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M.Phil. Degree (one-year course): Examinations in Economics, Economics and Development, and Finance, 1999: Notice

The Faculty Board of Economics and Politics and the Degree Committee for the Faculty of Economics and Politics give notice, with the approval of the Board of Graduate Studies and the General Board, that in the academical year 1998-99 the subjects for examination will be as listed below. The methods of examination will be as follows:
Subject 100 Three-hour written paper, and, if an essay is not offered for Subject 200, one 2,000-word essay
Subject 110 Three-hour written paper
Subject 200 Three-hour written paper, and if an essay is not offered for Subject 100, one 2,000-word essay
Subject 210 Two-hour written paper and one 2,000-word essay
Subject 300 Three-hour written paper and a project
Subject 301 Three-hour written paper and a project
Subject 310 Three-hour written paper
Subject 400 Two-hour written paper and three 2,000-word essays
Subject 401 (for M.Phil. in Finance)
Three-hour written paper and one problem set
Subject 402 Two-hour written paper
Subject 403 (for M.Phil. in Economics)
Three-hour written paper
Subject 410 Two 2,000-word essays
Subject 420 Two 2,000-word essays
Subject 500 Three-hour written paper
Subject 501 Two-hour written paper and one 2,000-word essay
Subject 520 Two 2,000-word essays
Subject 530 One 4,000-word essay
Subject 610 One 4,000-word essay
Subject 650 Two 2,000-word essays
Subject 660 Either two 2,000-word essays or one 4,000-word essay
Subject 710 Two-hour written paper and one 2,000-word essay
Subject 720 Two 2,000-word essays
Subject 740 One 4,000-word essay

Examination in Economics

Group 1 (compulsory subjects)

Subject 100 Microeconomics
Subject 200 Macroeconomics
Subject 300 Econometrics
Subject 301 Quantitative methods for economics and finance

Group 2 (optional subjects)

Subject 110 Advanced course in economic theory
Subject 210 Topics in advanced macroeconomics
Subject 310 Advanced course in econometrics
Subject 403 Theory of finance II
Subject 410 Topics in industrial economics
Subject 420 Topics in financial economics
Subject 500 Development economics
Subject 501 The economics of poor countries
Subject 520 Financial organizations and economic growth
Subject 530 International economic integration
Subject 610 British industrialization
Subject 650 Philosophical issues in economics
Subject 660 Methodology of economics
Subject 710 Public economics
Subject 720 The economics of institutions
Subject 740 Labour

Examination in Finance

Group 1 (compulsory subjects)

Subject 400 Financial accounting
Subject 401 Theory of finance I
Subject 402 Microeconomics for finance
Subject 300 Econometrics
Subject 301 Quantitative methods for economics and finance

Group 2 (optional subjects)

Subject 110 Advanced course in economic theory
Subject 210 Topics in advanced macroeconomics
Subject 301 Quantitative methods for economics and finance
Subject 410 Topics in industrial economics
Subject 420 Topics in financial economics
Subject 500 Development economics
Subject 501 The economics of poor countries
Subject 520 Financial organization and economic growth
Subject 530 International economic integration
Subject 610 British industrialization
Subject 650 Philosophical issues in economics
Subject 660 Methodology of economics
Subject 710 Public economics
Subject 720 The economics of institutions
Subject 740 Labour

Examination in Economics and Development

Group 1 (compulsory subjects)

Subject 100 Microeconomics
Subject 200 Macroeconomics
Subject 300 Econometrics
Subject 301 Quantitative methods for economics and finance

Group 2a (optional subjects)

Subject 500 Development economics
Subject 501 The economics of poor countries

Group 2b (other optional subjects)

Subject 520 Financial organization and economic growth
Subject 530 International economic integration

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Cambridge University Reporter, 1 July 1998
Copyright © 1998 The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge.