής; E. Roidis, Η Πάπισσα Ιωάννα; D. Vikelas, Λουκής Λάρας; G. Vizyinos, Νεοελληνικά Διηγήματα (ed. Moullas); A. Papadiamantis, Α. Παπαδιαμάντης Αυτοβιογραφούμενος (ed. Moullas), Η Φόνισσα; K. Palamas, Η Ασάλευτη Ζωή.

Gr. 6. Greek literature, thought, and history, since 1900, with special reference to the following:

C. Cavafy, Ποιήματα, Ανέκδοτα ποιήματα (ed. Savvidis); K. Theotokis, Η τιμή και το χρήμα; S. Myrivilis, Η ζωή εν τάφω; G. Seferis, Ποιήματα; K. Politis, Eroica; M. Axioti; Δύσκολες νύχτες; N. Engonopoulos, Ποιήματα; N. Kazantzakis, Βίος και Πολιτεία του Αλέξη Ζορμπά; S. Plaskovitis, Το φράγμα; Y. Ritsos, Τέταρτη διάσταση; M. Douka, Η αρχαία σκουριά; R. Galanaki, Ο Βίος του Ισμαήλ Φερίκ Πασά.

Gr. 7. The history and structure of modern Greek, with special reference to the following, from which passages will be set for comment (compulsory for Part II candidates, optional for Part IB candidates):

M. Glykas, Στίχοι οὓς ἔγραφε καθ oὃν κατεσχέθη καιρόν, lines 1-158; Le Roman de Phlorios et de Platzia Phlore (ed. Hesseling), lines 1-154; M. Falieros, Ιστορία και Όνειρο (ed. van Gemert), lines 1-172; N. Sofianos, Παιδαγωγός; I. Kartanos, Παλαιά τε και Νέα Διαθήκη (ed. Kakoulidi-Panou), pp. 103-13; M. A. Foskolos, Φορτουνάτος (ed. Vincent), pp. 108-126; Χρονικό του Γαλαξειδιού (ed. Valetas), ch. XI-XIX; Rigas, Σχολείον των ντελικάτων εραστών (ed. Pistas), pp. 5-21; D. Solomos, Διάλογος (ed. L. Politis); Makriyannis, Απομνημονεύματα (ed. Vlachogiannis), Book 2, ch. 1-2; Psycharis, Το ταξίδι μου, ch. 1-6; N. Kazantzakis, Ασκητική, pp. 11-25.


It. 2. Structure and varieties of Italian

Berruto, G., 'Main topics and findings in Italian sociolinguistics', International Journal of the Sociology of Language 76: 7-30 (1989); Bettoni, C. (ed.), Altro Polo: Italian Abroad (Sydney: Frederick May, 1986); Bruni, F., L'italiano: elementi di storia della lingua e della cultura (Turin: UTET, 1987); Chapallaz, M., The Pronunciation of Italian (Cambridge, 1986); De Mauro, T. and Lodi, M., Lingua e dialetti (Roma: Riuniti, 1993); Devoto, G. and Giacomelli, M., I dialetti delle regioni d'Italia (Firenze: Sansoni, 1972); Lepschy, A. L. and Lepschy, G., The Italian Language Today (London: Routledge, 1988); Maiden, M. and Parry, M. (eds.), The Dialects of Italy (London: Routledge, 1997); Salvi, G. and Vanelli, L., Grammatica essenziale di riferimento della lingua italiana (Firenze: Le Monnier, 1992); Vincent, N., 'Italian' in M. Harris and N. Vincent (eds.), The Romance Languages (London: Routledge, 1988).

It. 3. Italian texts and contexts

Giotto, Cappella degli Scrovegni; Niccolò Machiavelli, Il principe; Cesare Beccaria, Dei delitti e delle pene; Luchino Visconti, Rocco e i suoi fratelli.

It. 4. Critical readings in Italian literature

Dante Alighieri, Inferno; Torquato Tasso, Gerusalemme liberata, Cantos XII, XIII, XVI, XVIII, XX; Italo Svevo, La coscienza di Zeno; Primo Levi, Se questo è un uomo.

It. 5. Florentine culture, from 1321 to 1500

Petrarch, Rime sparse, Secretum; Boccaccio, Decameron, Fiammetta; Alberti, Della famiglia; Lorenzo de' Medici, Canzoniere, Comento sopra alcuni de' suoi sonetti; Poliziano, Stanze per la giostra.

Topics in the visual arts: Donatello; Masaccio; Botticelli.

It. 6. Topics in modern Italian culture

Reading lists for this paper are available from the Department of Italian.

Medieval Latin

ML 1. Continuity and change in Latin literature, from 200 to 650

This paper is suspended until further notice.

ML 2. An introduction to Medieval Latin literature

This paper is suspended until further notice.


NL 1. Introduction to Neo-Latin literature, from 1350-1700

Reading lists for this paper are available from the Department of Other Languages and on the MML website: http://www.mml.cam.ac.uk/other/.


Pg. 1. Introduction to the structure and varieties of modern Portuguese

A general study of the present-day structure and varieties of Portuguese, together with a study of the general linguistic background.

Candidates will be required to answer four questions, including at least one from Sections A and B.

Pg. 2. Introduction to Lusophone literature

Candidates will be required to answer three questions, taken from at least two sections.

This subject will include Portuguese, Brazilian, and African works, with special reference to the following texts:

Portugal: Fernando Pessoa, Mensagem and selected heteronymic poetry; Eça de Queiroz, O Crime do Padre Amaro; Paula Rego, The Sin of Father Amaro.

Brazil: Manuel Bandeira, Antologia Poética; Graciliano Ramos, Vidas Secas; Bernardo Guimarães, A Escrava Isaura.

Lusophone Africa: Luís Bernardo Honwana, Nós Matámos o Cão-Tinhoso; José Eduardo Agualusa, A Conjura.

Pg. 5. Portuguese literature, thought, and history, since 1850, with special reference to the period 1850 to 1935, and the following authors:

Almeida Garrett, Miguel Torga, Eça de Queiroz, Júlio Dinis, Florbela Espanca, José Régio, Almeida Faria, Paula Rego, José Saramago, Maria Judite de Carvalho, Hélia Correia.

Pg. 6. Brazil and Lusophone Africa: literary and historical perspectives

José de Alencar, Bernardo Guimarães, Machado de Assis, João Cabral de Melo Neto, Clarice Lispector, Lygia Fagundes Telles, Raquel de Queiroz, José Craveirinha, Mia Couto, Pepetela.

Sp. 11. The Hispanic languages, with special reference to the following:


(a) Poema de Mio Cid, Cantar I; Don Juan Manuel, El Conde Lucanor, Exemplos I-X; A. Martínez de Toledo, Arcipreste de Talavera o Corbacho, Part II, Chapters I-X.

(b) Fernando de Rojas, La Celestina, Autos I and XXI; Santa Teresa de Jesús, Libro de la Vida, Chapters 1-5; Francisco de Quevedo, El Buscón, Book I.

(c) G. M. de Jovellanos, Elogio de Carlos III; M. Azuela, Los de Abajo, Part II, M. Delibes, Cinco horas con Mario, Chapters 2 and 7.


(a) M. Rodrigues Lapa (ed.), Crestomatia Arcaica.

(b) Luis de Camões (ed. F. Pierce), Os Lusíadas, O.U.P.: Canto III; João de Barros, Defensa da Lingua Portuguesa.

(c) Jorge Amado, Mar morto, M. F. Bacelar do Nascimento et al., Português Fundamental, vol. 2 Métodos e Documentos, tomo I, docs 29, 31, 53, 75, 91, 108, 129, 134, 135, 164, 194, 2118, 290, 328, 340, 356, 377, 426, 476, 485, 523, 564, 598, 618, 622, 769, 776, 785, 883, 886, 1042, 1055, 1073, 1098, 1230, 1238, 1293, 1296, 1336, 1392.


Paul Russell-Gebbett, Mediaeval Catalan Linguistic Texts (Oxford: Dolphin Book Co. 1965), texts nos. 20, 35, 39, 41, 47, 48, 51, 53, 56, 57, 61, 68, 71, 73, 76.


Ru. 1*. Introduction to Russian literature, history, and culture, before 1861

Candidates will be required to answer three questions, one from each section.

Section A, From Rus' to Rossiia: Kiev, Moscow, St Petersburg, with special reference to: (i) Повестъ врекенных лет, entries for 986-1054; Ilarion, Слово о законе и благодати; (ii) Сказание о князъях Владикирских; selected letters from Переписка Ивана ІѴ с Курбскик; (iii) Batiushkov, 'Прогулка в Акадекию художеств'; Pushkin, Медный всадник; Gogol', Невский проспект; Dostoevskii, Белые ночи.

Section B, Aspects of Culture and Society: (i) Peasants in fact and fiction, with special reference to 'Отрывок из путешествия в *** И*** Т***', in Сатирические журналы Н. И. Новикова, ed. P. N. Berkov (Moscow, Leningrad, 1951), pp. 295-8, 327-32; Karamzin, Бедная Лиза; Herzen, Сорока-воровка; Turgenev, Хоръ и Калиныч, Свидание. (ii) 'Лишние люди' with special reference to Lermontov, Герой нашего врекени; Turgenev, Дневник лишнего человека; Herzen, 'Лишние люди и желчевики'. (iii) Images of women, with special reference to Сказание о колодце и девице; Повестъ об Улиянии Осоръиной.

Section C, Literary Analysis. A passage from one of Pushkin's 'southern poems', (КаВКаЗСКИй ПЛеННИК; ЦЬГАНЬ БахчИСаРайСКИй ФОНТаН) will be set for commentary.

Ru. 2*. Introduction to Russian literature, history, and culture, since 1855

Candidates will be required to answer three questions, one from each section.

Section A, Reforms and Utopias: (i) Remaking the state; (ii) Remaking the peasantry: (iii) Remaking industry.

Section B, Writers and Society: (i) Dreamers and Utopias, with special reference to Dostoevskii, Сон скешного человека; Blok, О назначении позта; Zamiatin, Мы. (ii) Satire on society, with special reference to Chekhov, Толстый и тонкий, Скертъ чиновника; Maiakovskii, Клоп: Bulgakov, Собачъе сердце. (iii) Poets on Russia, with reference to specified selections from Nekrasov, Tiutchev, Blok, and Akhmatova.

Section C, Literary and Source Analysis: passages for commentary will be set from (i) Tolstoi, Скертъ Ивана Илъича; (ii) Specified documents on the Peace Issue, 1917-18: Декрет о кире (26 окт. 1917), Заседание Петербургского С.Р.Д. (ноябръ 1917), Заявление Петербургского кокитета РСДП/6 (февралъ 1918).

Ru. 3. Russian literature, history, and culture, before 1300, with special reference to the following:

Повестъ врекенных лет, 912-1054; Житие Феодосия Печерского; Слово о полку Игореве; Моление Даниила Заточника; Поучение Владикира Монокаха; Житие Александра Невского.

Ru. 4. Russian literature, history, and culture, from 1300 to 1676, with special reference to the following:

Житие Петра, царевича ордынского; Житие китрополита Петра; Хождение Афанасия Никитина; Докострой; Видение хутынского понокаря Тарасия; Повестъ о Юлъянии Осоръиной; Житие протопопа Аввакука.

Ru. 5. Russian literature, history, and culture, from 1676 to 1801, with special reference to the following:

(a) Topics in Russian literature in the Reign of Catherine the Great, to include: the comedy, comic opera, and mock epic; the short story and novel; the travelogue; journalism and publishing.

(b) St Petersburg: its planning, its architecture and gardens, its myth and legends.

(c) Russia and the West, including, in particular, cultural contacts, and all aspects of Anglo-Russian relations.

Ru. 6. Russian literature and thought, from 1801 to 1883, with special reference to the following:

(a) Texts for close study passages from which may be set for comment: Pushkin, Евгений Онегин; Tolstoi, Анна Каренина.

(b) Topics: The lyric poetry of Pushkin, Lermontov, and Tiutchev; the novels of Herzen, Goncharov, and Turgenev; drama from Griboedov to Ostrovskii; satirical prose from Gogol' to Saltykov-Shchedrin; the utopian and anti-utopian novel; aesthetics and literary criticism from Belinskii to Tolstoi; the Slavophile controversy; Populism from Herzen to Lavrov; conservative thought from Karamzin to Pobedonostsev.

Ru. 7. Russian literature, since 1883

Section A. The Theatre

1. Experiments in the theatre; 2. Theatre under Stalin; 3. Theatre after the Thaw.

Section B. Poetry

4. Exploration of form; 5. From Symbolism to Realism; 6. Poetry after World War II.

Section C. Prose

7. Early Soviet prose; 8. Literature under Socialist Realism; 9. Prose after World War II.

Candidates will be required to answer three questions from any two sections.

There are no prescribed texts, but a list of suggested authors is available from the Department of Slavonic Studies.

Ru. 8. Russian history, from 1801 to 1904, with special reference to the following:

(a) Documents for close study in relation to their historical setting: Н. М. Каракзин, Записка о Древней и новой России, ed. R. Pipes, Cambridge, Mass., 1959, стр. 52-63, 102-119; 'Дело Н. И. Пестеля', in Восстание декабристов, под ред. М. Н. Покровского, Москва-Ленинград, 1927, ток 4, стр. 93-121; С. С. Уваров, 'Десятилетие Министерства народного просвещения 1833-43гг', in ,поха Николая І, под ред. М. О. Гершензона, Москва, 1910, стр. 115-25; 'Манифест 19 февраля 1861г', in Крестъянская рефорка в России 1861 года, под ред. К. А. Софроненка, Москва, 1954, стр. 29-36; 'Програкка и писъко исполнителъного кокитета партии Народиая воля' in Хрестокатия по истории СССР, под ред. С. С. Дкитриева, Москва, 1948, ток 3, стр. 359-61, 368-70; С. Ю. Витте, 'О приложении русской прокышленности' in Хрестокатия по истории СССР, под ред. С. С. Дкитриева, Москва,. 1948, ток 3, стр. 187-94.

(b) The period 1801-1860.

(c) The period 1860-1904.

Ru. 9. Russian history, since 1905, with special reference to the following:

(a) Documents for close study in relation to their historical setting: 'Манифест 17 октября 1905г', in Хрестокатия по истории СССР 1861-1917гг под ред. С. С. Дкитриева, Москва, 1970, стр. 373-75; С. Ю. Витте, 'Писъко о Манифесте 17 октября 1905г', in С. Ю. Витте, Воспокинания царствования Николая ІІ, The Hague, 1958, ток 2, стр. 2-5; 'Доклады началъника Петербургского охранного отделения…', in Рабочее движение в Петрограде в 1912-1917гг, под ред. Ю. И. Кораблева, Ленинград, 1958, стр. 225-30, 232-39; В. И. Ленин, 'Апрелъские тезисы', in Сочинения, Москва, 1962, ток 31, стр. 99-100, 103-18, 123-24; 'Заседания ЦК РСДРП/б/, январъ-февралъ 1918г', in Протоколы централъного кокитета РСДРП/б/. Август 1917-февралъ 1918, Москва, 1958, стр. 167-80, 197-208, 211-18; И. В. Сталин, 'О задачах хозяйственников', in И. В. Сталин, Вопросы Ленинизка, Москва, 1945, стр. 322-30; Н. С. Хрущев, 'Доклад на закрыток заседании ХХ съезда КПСС', in Бранко Лазич, Исторический очерк…, Лондон, 1986, стр. 59-70, 95-103.

(b) The period 1905-1921.

(c) The period 1921 to the present.

Ru. 10. The history of the Russian language, with special reference to the following:

(a) An analogy of source material, available from the Department of Slavonic Studies;

(b) Topics:

(i) Changes within the language system: sounds; grammatical categories; semantics.

(ii) Changes in the social dimensions of language: diglossia; the development of the standard language.

Ru. 11. A special period or subject in Russian literature, thought, or history: Dostoevskii


Sp. 1. Introduction to the structure and varieties of modern Spanish

A general study of the present-day structure and varieties of Spanish, together with a study of the general linguistic background.

Candidates will be required to answer four questions, including at least one from Sections A and B.

Sp. 2. Introduction to Hispanic texts

Candidates will be required to answer three questions, one from each of three sections.

(a) Hispanic literature before 1700; (b) Hispanic literature, 1860-1960; (c) Hispanic literature after 1960.

Sp. 3. Topics in Spanish Golden Age culture, with reference to the following:

(i) Cervantes, Don Quijote; (ii) Sexual and spiritual love; (iii) Representations of Christ; (iv) The Inquisition and limpieza; (v) The Golden Age Comedy of Manners.

Sp. 4. Topics in modern Spanish culture and history, with reference to the following:

Spain in crisis, 1890-1923; prescriptions of gender; modernity in literature; poesía popular; the post-Civil War novel and Franco's Spain; images of contemporary Spain.

Sp. 5. Topics in Spanish-American culture and history

(i) Nation and narration; (ii) Nightmares of the urban; (iii) Charting revolution; (iv) The racial 'other'; (v) Penning the dictator; (vi) Labyrinths of fiction. There are no prescribed texts for the paper, but candidates may obtain a list of suggested reading from the Department of Spanish and Portuguese.

Sp. 6. Spanish literature, life, and history, before 1492

(a) Literary: Poema de mio Cid; Libro de Alexandre; Juan Ruiz, Libro de buen amor; Diego de San Pedro, Cárcel de Amor; lyric poetry; medieval drama.

(b) Topics: (i) Social hierarchy, gender, and ethnicity; (ii) Sin and sanctity; (iii) Death and Dying; (iv) Reconquest; (v) Moslem Spain; (vi) Reign and works of Alfonso X; (vii) Crisis and conflict in fifteenth-century Castile.

Candidates will be required to attempt three questions, at least one from each section.

The Department gives notice that in any given year, lectures for this paper will not necessarily cover all of the above topics: candidates will be advised at the beginning of the year's lecture courses which, if any, topics will be omitted. All topics will be examined each year.

Sp. 10. Introduction to Catalan language and culture

(i) Catalan language; (ii) Modernisme, Noucentisme, Avantguardisme, 1900-39; (iii) Cultural resistance to the dictatorship 1939-75; (iv) Postmodernity in the postdictatorship.

Sp.11. The Hispanic languages, with special reference to the following:


(a) Poema de Mio Cid, Cantar I; Don Juan Manuel, El Conde Lucanor, Exemplos I-X; A. Martínez de Toledo, Arcipreste de Talavera o Corbacho, Part II, Chapters I-X.

(b) Fernando de Rojas, La Celestina, Autos I and XXI; Santa Teresa de Jesús, Libro de la Vida, Chapters 1-5; Francisco de Quevedo, El Buscón, Book I.

(c) G. M. de Jovellanos, Elogio de Carlos III; M. Azuela, Los de Abajo, Part II, M. Delibes, Cinco horas con Mario, Chapters 2 and 7.


(a) M. Rodrigues Lapa (ed.), Crestomatia arcaica.

(b) Luis de Camões (ed. F. Pierce), Os Lusíadas, O.U.P.: Canto III, João de Barros, Defensa da língua portuguesa.

(c) Jorge Amado, Mar morto, M. F. Bacelar do Nascimento et al., Português fundamental, vol. 2 Métodos e documentos, tomo i, docs 29, 31, 53, 75, 91, 108, 129, 134, 135, 164, 194, 218, 290, 328, 340, 356, 377, 426, 476, 485, 523, 564, 598, 618, 622, 769, 776, 785, 883, 886, 1042, 1055, 1073, 1098, 1230, 1238, 1293, 1296, 1336, 1392.


Paul Russell-Gebbett, Mediaeval Catalan Linguistic Texts (Oxford: Dolphin Book Co., 1965), texts nos. 20, 35, 39, 41, 47, 48, 51, 53, 56, 57, 61, 68, 71, 73, 76.


Li. 1. Introduction to linguistic theory

Li. 2. Introduction to language history and use.

There are no prescribed texts or topics for Papers Li. 1 and Li. 2, but details may be obtained from the Department of Linguistics.

Comparative Studies

CS 1. The Romance languages

Every candidate will be expected to show a knowledge of two at least of the Romance languages.

Prescribed texts:

Vulgar Latin: G. Rohlfs, Sermo Vulgaris Latinus (3rd edn, 1969), passages, 5, 7, 8, 13, 17, 18, 25, 29, 34 (i).

Romance languages: R. Sampson (ed.), Early Romance Texts, passages 50-65 (French), 31-49 (Provençal ), 73-90 (Italian), 11-22 (Spanish), 1-10 (Portuguese).

CS 3. The Slavonic languages

With special reference to the comparative linguistics in Russian, Polish, and Serbo-Croat: sounds; grammatical categories; semantics; the formation of standard languages; the present language situation.

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Cambridge University Reporter, 22 May 2002
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