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Universities Superannuation Scheme: Notice

29 January 2001

University employees who were members of USS as at 31 March 1999 will recently have received a benefit statement giving details of their USS benefits as of that date under a number of standard circumstances.

The Pensions Office identified errors on a high proportion of these statements.

The Head of Pensions Administration indicated that she was reluctant to issue the statements as they stood, as they would reflect badly both on the University's own Pensions Office and on USS Ltd. The Chief Pensions Officer of USS Ltd requested in November 2000 that the benefit statements be issued to members regardless of the errors they were known to contain, as the experience of other institutions had shown that this allowed USS to correct other information held on members' records at USS which could not be easily checked by the Pensions Office. The statements were issued with a standard letter from the Pensions Office indicating that there were likely to be errors and identifying the principal types of error.

The Pensions Office regrets the confusion these statements have caused but stresses that these errors related to the introduction of new software by USS Ltd and were out of its control.

If members have any queries, either about their benefit statement, or about any other aspect of their membership of USS they should contact Mrs Sue Curryer, Head of Pensions Administration, Finance Division, 10 Peas Hill, Cambridge CB2 3PN, tel. (3)32214.

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Cambridge University Reporter, 31 January 2001
Copyright © 2001 The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge.