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Approved for degrees and certificates

The Board of Graduate Studies have approved the following persons for the award of degrees. In the case of degrees where dissertations are required to be deposited in the University Library, the title of the dissertation is shown after the name of the person by whom it was submitted.

Doctor of Philosophy

(under the regulations for the Ph.D., M. Sc., and M.Litt. Degrees)

K. Anipa, G. A critical examination of linguistic variation in Golden-Age Spanish
M. H. Balshaw, HH. Inquiry-based consultancy: towards school development
S. R. Beavan, G. The nutritional and biochemical basis of ethnic differences in osteoporotic fracture incidence
V. J. L. Best, JE. The problematics of identity in the work of Colette and Duras
P. A. Bradbury, SE. In good faith: irony, scepticism and fideism in the controversial literature of the eighteenth century
M. W. Cantoni, JN. Linear periodic systems: robustness analysis and sampled-data control
B. K. Chaal, NH. Characterisation of a cDNA encoding the thylakoidal processing peptidase from Arabidopsis thaliana
A. D. Cohen, PEM. Spatial light modulator technologies for WDM
B. A. E. de Foy, JN. Analysis and improvement of the accuracy of unstructured mesh operators with applications to an unsteady incompressible flow solver
S. D. Doyle, SID. An environmental history of the kingdom of Bunyoro in western Uganda, from c. 1860 to 1940
E. Filippaki, T. Matter, thought and action in the philosophy of La Mettrie, d' Holbach and Diderot
J. A. Gribbin, CHR. The Premonstratensian Order in late medieval England
M. J. Gunthorpe, K. Molecular characterization of the channel properties of the 5-HT3 receptor
S. G. Harding, CHU. NMR studies of structure - transport relationships in porous media: liquid diffusion in polymers
G. E. Hardingham, SID. The role of spatially distinct calcium signals in the control of gene expression
T. P. Harte, W. Efficient neural network classification of magnetic resonance images of the breast
Y. S. Hsu, W. Excess pore pressures under cyclically loaded model jack-up foundations
J. E. Huber, PET. Ferroelectrics: models and applications
M. Huzmezan, PEM. Theory and aerospace applications of constrained model based predictive control
A. Kshirsagar, NH. Measurement of cartilage dimensions using MRI
C-y. Kuo, SID. The acoustics of impinging jets
C-C. A. Lai, DAR. Fairness, social identification and attitudes towards work
E. L. Low, CL. Prosodic prominence in Singapore English
K. McClure, ED. Mutual exclusivity and bilingual lexical acquisition
B. I. Marczinke, K. In vivo studies of viral ribosomal frameshifting
D. J. Miles, PEM. Lateral thermal buckling of pipelines
D. R. Miller, T. Agents of sustainable technological change: the case of solar electrification in the developing world
B. G. Naylor, DAR. Representing violent women: gender and crime reporting in the British print media
R. I. Neophytou, JN. Modelling of radio frequency heating systems
W. Orme, DAR. A plastid DnaJ in Arabidopsis
C. S. Peacock, DAR. The genetics of susceptibility to human visceral leishmaniasis
I. Selby, ED. British policy towards Indochina: South Vietnam and Cambodia, 1954-1959
E. J. Stevens, CHU. Velocity and scalar measurements in premixed turbulent reacting flows
R. J. Vallance, ED. Some personality characteristics of beginning teachers with respect to classroom performance
A. J. Wills, EM. Categorization: from features to decisions
A. R. Wines, JN. The London Charterhouse in the later Middle Ages: an institutional history
P. J. Withington, JE. Urban political culture in later-seventeenth-century England: York, 1649-1688
S. Wright, CLH. The trickster-function in the theatre of Federico García Lorca
F. Yang, T. Chromosome evolution of the muntjacs: inferences from molecular cytogenetics

Master of Science

E. F. Moynihan, PEM. Robust control of diesel internal combustion engines

Master of Philosophy (one-year course)


J. J. Ball, DAR I. Roberts, DOW


N. L. Claxton, Q


K. M. Ashley, JN E-L. Kilburn, JE
M. Azzolini, JN A-E. A. Kurth, G
R. Balaram, LC P. D. Matthews, W
E. A. Butterworth, G B. E. Overend, DAR
C. J. Carty, T A. Reali, EM
R. S. Dewachter, N H. G. Richards, DAR
P. Donoso, DAR K. A. Robson, CTH
J. M. Dover, K N. E. Rulyova, T
R. Fell, CL A. S. Schwesig, CAI
I. Flintoft, PEM M. H. Singleton, SID
A. J. Freudenheim, SID J. A. Swiffen, TH
C. A. Galloway, CC R. M. Taylor, CL
A. Gramone, CC A. M. Usher, JE
K. S. Griffiths, EM N. S. M-T. von Merveldt, ED
D. A. Holdsworth, M A. J. Wadham, SE
A. W. Ibarz, F F. Wegner, M
J. S. G. Jurich, PET H. R. Westley, CHU
E. Kefala, LC


C. R. Bailey, JE S. Goebel, M
C. P. Barr, CAI A. Gurría Quintana, EM
J. W. Bell, CAI C. J. Hall, EM
E. N. Berkowitz, TH S. F. Howard, TH
R. Birmingham, SE J. L. C. McNulty, W
J. E. Blake, M S. H. A. Normand, W
A. C. Blaker, SE B. W. Parr, T
N. J. Boys Smith, PET P. A. Readman, CHR
J. C. Campbell, PET C. N. Salinas, JN
K. T. Dean, CL J. R. M. Sizer, CC
A. M. Dempster, CL H. E. Smith, N
D. J. de Young de la Marck, R A. R. K. Spohr, PET
R. M. Evans, SID H. Tran, DOW
S. E. R. Evans, CAI W. S. Zondi, M
M. R. Frost, JN


K. E. Kocher, DAR


H. E. Culshaw, N K. Masuda, CLH
E. R. Harnden, CL C. Nifadopoulos, K
C. S. R. Johns, JE J. Srioutai, CLH
N. E. Kennedy, EM C. F. Wharton, R
N. J. McLelland, DAR C. Yahashi, M


P. Adithipyangkul, LC A. E. Kotcherin, HH
S. H. Bagot, JE M. Kyriacou, DAR
M. Becker, ED M. Y. Lam, T
L. Beria, SE N. Mulchan, DOW
B. Bogi´cevi´c, CL W. Ngamsukkasamesri, Q
T. Bruns, TH L. S. Paraskeva, DAR
S. L. Chong, DOW X. R. Pointer, CAI
C. Druilhe, LC Z-U. Rehman, W
A. R. Elgohari, CLH A. G. Ripley, HH
J. Ettedgui, HH M. Schnell, DAR
M. V. Garnham, DAR T. Spreutels, DAR
R. H. Gower, W S-E. Than, W
M-D. Gropas, PEM G. C. J. Tondeur, DAR
K. Hölzer, HH A. Vejzagi´c-Ramhorst, TH
O. A. Hugo, CLH S. Vuillemenot, W
N. Kazantzis, DAR K. Y. Wong, TH
N. K. Khoo, SE F. Zirpoli, F
S. Kokkidou, W


M. S. Bedi, K M. Knauber, PEM
D. S. Butterfield, CL O. Y. Libaw, JE
C. Cope, G P. M. Livingston, TH
R. L. Cruft, JN T. P. Miles II, CLH
M. N. Godwyn, JE M. M. Pitman, M
O. Goldschmidt, PEM W. J. Pollard, JN
D. I. Gregory, T M. Vospernik, ED
A. E. Hills, T T. Watson, K
P. R. L. Jones, JN


M. K. Berry, JE I. P. Lillberg, CL
R. E. R. Bunce, DOW J. Lipping, PEM
C. Burwell, TH D. Magendanz, JE
L. M. Delap, K D. S. Marx, F
H. G. Eakin, CHR C. J. J. Mossfeldt, W
A. M. T. Gowland, K D. R. Pievsky, Q
B. T. Grindley, PEM R. Rapple, Q
E. H. E. Grunwald, CL K-K. Sata, CHU
L. A. Hamilton, W R. D. C. Thompson, JE
A. Kuper, T D. A. Wilson, R
E. Leib, CL

Certificate of Postgraduate Study in Engineering

The Board of Graduate Studies, on the recommendation of the Degree Committee for the Faculty of Engineering, have awarded a Certificate of Postgraduate Study in Engineering to the following:
P. Duffour, W A. I. Hess, TH

Certificate of Postgraduate Study in History of Art

The Board of Graduate Studies, on the recommendation of the Degree Committee for the Faculty of Architecture and History of Art, have awarded a Certificate of Postgraduate Study in History of Art to the following:
A. K. Morehead, K C. B. Wright, JE

Certificate of Postgraduate Study in Theology and Religious Studies

The Board of Graduate Studies, on the recommendation of the Degree Committee for the Faculty of Divinity, have awarded a Certificate of Postgraduate Study in Theology and Religious Studies to the following:

P. G. Mowat, Q

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Cambridge University Reporter, 5 August 1998
Copyright © 1998 The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge.