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Le Bas Research Studentships: Notice

Statutes and Ordinances, 2000, pp. 692 and 771

The General Board invite applications for Le Bas Research Studentships for the furtherance of the study of literature, tenable from 1 October 2001. Applications must be made on the prescribed form and be sent to the office of the Committee on Grants so as to arrive not later than 1 May 2001. This date will be strictly held. Applications by persons who are members of the University or who have been admitted as Graduate Students must be submitted through the applicant's Tutor. Copies of the application form may be obtained from the office of the Committee on Grants, 4 Mill Lane, Cambridge, CB2 1RZ.

The Le Bas Research Studentships are open to any person who is or is about to become registered as a Graduate Student in the University whose field of research falls within the scope of the regulations for the Studentships.

A Le Bas Research Student will be expected to carry out research with the object of furthering the study of literature, and will be subject, during the tenure of the Studentship, to the provisions of the general regulations for admission as a Graduate Student and the regulations for the degrees of Ph.D., M.Sc., and M.Litt. Tenure of each Studentship begins on 1 October following the student's election and will be for one year. Students may apply for a further Le Bas award provided that their tenure does not exceed three years in all, and that they remain Graduate Students. The annual stipend will be determined by the Electors and will be about £2,500. Given the limited number of awards available, the Committee on Grants have agreed that awards will only be made to students liable for fees.

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Cambridge University Reporter Special, 9 November 2000
Copyright © 2000 The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge.