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Oliver Gatty Studentship: Notice

Statutes and Ordinances, pp. 692 and 743

The Oliver Gatty Studentships for whole-time study and training for research in the fields of Biophysical and Colloid Science are open to graduates of all universities, preference being given to graduates of universities outside Great Britain. Both graduate and postdoctoral students are eligible. The Studentships are tenable for one year, but a Student may be, and usually is, re-elected for a second and again for a third year. The value of the Studentships will be determined by the Electors, after taking into account the Student's circumstances and the funds available.

One Studentship has become available from October 2001 and the Student, if not already a member of the University, is required to become one before the end of term next after the election. Candidates should send their applications, including a curriculum vitae and a clear statement of the course of study or proposed research, to the Registrary at the University Registry, The Old Schools, Cambridge, CB2 1TN. Applications must be accompanied by the names of two referees who have been asked by the applicant to send references direct to the Registrary by the closing date of 25 March 2001.

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Cambridge University Reporter, 7 February 2001
Copyright © 2001 The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge.